Survivor Stereotypes


What is your fav survivor stereotype? a comical thought about certain survivors... for example i always joke about Claudette’s using sprint burst.


    DJDSDSTORT Member Posts: 6
    Sabo Jake is pretty OG
  • CuteDwight
    CuteDwight Member Posts: 7

    Duckey Laurie Strode.

  • hMM
    hMM Member Posts: 121

    An ironic Meg that always walks.

  • iOrangeStain
    iOrangeStain Member Posts: 81

    No Mither Self Care Adrenaline Nea

  • lasombra1979
    lasombra1979 Member Posts: 1,142

    Nea is a killer

  • Tepiglover88
    Tepiglover88 Member Posts: 44
    edited July 2018


    Post edited by Tepiglover88 on
  • AnIntellectualClone
    AnIntellectualClone Member Posts: 118

    Prestige quentins with their gollum faces and smug attitudes.

  • SuperRavenSn1per
    SuperRavenSn1per Member Posts: 34

    Noob Dwight, I love seeing them just crouching and peaking around corners like they're ninjas. It's like watching a dog play.

  • ACoolName
    ACoolName Member Posts: 177

    Detective Tapp lurking in corner for those sweet stake out tokens

  • Taretsu
    Taretsu Member Posts: 46

    Claudettes who think that crouching is an auto camo and do it in the open hoping the killer will be that blind...

  • JustJess
    JustJess Member Posts: 154
    edited September 2018

    Dwight in the locker when killer hooked someone...

    When I'm hooked and see Dwight's auras standing still in the locker it kinda makes me giggle.

    EDIT: does Kate (my main) even have a stereotype?

  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104
    @JustJess Kates fall under the dumb blonde stereotype. I don't know what it is but whenever I see Kates you can rest assured that whatever they're doing. . .
     . . . they're doing wrong.
  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,907

    Nooby Dwight hiding in a locker

    Walking hugging Claudette’s who will find camo anywhere and everywhere who also the teabag at the pallet and use a purple flashlight

    Meg walking everywhere to save her sprint burst for a the chase (honestly me)


    Urban Immersion Nea (AKA the killer)

    Obviously you expect Laurie to have D-Strike


  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,907

    @Runiver said:
    I call Meg, #########.
    And I'm usually right about it. I've never seen a smart meg in my 1500 hours playtime.

    How dare say that?

    There are a lot of dumbass Meg players honestly. If you see Meg in the black jersey or the pink hoodie expect them to be trash.

    I’m pretty decent with Meg (obviously she is my main). I gotta switch her out sometimes for that sweet wall hugging Claudette in a green shirt and brown leggings 😂

  • JustJess
    JustJess Member Posts: 154

    @Peasant said:
    @JustJess Kates fall under the dumb blonde stereotype. I don't know what it is but whenever I see Kates you can rest assured that whatever they're doing. . .
     . . . they're doing wrong.

    As a blonde and Kate main I feel offended. LOL just kidding, but I met many killers/survivors who actually complimented me for how I play, stealthy and unhook everyone in the safest way... and if I get chased I try to buy time for the others, but yeah probably not every Kate is the same...

  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095

    @MegMain98 said:

    @Runiver said:
    I call Meg, #########.
    And I'm usually right about it. I've never seen a smart meg in my 1500 hours playtime.

    How dare say that?

    There are a lot of dumbass Meg players honestly. If you see Meg in the black jersey or the pink hoodie expect them to be trash.

    I’m pretty decent with Meg (obviously she is my main). I gotta switch her out sometimes for that sweet wall hugging Claudette in a green shirt and brown leggings 😂
    Your usual Meg.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167
    Suicidal juking Jake, thinking the safest place is running circles two feet from the Killer
  • Beverly
    Beverly Member Posts: 184
    edited September 2018

    - Laurie using her decisive as soon as she gets caught and getting downed 7 seconds later. (I promise not all Lauries use decisive pls no bulli Lurrhie)

    - Toxic wall-licking Claudettes with flashlights.

    - Chill as balls Jake who spends most of the game memeing.

    - 2000 IQ Meg who unhooks you right infront of the killer.

    - Gen-rushing Feng that is played by people with anime profile pics.

    - Farmer David.

    - Locker Dwight. Who could forget?

    - Smug Ace.

    - Sweet, innocent Kate who has no idea what's happening but is trying her best. (Quentin and Tapp fit under this category too tbh)

    - Immersed Nea.

  • KiraElijah
    KiraElijah Member Posts: 1,187
    The nea that ignores everybody while using urban evasion
  • Depy
    Depy Member Posts: 23

    urban claudette

  • Depy
    Depy Member Posts: 23

    urban claudette

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Depy said:
    urban claudette

    Hey my Claudette resembles that remark and not because i go all dark outfits all the time either. I just started playing her again and I swapped out SB for UE. I'm trying to get away from using SB at all on any of my toons actually.

    It's funny though when you pick a dark outfit and the map rng trolls you with either Gideon's or Lery's and you stand out like a sore thumb.

  • CoffengMin
    CoffengMin Member Posts: 862

    feng doesnt have stereotypes... cool

  • Khroalthemadbomber
    Khroalthemadbomber Member Posts: 1,073

    Cult of Dwight: A lethal infection that needs to be cleansed. The TRUE purpose of the killers.

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    Meg or Nea being toxic.

  • TheLegendDyl4n1
    TheLegendDyl4n1 Member Posts: 1,493

    i dont understand why nea is considered immersed i literally run everywhere as nea and always am the only person to die cause i sacrifice myself at the end of the game when another person is getting camped so i use BT and allow myself to get hit so they down me instead

  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104

    feng doesnt have stereotypes... cool

    Fengs are usually toxic, varying from t-baggers to sand baggers. The majority of the Fengs I have seen fell into one of the above categories.