deliverance + DS + last survivor alive

Shouldn't this work? I was the last survivor alive when I got my first hook, but the game automatically sacrificed me since no one was alive to save me. But I had active deliverance and DS just in case I got downed immediately. Even had unbreakable just in case. It's totally feasible that I could've unhooked myself and made a quick escape for the hatch, but I wasn't allowed. This seems like a valid last-ditch strategy to me, why can't we do this?


  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    The only chance you'd have to use it in that situation is if another survivor was still on hook, or you were hooked before their death animation completed, otherwise you insta-die, which is kinda stupid especially if you weren't hooked a single time. They should at least change the system to let you try escape and if you fail and hit struggle, then insta-death.

  • Lunaraia
    Lunaraia Member Posts: 28

    To what end? If that was the case the killer would just stand there and safeguard the hook and hit you the moment you got off. So letting you struggle is pointless. There is no way for the survivor to survive at that point, they will just be slugged then force the killer to babysit their guts for 1 minute to put them back on the hook to dodge DS. Neither side would find that entertaining at all.

  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    Depends on the killer really. If someone jumps off a hook I'll respect it and let them go for hatch. Deliverence too. I get that many would just put them right back up, but me personally I let them escape because in my eyes, they earned it.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,164

    I don't think there's anything quite as boring in this game as standing over the very last survivor left waiting out DS for 60 seconds. I follow them if they crawl on the ground or I just stare as they spin at my feet. I am appreciative if they lead me to the hatch so I can get the bonus BP for closing it, but that's not really worth all the extra time I've spent hanging out on the map when we could've already moved on and been starting a new match.

  • SandyRobes
    SandyRobes Member Posts: 16
    edited August 2020

    How about Deliverance + DS + Unbreakable + Soul Guard?

    Either 1) you unhook yourself, get downed and picked up right away, DS, escape or 2) you unhook yourself, get downed, killer waits out DS and you pick yourself up and get away because of soul guard? Either way, seems like a last ditch escape is definitely possible and should be allowed if someone wants to bring all those perks.

    Seems like this could all be fixed if they just hold off on the auto-sacrifice for final survivors until they've reached the struggle phase. If I'm the last survivor alive and I haven't been hooked yet, even without deliverance, I'd want the option to risk that 4% I might get off.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    The odds of everything lining up that way is not worth the many, many games that will go "Last person jumps off the hook and either is downed immediately or just delays the inevitable and gets downed anyways."

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,442

    There's no point, a killer would just wait out your DS timer and now both of you have to sit there for 60 seconds. Not fun. There is a rare circumstance where you are hooked right at the gate, but even if it weren't the case, killers would just hook you away from the gate and it wouldn't matter.

  • Xzan
    Xzan Member Posts: 907

    How many 2nd chances do you need?

    In that scenario the killer won the game. You and your team failed at doing gens and opening the gates. You had enough chances to win.

  • CalamityJane
    CalamityJane Member Posts: 487

    No. If the killer has found and hooked you and there's no one else left then the game should end. It shouldn't be time for all your second chances to kick in and you get another shot. There's a point where the killer has won and you have to move on.

  • SandyRobes
    SandyRobes Member Posts: 16

    I love all the killer mains getting so salty at the thought of these perks being used. The second chance perks exist, get over it. My problem is the game not allowing us to use it in a perfectly valid situation where escape is definitely possible. If I want to run Deliverance + DS + Unbreakable + Soul Guard and somehow happen to survive longer than everyone else without being hooked, why shouldn't I be able to have that one last shot? If I've managed to make it to that point then exactly 0 of my second chances have been used, and I deserve to use them. If the thought of that bothers you as a killer then it's because you know it could work.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,084

    You will get a lot of Hate for second chance Perks, even tho Killer playstyles make them worth running in the first place.

    However regarding your scenario - its really niche. In most of the cases (I would guess 99%), the Survivor maybe gets a Kobe, which results in him getting downed by the Killer, waiting out the DS for 1 minute. Waste of time for everyone without a different output.

