BHVR just stop - seriously stop...

...until you can get your act together.
Honest to goodness I've not seen so many ClusterF's done by one company in such a short period of time it must break some kind of record.
You launch something half-arsed. Unlaunch it, re-launch it. Launch something else that's not ready - unlaunch it too soon. Launch something new.
Holy Christ on toast that's simply insane.
You wonder why you have hackers? It should be painfully obvious why you do.
Just stop.
Or maybe the reason it's done this way is you're the type that loves chaos and toxicicity?
In which case.
Hats tipped to you - Well done! XO Mission accomplished in spades.
And if anyone thinks I'm being harsh right now. Understand I'm literally laughing my head off because it's accurate and it is quite hilarious what a bloody disaster this has been the last couple months I've been around. I wonder if it's always been this way.
Holy cow.
Cheers and well said.
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oh no he said the forbidden word hacker. time for him to go byebye.
say it with me.
there are no hackers in dbd. you are safe here
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This is literally the most accurate description of the game, love this post!
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had bad matches?
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Firstly - its her thank you. We must be PC now. ;-) Born like this.
And the word hacker is not a bad word and not on the banned words list.
Also not all hackers are bad. Some are actually paid to break things. Although they are called by more "corporate created /accepted" words these days. Still hackers - and they are beautiful and keep a lot of people safe.
EDIT: P.S and xoxoxoxox to you. Because I know you are kidding and such. I'm yanking back. :-) XO
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Thank you.
I didn't want to do it but it had to be done.
This is a great and I do mean great community and I really like the game but .. just ... they need to know they need to stop and breath and just .. stop before they do something so irrecoverable there is no coming back from it.
'Cause that's the path they are going down.
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They did do something irrecoverable called making a game inside this bug.
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lol they are usually bad as quite frankly - I stink at the game and I owe that.
After tonight though - I just cant't sit back and watch the insanity continue without at least saying something.
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That made me spit out my tea.
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You just underlined why I haven't played in months. Every time the dust settles on one issue, another cloud arises.
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XO I'm sorry to hear that it's always been this way. I was hoping it was a recent turn of events. HUGS Come back and suffer along side us!
I can handle game bugs, bugs are bugs and they happen.
but this...
this is actually half-planned and deliberate. A bug happens. No big. This is not a bug - it's poor thinking and execution in spades and absolutely should NOT be happening. Ever.
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I got a shiny new laptop, was actually considering getting the game on pc, actually got excited when i found out cross progression might well happen....but nope. And I refuse to pay more money just for the privilege to play on something that doesn't have an FPS powered by an arthritic hamster. (Seriously i have all but 3 killers and a good chunk of survivors)
I hold out hope that ######### will eventually be gotten together, but that might mostly be my love for the game making me optimistic.
Post edited by Rizzo on1 -
Shineyyyy :-)
Hold out hope.They'll get slapped in the head with a wet fish if they keep going this route. That much should also be painfully obvious to them.
Things can fall as quickly as they rise.
I really hope that's not going to be the case here though.
Love the people here and the game can be very good.
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Crossplay turned on and I'm immediately outmatched by all of my games.
I sincerely love it. Like, yes, please make the game harder. I LOVE IT.
Plus, when I 4k a team of red ranks as bubba I feel extra accomplished. :D
My point is that the amount of fun I have in dbd has been impacted very little by all the recent hiccups. If I encounter something extra bad, I just take a break.
And then it's like it's not even happening~
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- Your username speaks 100 percent truth!!
- I agree on taking a break. Hence why i have. The only reason i come to the forums still is to keep an eye on things and maybe jump back in once things have settled down.
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I hold out the same hope. I've met some stunningly mad friends on DBD and have had too many hilarious games to want to see it fail in some vindictive manner just because the game isn't working for me right now.
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I feel you...
See next answer too...
ATM the way they are going. Breaks for people will be permanent. Hence why they need to stop and get their act together.
Hag is cool. I love piggy best though - I have to admit that roar is so lovely!
I love it when I epic fail. Oh the laughs I have - hopefully others do too. LOL
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It's never been about the winning for me, always the laughs. I'll enjoy a match more for the moments that made me laugh so hard i miss a skill check or run into a wall, than i ever will getting that perfect 4k or 4 man escape.
