Uninstalled the game for good

Just impossible to play this game in the current state.
- Big Maps they are random hence 16/20 killers are average or low mobility
- The objective for survivors is basically press M1, max gen time 80s with skill checks that are so easy, even total noobs will hit them most of the time right away
- SWF can not be spotted in the lobby without their names are an indicator for it, although most toxic players play SWF and have an huge information advantage in an allready easy mode objective
- Keys don't get fixed although a dozen complain threads every day all day
- Mori don't get changed, same with keys
- NOED could just be fixed by just making an totem indicator
- Everytime more bugs after an update like the hill stuck bug
- PWTF loses stacks when you use a charge with leatherface, how stupid is that?
- Solo survivor is unplayable and frustrating, because so many leaver, hook suicider, killer that are sick of the game and bring mori and or use NOED, because gen times are too fast and so easy to achieve so that's the only way to draw a game
And the list goes on and on. The game is just bad in the current state and the devs are so transparent about things like donald trump about his tax returns.
Cu for good
See you soon! 😊
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Ok, bye.
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Forgot to mention DS
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Ofc pwyf loses a stack with chainsaws since the perk states that any kind of attack makes a stack get lost
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Aight, cya. Have a nice life
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Solo survivor is unplayable and frustrating, because so many leaver, hook suicider, killer that are sick of the game and bring mori and or use NOED, because gen times are too fast and so easy to achieve so that's the only way to draw a game
Thats problem with players not game. If game is so frustrating that u have to spoil fun of others why are u still playing. Instead take a break
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I almost quit last night myself. I have got extremely frustrated lately over how easy gens are done and how that's all that there is to do. I patrol/walk across the map at beginning and my tinkerer goes off 4 times and I'm like? I know it didn't take me 70-80 sec to walk across this map. Last night for the first time since I started I dc'ed and put noed on and before the rank reset I was rank 1. Both things I never thought I would do. Then I sat back and thought about it I've only been playing since deathslinger was released, I am taking my killers to 50 then I prestige instead of getting all the perks I need to help in alot of these situations, most of the games I played last night I had not 1 slowdown perk just cause the bloodweb of that killer hated me. Just got to keep grinding let the survivors have there fun my time will come.
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GITGUD, thats all
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later sure you'll come back.
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See ya tomorrow
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See you back in a week.
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Sorry you feel this game is no longer for you, hope you find something else you enjoy playing.