30 Minute matchmaking lock because my killer DC'd

21stdeadcats Member Posts: 26
edited August 2020 in General Discussions

Excellent game design. I have time to login, look for a thread complaining about what I'm experiencing. Not see it on the first page. THEN make a new thread all in the time it took that I could have been in game.

This is ridiculous. I'm a paying customer. I never ragequit, yet I'm ACTIVELY punished for """"losing connection""" to the killer despite having perfectly fine internet and even the post game report showing me the disconnect logo on the killer.

Hotfix this absolutely gosh dark hecking frick danging stupid feature. spits.

EDIT: Still have 15 minutes to go. Guess I better go share my frustration in other ventures such as hot button topics like "freddy is annoying" or "certain color blind players can't see anything on yellow tinted maps"


  • 21stdeadcats
    21stdeadcats Member Posts: 26

    YES! It feels so bad to just be happily grinding, gritting my teeth in the face of the worth game because "it's worth it for the bloodpoints" and then literally be banned from doing anything in my free time. Can I have some consolidation for this? It's not the first time it's happened either. Just enough times to be blown away by how something like this happens in a game.

    I mean mistakes happen but this is just actively hurting the the best of their people in the worst ways. Surely they have to be working on this.

  • 21stdeadcats
    21stdeadcats Member Posts: 26

    I'm restraining from caps locking in frustration. But it's because it's happened so many f*cking times in one single sitting the increments go up and up. That's how common of a happening it is. I'm pissed off. Give me Auric cells or something to shut me up Behavior.

  • 21stdeadcats
    21stdeadcats Member Posts: 26

    Do too well in a game as a survivor? HAHA TOO BAD ENJOY THE MAIN MENU FOR HALF AN HOUR.

    How does this make me want to continue to pay for their product or support them? It was a reported issue in the past and they just brought it back thinking it would go away? I surely don't want to doubt their intelligence but once it was exploited why would you bother with it again? Who are they appeasing with this? The people who rage and leave to play a different game anyway? I don't get it man.

  • 21stdeadcats
    21stdeadcats Member Posts: 26

    Making a support ticket has a bot auto-respond to you saying it's automated. So it's automated all the way down. Have you considered the reports you're ignoring from automation are a fault of the automation? Do you think just ignoring the brushfire will keep it from spreading?

    Is the answer to this a forum mod muting me because I'm triple posting in rage? Surely there's an end to this lunacy.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    So you know it's happening, continue to playing knowing it will happen, and then are mad at the exact (DC ban) expected result?

  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470

    You need to take screenshots and talk to steam support before you get permanent ban. When you will get a ban, it will be more difficult to prove your innocence.

  • 21stdeadcats
    21stdeadcats Member Posts: 26

    This is you. Except "society" has the power to right their wrongs and make it better in the snap of their fingers. Do you do this in every forum? Why are you here? Go away.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Well, for every person who says they are innocent, there are at least twenty bans of people who clearly are not. I'm just fine with the penalty remaining. I'm sure a situation will cause me to have to sit out too at some point. Woe is me, I'll have to spend a half hour playing something else. This is a video game, and the penalty helps prevent the absolutely disgusting abuse of the D/C.

  • 21stdeadcats
    21stdeadcats Member Posts: 26

    I don't need to prove anything. I get my items back every time. There's a flag for the type of disconnect it is and they can see that. What forum blindly just bootlicks the company it belongs to? How is their negligence warranting more effort on my part?

  • 21stdeadcats
    21stdeadcats Member Posts: 26

    So it's okay as long as it doesn't happen to you is what I'm reading. Great input, just like the other helpful lad. Anything other than to put the responsibility on behavior's shoulders where it belongs. What is wrong with you people?

  • 21stdeadcats
    21stdeadcats Member Posts: 26

    So what I'm reading here It's okay as long as it doesn't happen to you? Anything to put the responsibility ANYWHERE else but on Behavior's shoulder's where it belongs. What is your people's malfunction?

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,972

    Got a blue screen crash on PS4 as I was running out the Exit Gate and banned for a few minutes. By the time I rebooted the game, it said two minutes left.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    No, read again. I said I'm SURE it will happen to me at some point too. A bad connection or an emergency might drop me out of a game. And I will fully understand a temporary Ban if it does. Reading comprehension is a thing.

