End Game Chat For All Platforms

Please I want an end game chat so bad, I play on PS4. The amount of times I want to ask someone a quick question or just say "GG WP" is countless. With crossplay, I can't actually communicate with anyone at all, there's no messaging system between console and PC players.
I just had a match against a wraith with ruin, we found every dull totem apart from his ruin so I wanted to ask him where it was and to say gg wp.
There's already an end game chat on PC, please add it to all platforms I think everyone would like that. If they don't, they could always turn it off.
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“I think everyone would like that,” You think very, very wrong.
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Yeah I would like to call the killer a camper and tunneler but they can't see what i wrote 😪
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Definitely I think it's a terrible idea.
Console players (the majority) are underage people insult without knowing consequences.
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That's an assumption that's just wrong. Everyone I play with who I can tell is over age.
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Why are people against a chat?
Close the chat if you dont want it its not as if you have to use the chat if you dont want to.
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Hmmm, I don't care for that chat. I'm good the way it is.
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Where did you get your statistics from? I would like to see the data on how age relates to gaming platform.
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No thanks. Getting salty private messages is enough.
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He’s just asking for the option, you guys do realize you can... TURN... CHAT... OFF... even on PC if you get sick of the kiddy chat.
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I never realized how important the after game chat was for me until the day crossplay was activated. I also think that they should implement it on consoles as well.
Yeah, kinda weird.
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I guess it all depends on what type of person you are and how you play. If you constantly get toxic chat or insults then it may be time to look in a mirror.
Honestly before cross play I feel like 90% of my endgame chats were people saying GG to each other... of course as killer I don’t camp or tunnel, I try for 3 hooks per survivor and I don’t use busted addons. As survivor I don’t click at or teabag the killer.