    And in my opinion, if someone was not hooked before, they can play more aggressive if their teammates are on Death Hook. This would also remove the "I have Deliverance active but am the last person alive"-issue.

  • ApexPredator
    ApexPredator Member Posts: 7

    i love how survivor mains getting satly about tunneling camping moris spirit noed those things are there get over it. Now to your other stuff so u want that 99% of the time the killer wastes his time for nothing so u can get your 8th second chance nice just accept a defeat at what point is it enough with all those second chances?

  • SandyRobes
    SandyRobes Member Posts: 16
    edited August 2020

    Difficult to understand what you're saying with your absolute shite grammar but no one's in here complaining about tunneling or any of that stuff lol. Just another example of some killer main getting defensive for no reason and projecting their insecurities on a random post about survivors.

    Not sure what math you're doing but I'd settle for one second chance, I don't need 8. Deliverance is literally one second chance at unhooking yourself, which is something that would most likely be happening anyway when someone runs over to get you. The point of Deliverance is to do it on your own, which means I should be able to do it when everyone is dead if it's still active and I'm on my first hook.

    Now to address the actual adults in the room, it seems like a lot of people are saying it's a waste of time to make the survivor lay there while the killer waits out the DS timer. Well, why couldn't I just pick myself up with Unbreakable and use Soul Guard to get away in time to reach the hatch?

    If you don't have anything constructive to say about why this is actually a bad idea then just go somewhere else, I don't need any more people parroting about "wHy dO YoU nEeD sO MaNy SeCoNd ChAnCeS HuRr DuRr." Nobody in here is complaining about killers or anything a killer is doing so just take your idiotic attempts at provocative comments somewhere else.

  • Golden_spider
    Golden_spider Member Posts: 587

    Because it's programmed that way. Devs decided that the match is over at that point in almost all situations and doesn't need to be extended for another minute+ for a very few niche situations when you could already be searching for the next match to continue your endless grind for Bloodpoints.

  • Lazerboy88
    Lazerboy88 Member Posts: 517

    Dude, you lost the game, no one is there to save you.. shouldn’t matter if you bring in the ultimate small pp build with you. Give the killer a break, lol. That combo is just pure selfishness and just screams “I want to be invincible for 60 seconds after I am unhook”

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    No. Thankfully, you get instantly sacrificed if you're the last one alive when you get hooked.

  • CalamityJane
    CalamityJane Member Posts: 487

    Deliverance and Kobeing are two incredibly different things. Theres a difference between lucking out on 4% and getting a single unhook at any point during a game.

    I have no respect for Deliverance.

  • BabyDweetMain
    BabyDweetMain Member Posts: 434

    You don't get the right to complain about wanting to move on quickly if you're going to slug someone cause of DS.

  • BabyDweetMain
    BabyDweetMain Member Posts: 434

    Killers aren't entitled to the kill. They don't need a break. Also I love how toxic killer mains always get triggered and call something a "small pp build" when survivors just use perks to counter nearly every killers play style. It's the only smart thing to do. Maybe if killers stop running their boring sweaty small pp builds, so will survivors. It's called a chain reaction.

  • Lazerboy88
    Lazerboy88 Member Posts: 517

    Go watch Scott junds video on the small pp build, “Toxic killer mains” arent just calling any build the small pp build, the small pp build involves using DS and Unbreakable to become invincible for 60 seconds. You are dedicating many perks when you add deliverance and soul guard just to be literally unhookable for 60 seconds. I’m not gonna argue with another player (notice how I don’t say toxic survivor main/killer main?!) go watch Scotts video on the build.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    I mean, if you're gonna tell killer mains to get over it and then start complaining about how you don't have the chance to self-unhook if you are the last Survivor, when it's already been explained why it is the way it is, the best response would to you would probably be "get over it."