  • 21stdeadcats
    21stdeadcats Member Posts: 26

    I don't think you understand people are purposefully manipulating this function to get out of games they don't want to play. If you play overnight during the sweaty hours and get unlucky enough for this to happen to you multiple times, you're not just out of a one time time out for thirty minutes. This is multiple games ruined and multiple times just sat there doing something else with my time. What else and what I'm doing doesn't matter or if you find that valid, it's a issue that doesn't have to occur that innocent people are scapegoated to at the hands of malicious players. The very ones you implied you disliked.

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    On one hand, this is definitely unfair. I've had it happen to me before. Had a trapper DC because I got his NoED 5 seconds after the last gen popped after he didn't hook anyone all game.

    On the other hand, it's also unfair when survivors DC when the killer downs them. Had a Jake do this to me today. And it's unfun for survivors when their fellow survivors disconnect and it becomes 3 vs 1.

  • ohheyitsbobcat
    ohheyitsbobcat Member Posts: 1,783
    edited August 2020

    I don't know. I think it's a lot more likely you're a rampant dc'er who created a new account just to complain on the forums that you can't rampant dc anymore. You don't want to show proof it's not your fault, it also seems rather unlikely multiple killers have dc'd in a row causing you to receive a penalty for it.

    It could very well be your internet, whatever you're playing on, your settings on whatever you're playing on, etc. Either way, you're attitude doesn't help anything and makes it look like a troll account which if it is, you could honestly do better. DC penalty troll accounts were kinda funny the first time they added them but now it's just old.

    If you have legit problems as you're claiming, contact BHVR support and leave this crap off the forums. It literally accomplishes nothing.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    I do understand that MOST people who D/C are doing it to get out of games. That is called being a bad sport. It disrespects your fellow players, it disrespects the larger community, and to be quite frank it shows an amazing lack of dignity and pride. I'm all for people leaving the Lobby before a game starts if they change their mind. But once the game has started, you play it to the bitter end. That is proper etiquette and manners. I have zero sympathy for people who bail on games they are having a hard time in for whatever reason. It is no different from suddenly upended the table and storming out of the room if you were playing a board game in the real world. It is bad behavior and SHOULD be punished.

    And if I (or anyone else) gets a temporary ban because a real emergency or internet issue came up, I'm fine with that. I'd rather that happen now and then (because it is the exception not the rule) than have the endless disconnects going on which screw over the people playing. As a Killer, I've lost more Pips that I care to count because the D/C plague makes it impossible for me to score enough. As a Survivor I've lost more games because of this bad sportsmanship displayed by my teammates.

    And for the record, I get stuck in lots of "sweaty" games through the night, and even push through the ones where SWF in matching outfits do their best to Troll me. I just shrug and play on, learning what I can from the experience.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    Way to be flippant and dismiss my point with a (non related) meme.

    You know it's a problem that's happening. Yet you continue to put yourself in the position to have it happen, and then be surprised about it.

    I'm like this when I see the same ######### every other day.

    If you dont like the DC bug, or internet issues you're having, feel free to not play and avoid it happening.

    Otherwise, accept that if you ######### about something you keep doing to yourself, on a public forum, people may respond.

    INB4 they should fix their #########. They absolutely should. But thay doesn't change the fact you know it's a problem then do it anyway.

    It's like if they had a recall for a car because it could spontaneously explode. You drive it anyway and it explodes. Then you're shocked that the car exploded and blamed them, even though you knew full well it was a good possibility.

  • 21stdeadcats
    21stdeadcats Member Posts: 26

    The burden of proof isn't on me, and if I could link my account to my steam and show you my match history I would. It really doesn't matter if you don't like my attitude or you're so convinced I'm a troll account so you can rationalize in your own head why I would go on a tangent like this if not for a real reason.

    And honestly at this point I'll just meet my entitlement with yours. I'll keep my crap on the forums as long as it can interrupt my game play. Fancy that?

