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Killers finally have strong perks and survivors are complaining



  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,197

    This exactly how I feel about the perk. The loss of tokens hurts any creativity in the perk and never ever mind the part where we spent half the game activating it on top of it being possible to disable and using half or more of perks slot to use it.

    In general all killer perks suffer from same problem they got too many drawback.

    The first perk only works for 30 seconds after kicking a gen. like why and to add insult injury, 80 second cooldown. The 3rd perk has cooldown... on a hex: totem.

    I mean new killer is even more hilarious. We got a cooldown to use his power. we got a token system to limit how many dashes we can do, so cooldown on top of cooldown. On top of that, When we hit the survivor, we have to swipe his blade(Cooldown), than go into fatique(Cooldown) and the power itself has poor movement controls and bad lunge that you can easily sidestep. Its like dev said read all complaints about cooldowns and went like, "We'll show you cooldown and drawbacks". Well I think killers got the memo. Don't play new killers. Don't use new perks. I think if the killer power and killer perks had less drawback, maybe we could actually use these perks and the killer itself but who knows, wishful thinking.

    The survivor already has decent perks to bail them out in almost any sticky situation. so if they get a good perk, Its more flavor and variety than competitiveness.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited August 2020

    Sums up my thoughts for the most part as well.

    "In general all killer perks suffer from same problem they got too many drawback."

    This is the main point here. Between killers and killer perks these days they just stack piles and piles of negatives, drawbacks, counters and downsides on top of a mediocre effect.

    For one example, I'd say at least 90% of the killer perks that have cooldowns could completely have them removed and none of them would be overpowered.

    We could even apply this sentiment to a lot of killer addons as well, where they put downsides that are so harsh it ends up making it worse than the benefit it gives.

    The general level of balance they seem to aim for is around rank 10 which leaves them all being extremely underwhelming when taken into a high rank game with actually good survivors that are trying to win.

  • feechima
    feechima Member Posts: 905

    Meh it would be the same if survivors got strong perks and killers got weak perks. I say on both sides keep complaining about the game, it seems they get all their ideas from community common complaints. Dragon's Grip seems their answer to survivors tapping a gen mid-chase to strop regression. Hex Undying obviously the answer to losing hex totems within minutes of entering the game. All their ideas come from the community. While I think they obviously ran out of ideas for survivor perks on this patch with Visionary being a bandaid fix to problems finding gens on maps like Midwich and Lerys it is pretty much a better Deja Vu. I'm more upset by their insistence in creating choke points by adding breakable walls every damn where on maps.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Perhaps, but I'm not so certain. I think the goal here is to force Survivors to take cleansing Totems seriously and as a result slow down the Gen-Rush that SWF has injected with steroids.

  • PleassBuiltInNoed
    PleassBuiltInNoed Member Posts: 618
  • JesterClown
    JesterClown Member Posts: 225

    This, so many perks as of recent have such annoying cooldowns and downsides, the only perk that really deserves such a cooldown was blood echo because ya know. Totally agree on restrictions being taken out to just make perks ok.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,197

    I think the issue with the problem is taking the word counter play far too literally. Perks themselves are suppose to be tactical advantages that in ideal setting have very good reliability and activate single match. I think the threading goal is they're thinking every perk needs drawback thus adding more counter-play when in reality it hinders the perk from ever activating in the first place and thus never gets used in any context whatsoever. Add-on have same problem, they're also meant to be straight improvements of power ideally scaling with rarity. Perks and add-on inherently are not suppose to have drawbacks. They're suppose to advantages or disadvantages that both sides play around in a given match. I feel killer powers are suppose to be like that as well and this new killer power feels like its boggled by too many restrictions so much so that it loses any skill expression and becomes like this niche tool that might get you a hit once or twice in entire match vs good players. Killers need perks that are very reliable and powers that can work in many contexts due to the 4vs1 nature of the game. Counter-play should be organic, not explicit and your not suppose to be able to hard counter killer perks or killer powers where doing X makes Y impossible. So i guess it is rank 10 balance to in some regards but I'd like to think there is more in-depth explanation to why these killer perks are so situational and why this killer power is so heavily dysfunctional.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    I agree with your point.

    Instead of letting players find counter play to the different perks/addons etc they build counter play into everything because they assume the survivors are so bad that they won't be able to figure it out themselves (rank 10's basically).

    A lot of hand holding essentially.

  • Poochkips
    Poochkips Member Posts: 265

    Coordinated survivors can still just body block while one person destroys it. I mean, they already do when people run Thrill with any other hex. Sooooo (Only time it wouldn't work would be bubba)

  • Ivaldi
    Ivaldi Member Posts: 977

    You know why? Because the survivors got absolutely nothing from this..

    Visionary - You see gen auras within 32 meters (has a 20 second cooldown once a gen is complete) - Deja Vu is better and immediately shows 3 gens off the start of the match.

    Desperate Measure - +10% Healing/Unhook speed per injured/downed/hooked survivor (40% max) - Botany & Knowledge gives a base healing speed of 33% and increases item efficiency without any requirements.

    Built To Last - Once per trial refill a depleted items charges by 30% after 10 seconds - Do I even have to explain how bad this perk is? It'll give a purple medkit 9 charges which isnt enough for a single heal. The only thing this might give is 1 extra flashlight blind.

  • JesterClown
    JesterClown Member Posts: 225

    Doesnt mean survivors should have to want to bring down these killer perks because they are strong

  • JesterClown
    JesterClown Member Posts: 225

    Yeah I agree, not only is there alot of organic counter play but to every add on and perk theres a give in take when most times the take isnt warranted.

  • RakimSockem
    RakimSockem Member Posts: 1,985

    I'm confused. Isn't Soul Guard the perk that allows you to be put into the mending state if a killer hits you within 4 seconds of you recovering from being downed?

