Can someone on PC politely copy-paste/ screenshot the new Killer's power for us Console players?

Haven't seen the power yet, but here's the killer perks
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They are all trash omg.
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And the survivor ones. Less interesting
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Not to forget the "HEX: Death Button":
After pressing "B" on your keyboard, every survivor instanly dies. No hooks or moris needed anymore... :).
Comon... Don't get mad about me guys... I needed to let something in this thread where the people can rage about xD.
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The killer ones look pretty good to me
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Ay would you look at that, Hex: blood favor is alot like one of my fan made killer perk, I guess they did look at my fan made concept thx Bhvr
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Honestly I’ve been looking forward to anti pallet perks besides spirit fury enduring
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I can see each of these perks actually seeing use.
(personal opinion)
Dragon's grip seems the weakest of the three simply because of the cooldown. In higher rank matches you may get 1-2 uses max and you may still not get that exposed hit.
Hex: Undying will push survivors to work as a team to destroy totems so I'm skeptical on its final results, however it will help keep your totems up longer. I'm curious if it will be bugged so that Hex: Haunted grounds ends up activating several times XD
Hex: Blood Favor seems useful on a small handful of maps. Unless the pallet radius is increased its unlikely to yield good results as a survivor who suffers a hit won't stay at the present tile, meaning your blocked pallets won't actually matter. Smaller maps might be ok but I'm still not sure on the 16m. Maybe higher tier perk adds distance (if it does that is why I don't place it below Dragon's Grip).
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New Killer perks look awesome.
New survivor perks look underwhelming. A weaker streetwise, Deja Vu 2.0 and a counter to Thana.
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Wow the perks are at least better than last chapters perks on the killer side, Survivor side seems to be the same level of weak situational perks.
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Undying seems like better Thrill of the Hunt.
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Thank you. Can you screenshot the killer power?
Edit: Once you see it, ofc. No rush.
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Desperate measures seems like it has potential to be a game changer in the right build
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All 3 killer perks would be interesting in certain builds. They all have synergy. The survivor perks are pretty useless. 30% back of my ######### toolbox OP please nerf!
Shards only chapter!
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HEX's are always trash because of awful totem placement. Dragon's Grip + like Trail of Torment might be interesting though, kick gen, undetectable, survivor comes back in to try to finish or tap for regression cancel - bam exposed - swoop back in for the 1 hit down.
I don't see them replacing PGTW/BBQ, which I run on virtually everything, though.
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It'll be interesting to see how built to last reacts with things like BNP and the like. will it give another BNP use, will it not give anything, will it give 30% of a regular toolbox.
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So Visionary just Deja Vu with a cool down? Why use Visionary when Detectives Hunch is in the game showing you way more and with no cool down?
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Killer perks look alright, the screenshot only shows level 1, could get some use out of them
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From how its worded I dont think a generator needs to be completed to see the auras, it just turns off for a time when a gen is done.
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Dragons grip actually looks viable due to how many situations I've been in where the killer kicks and gen and leaves the area. And if he baits you into tapping it look out.
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Mori + killer power usage:
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Well, I know I will keep Calm Spirit on now... More perks that make you scream, more incentive to use an underrated perk.
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That actually sounds worse. So when a gen finishes, the time you would need it to find the next gen, it's on a cool down? 😂
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BNP is always consumed once starting the repair, you’ll have the item but the addon disappears
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I see, thanks for clarifying, if it was either of the other 2 I could see it being too weak or too strong.
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Killer's perks look awesome, Survivor's is absolute #########.
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I can personally see myself using 2 of the Killer and 1 of the Survivor perks on a regular basis the other 3 just seem kinda eh.
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this are bad.
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Can't be worse then Pyramid Heads cause those sucked
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Yeah Pyramid Heads perks really dont work for survivors, It feels as if he should've been a killer instead.
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The perks are trash, and you know what the sad thing is? They're probably getting nerfed anyway.
The killer is trash, too. Their power is almost useless and very gimmicky.
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his power sounds odd only good thing his perks
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Anybody have bios for each of them?
Maybe I'm in the minority but I also look forward to reading those lol
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A cooldown on a hex perk? why
A cooldown on visionary? why
I'm a little disappointed, but I'm a fan of the ideas behind dragon's grip, built to last, and desperate measures. I just don't expect them to be useful in comparison to the meta older perks and to be tossed to the side.
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I disagree dragons grip is the strongest of the ones yeah the cooldown sucks but it can do stuff on its own and it's good at slowing the game down slap it onto a stealth killer or slinger and the affected surv can't do gens for 60 seconds or risks just immediately dying
Undying will be useful combined with ruin and might see some use in my Legion build
And blood favor seems to be useful on killers that m1 a lot and that fast its clearly good on clown, slinger and freddy I will have to test it first though to see usage on other killers
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If stealth killers start using Dragon's Grip as a "meta" or popular build then we should expect to see more Spine Chill.
As a solo survivor I often run this perk simply so I cannot be taken by surprise. While I have adjusted my original look on Dragon's Grip due to other possible uses friends/community members have suggested I'm still on the fence about its place on my personal "tier list".
I could be completely wrong as I've yet to play with it and Dragon's Grip could end up being the most used perk in the game, only time shall tell.
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I've found it works pretty well on high mobility killers, stealth killers and doctor. the others not so much.
also about running spine chill, despite premonitions cooldown I prefer it in most cases as it gives more information even if the cooldown is a tad long imo.
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My issue with Premo is that you could spin your camera around to look at something and trigger it without actually knowing in what direction it "dinged" exactly.
I've had this issue with "Small Game" plenty of times, where I then needed to do a double take to find the totem. At least with Spine Chill I can determine the most likely spot the killer is coming from and just wait for it to light up so I know they are coming for me.
All personal taste based on how we play.
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Yeah thats completely understandable, I've seen some run both and honestly just seems kinda overkill to me.
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On the note of "overkill" it can be fun in low ranks to use both Bond and Empathy so you can watch all the new players immerse themselves pretty much everywhere.
I have gotten plenty of laughs from this.
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Killer perks are fine, would be nice without the cool down on the pallet perk though.
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Honestly I think keeping the cooldown but not making it a hex would be more balanced.
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My friend is getting the game next week, I'll have to try this when I play a few games with him.
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Just gonna get the new killer because their perks nothing more, because i didn t like the power and killer himself...