Anyone Else Just Meme Sometimes?

I had a Dwight daily earlier, and I'm a booty surv so I just went in with the explicit goal of being chased.

I died first hook, but I actually had a lot of fun. So I meme'd up and went full PizzaDweet.

I spent like 5 games just taunting the killer into chasing me, looping sliiiightly longer each time, and letting them have the hook when they caught up to my rude self.

It was honestly some of the best dbd fun I've had in a while. Sure I was being a bit of a turd, but I tried to keep it good natured and not BM for any reason other than to pull aggro.

Good practice even though I got wreckt.

Anyone else ever just screw around for funsies, while trying to avoid being a jerk? It's quite nice.


  • MaybeShesCrazy
    MaybeShesCrazy Member Posts: 337

    I sometimes do a leroy Jenkins when it looks hopeless. It's pretty funny and good practice for chases.

    I get beat down bad by the killer but it's fun.

  • 1anioh
    1anioh Member Posts: 62

    I meme my boy PH. He has a box, that is his box and anyone touching his box will be crushed.

    Also, sometimes its just really helps the stress levels to mess around and get everyone onto madness 3 with doc and than just... Wander away to lurk in the bushes b4 repeating.

  • HagIsBestGirl
    HagIsBestGirl Member Posts: 158

    Omg, leeroy is exactly what that is. 🤣🤣

    That didn't even occur to me.

    "Hey Dwight we shou--"

    "I got this! REEEEEEEEE D:<"


  • Siberia
    Siberia Member Posts: 353

    Sometimes. I mostly play survivor, so memeing is a hit or miss.

    But once I had a Spirit play along with me in Dead Dawg Saloon. She pretended to serve drinks and dance on tables lol.

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    Way back before these forums didn't exist and we were all still playing on the Steam forums I pizza Dwight'd it up with Gay Myers.

    I'm a very meme person, but I play at high purple/low red most of the time so there's not a lot of wiggle room as survivor anymore, but as killer if I get the upper hand I'll start playing around a lot. It's good fun for everyone.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019

    sometimes?: no

    Always?: Yes

    I literally will never take dbd seriously anymore cause competitive dbd is boring as hell

  • seki23
    seki23 Member Posts: 833
    edited August 2020

    sometimes, if im in the mood, i had quite a fun intercation with an object survivor user. it was kind of huilarious i was ghostface btw, so i t bagged her and she t bagged me also i tried to mindgame many times at loops and she outplayed me a couple of times and i got her just a few times and let her free so we could start again or slugged so the other guy who was also living tat that time pick her up he did liek 2+ gens in all that time so i memed hard....she did quite well, that was the last time i actually like memed "hard" tiny little memes dont count for me. that was like 2 weeks ago.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    A lot of the time I just meme when I see a map offering and/or key. So many survivors don't even get it. I have had so many unironic "GG ez's" it's not funny. I don't expect anything else, though. People that take you to Haddonfield or Dead Dawg aren't the kind of people to even understand the concept of fun.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,165

    I don't take killer serious so I mess around more than anything.

    If I'm Mikey and it's Haddonfield no one is allowed in his house.

    As Ghostface I'll find a spot and just mark people and watch them scatter. If they get comfortable with me marking them I'll sneak over and down them.

    If I'm on Dead Dawg I hang out behind the bar. Maybe go over to the piano and hit it like I'm trying to play it. Sometimes I'll stand over a corpse in a chair hitting them trying to wake them up, survivors will come in and point at the corpse while I hit them.

    I'll choose a random gen to guard. Can work on any other gen but that one. Sometimes it's one like Myers house. Sometimes it's one the survivors started - they REALLY want to finish the gen they started, even if I get it back to 0.

    I'll bring NOED and leave survivors alone to do gens. Once they finish I'll go and open one door, they have to leave through that door. I'll go guard the other door, anyone at that door will get downed (because who does totems?) and gets to crawl to the other gate to leave.

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    I use "Red Herring" a lot atm. I once got chased from a spirit of a gen and simply slowly entered a locker behind a corner. She checked the gen and i escaped. Hilarous

  • Tricks
    Tricks Member Posts: 957

    I joined a lobby with 3 Steves so I thought to myself "To hell with it" and rolled out my lvl 1, one perk slot Steve for laughs and this happened:

  • Hopscotch9
    Hopscotch9 Member Posts: 2

    of course, you can't take every game seriously otherwise you would just end up rage quitting

  • Sheridan_LT
    Sheridan_LT Member Posts: 417

    Straight up yes. DBD can get quite toxic, so f that. Just have fun. I had a few fun games as a noob where I straight up pointed to survivors for Killer, and we were like buddies the whole game. Ah, when Myers got implemented bro. Lol what a meme him dropping you off at hatch. Tbh I feel he got majorly buffed since #########.

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    I use Dwight pebble, pebble op man..... I just had a match where I was following a PH throwing pebbles at him.