  • BabyDweetMain
    BabyDweetMain Member Posts: 434

    DS only affects killers who tunnel. When I play killer, I spend less time trying to slug or tunnel the person fresh off the hook and I spend more time finding and hooking the others who are probably on gens. From a tactic stand point it makes no sense. Why not stop gen progression and find the other survivors? Why tunnel the one off hook? If less killers did that, these perks would be useless to survivors.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,164
    edited August 2020

    The specific case I'm remembering, the survivor kept trying to goad me to chase him. He purposefully went down because he had DS and wanted to stab me. He was a higher rank survivor against a pretty crappy low skill low rank killer. He thought I was stupid enough to pick him up so he could stab me. I should really have given him what he wanted, proved him right that I was stupid? Slugging is the counter to DS. That's how the game was designed. That was my only option if I didn't want to get stabbed by someone who was celebrating that they were so obviously against a rank 17 killer.

    I didn't design the game, I didn't make slugging the counter to DS. I can dislike the counter. I can also still use the counter because it's the only available option. And I can complain about the whole dumb thing as much as I want. I'm stuck playing the game as it is, not as I want it to be.

    I actually think the dying state is a terrible game mechanic, because it's not fun at all as survivor to be bleeding on the ground unable to participate waiting four minutes to get out of the game and collect my points. However, the game is designed in such a way that there's no getting around putting survivors in the dying state, and slugging is sometimes unfortunately the best option.

  • ApexPredator
    ApexPredator Member Posts: 7

    so deliverance ds ub and soulguard are 1 second chance got u your math is over the top. if u are in that situation in 1 out of probably10000 games were this scenario would come were all others are dead hatch not closed or exit open and u get your first hook u still want to use it to get a free undeserved not counterabel escape even tho u lost.

    and in the other 9999 games the killer has to facecamp people couste there is that chance and loose points couse he is near the hook nice idea.

  • goldentattoo
    goldentattoo Member Posts: 12

    Someone said in another thread it's to end the round quicker. If you're the last survivor and you get hooked, the odds of you escaping are slim. Kinda makes deliverance pointless unless your teammates aren't willing to help you, but I get why they changed it.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    And in this situation the killer can simply respect/outwait Soul Gard, like killers do with DS & Unbreakable. The killer will still be faster than you and reach + close the hatch first (if it hasn't been closed before anyway).

    You'll have better chances if you pray for the killer's game to crash or internet to go out.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,154

    Well to your statement "DS affects killers who tunnel". I know this falls under "whataboutism" but what is when the DS survivor bodyblock intentionally for another, does a gen in the killers face or does an unsafe unhook and, since killer should not tunnel the unhooked, goes for the guy with still active ds?

    The survivor have already learned how to not use DS as protection but also as a weapon.

    And by now it's by God no chain reaction anymore but a circle or a loop. Both sides use whatever build, perks or playstyle giving the argument that the other side could run something like this too.

    I personally play deliberately without tunnel, camp or Mori, just using BBQ for bp grinding and still I get groups with 12 of 16 perks being meta (second chance or "crutches"), in low to middle ranks, not red or purple (I just play this game occasionally).

    I don't take care to avoid DS and just eat it when it comes (most of the times THE best counter since it is gone afterwards).

    And about the topic at hand, I think that the change the devs made was correct. If cobe/Deliverance at this niche point would still be possible, it would just lead to most killers face camping until second stage and instant down you again. Then go to find hatch or camp the survivor for the unbreakable/soul guard. It makes no sense to prolong the nearly inevitable except for more bp.

  • BabyDweetMain
    BabyDweetMain Member Posts: 434

    I see your point. I just don't see people not using DS or unbreakable because of how the majority of killers play. I literally just had a trial where I chose to not run those perks and the killer camped my hook (4 gens left) and when I was taken off he slugged me, hit my team mate, and then insta hooked me. Players like that make me want to run those perks. I got 5000 bloodpoints cause my team was unable to get me. Killer and I were red ranks, the rest of my team was purple and green. Sometimes you need to rely on crutch perks cause solo queue is a ######### and no one will help you but yourself.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    what the point the killer normal stand there if you could get off the hook.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,154

    Yeah I also get your side of things. Same with me doing things my way and encountering a 4 man swf swat team stomping me to oblivion and being jerks about it. I think I just got steeled against that by getting bullied in school and surviving and playing league of legends for 10 years ;P