    What does that have to do with Hex Perks and how is that a counter? or am I confusing it with another perk?

  • JesterClown
    JesterClown Member Posts: 225

    Pick yourself up if your downed if someone has a hex any amount of times and also if your healed a health state (which includes picking yourself up from the perk) you get borrowed time for 8 seconds and you dont get deep wounds I think

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Why are you only using the T1 version of these perks?

  • CalamityJane
    CalamityJane Member Posts: 487

    Undying is utterly broken. And it's not the totem swapping and keping a hex alive, it's the revealing effect.

    How in the world are you meant to cleanse a potential 4 ruin totems when every time you go near one your aura is shown? You can't even cleanse dull totems first to prevent it swapping. That's obscene.

    The worst part of it is that it's a build that will impact solo survivors more than anyone because at lesat SWF can coordinate 2 people on 2 different totems at once so ONE will get cleansed without a chase, solos just have to cross their fingers and hope. And then noed hits everyone because even totem hunters don't want to touch totems.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    I can see Undying being used a lot but it still in the PTB thing could change.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Just for fun here is every Killer perk in the game with a cooldown:

    • Make your choice: 40/50/60 second cooldown from the unhook - Justified due to the strength of the effect but it should be a fixed cooldown rather than scaling UP with tier.
    • Play with your food: 10 second cooldown from stack gain - Justified but only exists for edge cases anyways
    • Spies from the shadows: 5 second cooldown from crow trigger - NOT justified and kills the perk
    • Blood Echo: 80/70/60 second cooldown form hook - NOT justified since the effect doesn't stack well with itself when applied several times in succession, and it's counterplay doesn't require an explicit window of inactivity, AND the perk has an inherent cooldown due to the speed in which hooking is possible
    • I'm All Ears: 60/50/40 second cooldown from end of effect - Justified but it should start on the vault instead
    • Surge: 60/50/40 second cooldown from gen explosion - NOT justified due to the perk already having an inherent cooldown due to regressing gens being immune
    • Territorial Imperative: 30/25/20 second cooldown from end of effect - NOT justified. The perk would still be weak even with continuous basement aura reading
    • Thrilling Tremors: 100/80/60 second cooldown from the end of effect - justified. The effect being chained would be far too strong and picking up a Survivor has no inherent cooldown. That said it should probably start when you pick the Survivor up instead
    • Trail of Torment: 80/70/60 second cooldown from generator kick - NOT justified. The effect WOULD be good when chained if it weren't for the perk highlighting the kicked gen. But since it does the cooldown is unnecessary.
    • Zanshin Tactics: 40/35/30 second cooldown from Survivor hit? - No. Just... no
    • Dragons Grip: 120/100/80 second cooldown from end of effect application window - Justified due to the strength of the effect. But it should start on the gen kick.
    • Hex: Blood Favor: 60/50/40 second cooldown from end of effect - NOT justified due to it's status as a hex. If this wasn't a hex then a cooldown would make sense. But since it is a hex it needs to be really strong to justify that, and this just isn't
  • SunaIIanu
    SunaIIanu Member Posts: 815

    Soul guard only activates when you get picked up (or pick yourself up) from dying state, not on other health state. And you have to mend.

    I think people overrate this perk. The DS, Unbreakable, Soul Guard combination may be annoying, but I think that's more on DS and Unbreakable.

    Soul Guard on its own though.. I've played it for quite some time, because I really like the concept but it's really situational. I was able to use the endurance effect twice in all the time (both in SWF!), the standing up on your own part came never in play for me. You don't see hex perks super often and even if the killer has a hex perk, he still needs to slug to make soul guard come in play:

    Ruin: In my experience killer tend to slug more late in the game, Ruin might be cleansed by then.

    Haunted grounds: Doesn't count for soul guard, you are only exposed, not cursed.

    Devour Hope: The killers I faced just hooked the people to get the Stacks.

    Thrill of the hunt: Only faced it in combination with Devour, so no slug.

    Noed: I expected to see Killers with Noed who slug, but most just hooked the survivor instantly. (Maybe they just wanted to secure the kill or were afraid of soul guard, idk)

    So that was my experience with soul guard, like I said, I think it's a really cool perk, but also situational. I will bring it again with the new Killer, but I'm not sure if I will have better results.

    On the topic of the post: Felix's perks aren't great but complaining about the killer perks doesn't make them better. And having new killer perks that might change the meta a bit sounds good to me.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Until you realise that Undying is the nail in the coffin of a basekit Hex rework and a bandaid-fix to the Hex system in general.

  • Zaonhort
    Zaonhort Member Posts: 101

    I'm not complaining about the killer perks and I main survivor, I haven't played against them yet (I don't play the PTB ever) so I won't judge them. I'm happy killers got some good perks to switch things up. I am not happy with Felix's perks, they are all trash and not worth running.

    Visionary lets you see generators which are already easy to find, Detective's Hunch is already in the game as is Deja Vu. Arguably Detective's hunch is going to be even better now with the new hex perks as well.

    Desperate measures is a situationally worse Botany knowledge assuming everyone is injured or hooked it's 56% faster at Tier 3 where Botany gives a flat 33% faster healing and medkit efficiency, also We'll make it is better.

    Built to last could be interesting to get charges back so it may allow you to get another heal off on your med kit or maybe one more flash light blind but generally doesn't seem super useful. I can't say I've had a situation where I depleted my item and thought "Man I wish I had 30-50% more charge so I can use my toolbox for another 4 seconds".

  • vogit10102
    vogit10102 Member Posts: 225

    It's time for a totem counter for survs

  • JesterClown
    JesterClown Member Posts: 225

    Soul guard might not be as strong right now but soul guard can only get stronger with the introduction of stronger hex perks, as we see rn