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OMG LMAO yup - where did that tree come from! I swear it wasn't there a second ago - as I run around it straight into a wall.
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Piggy don't make me stop loving you. xo
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LOL OMG I'm not remotely mad about hackers - that would be quite strange of me. So no, not even close - and not even a little. In any way.
Re-read my first post. :-)
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Now matchmaking (the old one) is back to facing sweat lord survivors again. After 4 years I’m nearly done with this game.
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@NaughtiusMaximus the below is the point of this thread.
As for hackers - well you can't put honey on your front porch and then complain about the wasps.
I hear ya. I hope they do.
XO to you both.
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I'm not sure I understand what you're getting at.
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I've been on the bubbz and Rin train lately, but Hag is still my waifu.
And I usually just put the game down and play the next night. But I've never been super into competitive online games, so walking away for a few hours is very easy for me.
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I don't know if BHVR simply is misguided by some belief that everyone just wants new content, or if they are money-driven to the point where they simply want to nickel and dime everyone until the game crashes and burns. They have gotten so far ahead of themselves that it would be crazy to try and fix bugs, considering it could actually ruin a huge chunk of the new stuff they added. As a result ,they get a game that's broken, yet so deep into it, they have no choice but to try and ignore it and hope that players just dismiss it. As far as any of the original bugs that have existed since the game's inception, I honestly don't think they're even considering going back to fix them. Until players do what they've done with games like Destiny 2 and PUBG, BHVR has zero actual incentive. They'll throw Freddy, Michael Myers, Pyramid Head, or some other licensed killer at you, and expect you to shut up and buy it. It's when I hear players say that they have no intentions of buying any new licensed characters until they fix the bugs that grabs their attention, but that's easily counter-able by simply making the new pay to play killer a pay to win killer, and every killer in main is guaranteed to make a purchase.
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Very good points here. I've not been around from the beginning so there is a lot of history I'm missing that's obvious by what I've been reading. What you are saying makes sense.
New content is great and not a bad idea for consistency and attraction of new players too. It will keep a steady income providing you don't seriously screw up. Which atm - they are. Hopefully will wake up and see it. Give their heads a bit of a shake.
BHVR is not Microsoft. Microsoft is know for making the end user their guinea pigs and they can do it because the options for ease of use OS's for the majority are limited. BHVR cannot afford to go down that root. Unless they have some sort of sugar mama or daddy investor that loves them, or the game, so much they'll through money at it to keep it up. I do know one game I play that does have exactly that. Problem is sooner or later that Peron is going to get bored and stop throwing money at that game to keep it afloat.
Bugs - there are so many things with bugs that I can turn a blind eye to most bugs as most programmers simply aren't good enough for that kind of perfect. You are probably right - it's in so deep that debugging it simply isn't worth the mass amount of cost and efforts to correct. Also, you do run the risk of making it far, far worse. Catch22 really.
What they are doing isn't bugs at this stage. It's poor thinking and execution. Sooner or later that "Don't care", Willy-nilly attitude is going to turn into "Don't care was made to care" and that could prove to be to late for them. It would be a shame if that happens but it is the path they are on.
I wrote the original post because I like this community, the game is ok and the humans behind it seems like decent souls. Part of my job is risk assessment. I have a good trained nose for what's about to come as a result of that. I really want them to slow down, stop, think and plan properly. It would be a shame if they don't.
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i understand that i get bad matches a lot.
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There are no hackers here in Dead by Daylight. You are safe within it's walls.
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Well good luck with that. They're already moving to release more licensed killers. Meanwhile, I walked too close to a hill in a match today and got stuck in place.
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Yeah, well they're already moving to release more licensed killers. Meanwhile, I had walked too close to a hill in one of my matches today and got stuck in place, so I'm not holding my breath on them fixing it until their base issues an ultimatum.
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BHVR has no respect for their customers. If they were selling any other product, they'd have been sued out of business by now. Because they can hide behind a EULA, they can get away with whatever they want. True pieces of shits like most ego maniacal game devs.
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Im going insane too. The potential the game had but it was all ruined because BeHaviour does not know how to make a functioning game. They made a crappy golf game and other messes before. With mental health in the way playing this game is such a pain I can’t anymore. Let’s just crap in this game they deserve it.
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Very constructive.