Are all the PC players in NA dead or on strike?

Nothing but Console SWF over here and killer friends - also on console. 10 games now.
Where are my peoples?
Edit to add: I thought it would be more of a mix and match? :-\
It’s an opt in program, have you opted?
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I'm PC NA EST, it's 11 AM here ... I've been seeing like 85% console players since crossplay, that's fine, queues are fantastic. The only quests I have for the current tome are survivor so that's what I'm playing, even though I'm bad.
Exactly opposite. It's opt-out. Default is on.
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Well it's evident now that the survivor base is pretty damn big on console. This change has affected my solo queue times as well. It takes 3-4 minutes now. I queue in with killer in seconds and that's the best it's been in a long time. I really do miss getting into a lobby with familiar names tho. I haven't run into any in the last 2 nights.
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I've gleaned from other threads that the game has been free or included with other things on other platforms. This makes sense. Given the ridiculous BP grind, cash shop, battle pass, DLC, etc. This is effectively an F2P business model, I don't know why the base game isn't free.
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Yes, you have to opt out of it. So it's opted in atm.
As survivor Queue are ok again but were fasted on PC only. I never had an issue. (Killers I know did.)
So I find it really freakin' weird that all my PC players have vanished and been replaced by console ones.
Yeah that is odd.
No issues getting PC survivors previously at all. (Killers I know had a tough time previously) This is why I'm so puzzled about why I'm getting nearly ALL Console now and wondering where my PC peoples are. :-(
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blatant greed
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You might never see them again.
You should just turn crossplay off and on for whatever mood you're in.
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I mean..... I havent played in a while, i dont really play much anymore, just read the forums. Sorry broski/brodette
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Why? If I spend more time reading the forums of a game I don't play I know it's time to play something else. It's been this way countless times. I don't get the lurking for something you never play though.
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Not following you. What does this have to do with killers making up for way less than 4:1 ratio. If anything, players should be playing killers more because you earn BP faster based on your comments about the BP grind.
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Can't opt out on PC.. at least not yet.
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Yes you can, you just need to do it from the main menu before you select whether to play killer or survivor.
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Thanks dude.
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Mainly its cause i am still interested in it and want the game to get better. Its just i get tired of some of the stuff in it, most of my friends dontnplay any more soooo
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Any time a competitive game with a time sink goes F2P, bots flood in. In DBD's case, it would probably be just to make full accounts to sale. Hope they never go that route on PC.
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Yeah that's my fear as well, base game being behind a paywall is good to help reduce hacking and botting. Only way I think that it could work is you can only queue with other f2p and be invited into friends lobby's but that's it. Still could be abused but also may not be entirely fair to other f2p players. I'd be fine if they never went f2p.
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It takes 10 seconds to find accounts to sale, boosting services, and a ######### load of cheats. $8 on sale for the game, the US, other regions are cheaper, I'm sure there are bots out there already.
My point was, it's not really, only on PC, and it's a very low barrier minus the DLC.
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Now imagine how many people in that business would do it if they didn't have to fork over any cash to do so. I've known people who do it, not for DBD, but other games. Having to pay is a deterrent.
Bot wise, I've encountered a few killer macros in comparison to the hundreds if not thousands in F2P MMOs.
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