Anyone else feel this with crossplay?
i'm sure everyone has had this feeling at least once. but does it feel sweatier and saltier with PC playing against those of us on console?
I've had many teammates DC on me regularly. As well as survivors DCing before I hook them as killer, even if i didn't tunnel them.
Yes and no. I'm not going to say PC is worse, because they're not. Console are just as bad as PC. Both are as bad as each other, and making these kinds of posts pointing fingers at the other side is just going to cause people to war at each other. The games already divided enough with Survivor VS killers posts. We really need to stop these Console VS PC posts. It doesn't do anything good for anyone.
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Not trying to start a console war or anything. But objectively speaking this stuff only started happening on the regular when crossplay started.
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How do you tell who is pc?
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Might not be the cross-platform thing, but that they removed the DC penalty. The dc penalty is up again, see how it goes. I bet that there will be less DC now.
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Can't tell who is is who in crossplay, though I haven't heard any major complaints about saltiness against xbox players.
Like I said everything just feels sweatier and saltier since crossplay started.