Who should i PIII next

Legion was first...
who should be next?
i'm feeling clown....
PIII the upcoming killer.
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For a second I read this as " who should I pill next?"
I was wondering, "how do you pill legion? What even is that? Then Clown?"
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red pill blue pill 😂
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Stay with the underdogs! Go clown!
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I'd say Myers just because Myers cool
For survivor, Jake. same reasons, Jake best survivor, don't at me
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Clown is one of my favs for original killers and his cosmetics are amazing...
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Myers is fun....i 😍 stalking survivor booty
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Go with whatever you feel like because in the end it doesn´t matter that much. I got 7 Killers P3 all perks and on my way to have number 8 rdy^^
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Same for the exact same reasons you said. Plus people always underestimate you.
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If you have any licensed survivors/killers, I suggest them unless you plan to buy cosmetics. Prestiging really is just bloody clothes. You'll probably only feel it's "benefit" if you go beyond level 50 bloodwebs several times.
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Pyramid Head
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Imo Pyramid Head has the best looking prestige. My boi is literally covered in gore.
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Well, prestiging is worthless in terms of rewards and gameplay (except broken skins *coughblendettecough*) so do whomever you feel looks best with their prestige skin.
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Ash best survivor 😠😠😠
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Just p3 someone you want to p3. It's not like you get any additional benefit from it so go with whatever you think you want.
It terms of better bloody skins, Trapper, Nurse, Leatherface, Pyramid Head. Their P3 Skins look cool.
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I mostly just prestige killers as I run low on add-ons/offerings with them. I did rush some of my favorites to P3 (Wraith, Huntress, Oni, Leatherface) so that I could more effectively set up specific builds that I wanted to use on them, but otherwise I usually just wait until it's time to "reload" a killer's consumables.
Otherwise just prestige the killer that you want to prestige. If you're planning to take one killer up to P3 at a time, then I might recommend picking one of your killers that doesn't have great perks available by level 50 (resulting in crummy loadouts). You can essentially re-roll what's available to them during P3, plus it is no longer a potential waste of BP to complete more than 50 Bloodwebs by that point.
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oooo you've really done it now 😡😡😡😡😡
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I don't even have all perks unlocked on either side but my Trapper is PR3 and he's the only one, because he's 100% reliant on his add-ons thanks to his ######### base kit.
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Do you P3 then by playing them or use all your points on them...
Go clown if that is what you want to do
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It's a team effort as I rotate btw all killers i currently have on pc.
recently i've been switching btw legion, clown, bubba and billy.
I want to p3 spirit, but I need to burn through her 4 year cakes on her and i currently don't have much free time for dbd.
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Ghostface Or The New Killer.