BHVR just stop - seriously stop...

MaybeShesCrazy Member Posts: 337
edited August 2020 in General Discussions

...until you can get your act together.

Honest to goodness I've not seen so many ClusterF's done by one company in such a short period of time it must break some kind of record.

You launch something half-arsed. Unlaunch it, re-launch it. Launch something else that's not ready - unlaunch it too soon. Launch something new.

Holy Christ on toast that's simply insane.

You wonder why you have hackers? It should be painfully obvious why you do.

Just stop.





Or maybe the reason it's done this way is you're the type that loves chaos and toxicicity?

In which case.

Hats tipped to you - Well done! XO Mission accomplished in spades.


And if anyone thinks I'm being harsh right now. Understand I'm literally laughing my head off because it's accurate and it is quite hilarious what a bloody disaster this has been the last couple months I've been around. I wonder if it's always been this way.


Holy cow.


