They nerfed pig again

In the patch notes, Surveillance no longer works when a generator is completely regressed. This is a complete travesty as The Snoot has once again been nerfed.
(I mean maybe it was too strong, especially in a 3 gen but I find it amusing)
I dont think its that problematic. Surveillance is still a pretty damn solid perk, especially with ruin.
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You frightened me for a sec. Also I thought that's how surveillance worked anyway?
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I am also sad about this I love surveillance it's a perk i almost use on everyone but it's still good I guess.
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On the one hand, that kinda sucks (not too much, though). On the other hand, I've always wondered exactly why a gen affected by Surveillance stayed white when it stopped regressing due to being back to zero.
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That would be a nerf to surveillance not the pig. Not everyone runs surveillance on pig.
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It was supposed to be like that in the first place. I clearly remember when the gen would turn red after regressing to zero.
It's not that bad, if you're using Ruin you can just check the red gens to see if they're regressing. If you're just using Surveillance the perk still does its job of reducing the number of gens you need to check on.
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tha'ts been happening for a while now..... perhaps there was a bug and that's been fixed.
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to be fair pig is the shadow nerfed killer by default, where is the rework btw she need it
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I think she is buffed with the grass graphic update. I think she will be hard to spot right away.
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Anyone know if surveillance works with ruin? I'm kinda uninformed
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Surveillance wasn't intended to remain active on generators that had already regressed to 0%. This functionality was probably a bug stemming from perks which made gens continue to spark even after they had regressed fully (PGtW, Overcharge, and sometimes Ruin).
It's just a nerf to make the perk work as intended. If I remember correctly, Prove Thyself may have an upcoming buff for the same reason (it currently does less than it is supposed to).
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That's such a pity, I wish it remained.
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Nope, 0% gens remained white ever since dedicated servers were introduced.
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Yup. It let's you know precisely when a survivor is on and off a generator
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It's a pig perk tho
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I never see anyone running those two perks together so i assumed it didnt work. Thanks for the tip!
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Yeah, it was a nice feature. I'm just meming
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And A lot of killers have useless perks... so whats your point?
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It's especially a nerf to Ruin+Surveillance. I used this combination sometimes, even with the unreliability. Dropping it now tho.
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Oh man, I really liked that! It was really fun to have all gens fully regressed and know exactly which one to go when the Survivors tried to restart them. I'll miss it (devs if you're seeing this please make this bug a feature, it's really cool).