  • 21stdeadcats
    21stdeadcats Member Posts: 26

    You're worthless for replying in the first place with what you did and continue to do so. Your input could have been ignored entirely and I wish I did. As long as I offer you the opportunity to know this I'd have done my job in case anyone hasn't let you know already. You'll get no more attention from me since you HAVE to see yourself speak.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Technically it is, the burden of proof I mean. You agreed to the terms required to play DbD and believe it or not, amid all those terms they have the right to do exactly what they did. If you don't like that, you know where the virtual door is located. Whenever we play any online game, we always have to agree to such terms, although I find few people bother to read them.

  • 21stdeadcats
    21stdeadcats Member Posts: 26

    m-muh terms

    They have an interest at hand and we the players are exactly that. I'm not in some blood bond where I am to be treated like trash and pay for the opportunity. There are relationships to uphold and rights to wrong. I could easily be made a pleased person with a hotfix to disable these features temporarily until tested in a later Q&A, some 500 voucher for auric cells that would be at literally no cost to them to manifest, and countless other people who they may have burdened or soured potential fruitful relationship endeavors with wasting their time and made feel like an unimportance. It's REALLY basic PR stuff.

    And the idea I even have to explain this reminds me of the idea that we live in this awful capitalist wasteland where people are just happy to lick the boots of the companies that dominate them and even give them a chance to do so. I play this game to get away from that. But nope, finds me here too.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Good luck with that. I wouldn't hold your breath though.

  • ohheyitsbobcat
    ohheyitsbobcat Member Posts: 1,783

    That's nice. Maybe BHVR support could help you with that?

  • 21stdeadcats
    21stdeadcats Member Posts: 26

    I appreciate the sentiment, really I do. No sarcasm intended. But hey. Have to make an effort to make a change. And for the record I'm really not begging for auric cells. And I did make a real support ticket that would be seen by a human.

    I just wanna be able to play the dang game I love.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458
    edited August 2020

    I wasn't being sarcastic either. I wish you good luck. I was merely pointing out the burden of proof is on you, not BHVR. I tend to think it is a bad idea to post an angry screed at them here. Why? It almost ensures you aren't going to get anywhere. Now, if they cave to you as a one time courtesy (without proof) they know they will get every Tom, Dick , and Harriet who was banned (and deserved it) demanding the same.

    A better strategy would have been to contact them through proper channels and send them a polite request and explain the situation and provide what evidence you have. The company is ridiculously reasonable in my opinion. The problem is the internet (and forums like this) seem to make people forget their manners and basic social skills. Everything become a rant or an accusation. For the record, I've been banned briefly myself because my internet actually went down in bad weather and came back up later. Did I bother with it? No. There was no point, and I understood the ban implicitly. I'm not saying you shouldn't follow your heart. I'm merely suggesting your method is less likely to work.

  • 21stdeadcats
    21stdeadcats Member Posts: 26

    I understand. Though I did garner at least one post from someone who recognized the issue and posted about it. I guess I believe it's better to have made some sort of wave in any of the pools I could than not at all.

    Then again I could have chosen a better sub-forum that Behavior actually frequents like bug reports. Which I'll probably do too if I wanna stick to my own philosophy

    I heed your advice at taking clips when this happens. I have Game Bar/Shadowplay and between them It'll be far more useful than text based reports.

    Cheers for the general civility you've displayed to me. Have a cat.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Thanks, the world is alright by me as long as it continues to have enough cats.

  • MeatBycicle
    MeatBycicle Member Posts: 756

    Back when the Stranger Things chapter came out every killer game I played I had at least 2 survivors disconnect from my match. However on their end it would say that I was the one that disconnected even though the match continued on as normal with the remaining survivors. This wasn't fixed until the next patch unfortunately. I even unistalled, re-installed, cleared cache and whatever other mumbo jumbo the "tech support" suggested.

    If this issue is still going on and it effects the survivors who get disconnected from the match when its not their fault at all, thats rough.

  • 21stdeadcats
    21stdeadcats Member Posts: 26

    I'm going to cross post this to my bug report thread, thank you for bringing this up bud. I think this is what killers see me doing in their games. I've gotten hate mail for it even even when circumstances were incredibly odd for me to up and leave.

  • Ivaldi
    Ivaldi Member Posts: 977

    This is the one thing I never understood.. if the game isn't supposed to be competitive; why is there a DC penalty to begin with?

  • theArashi
    theArashi Member Posts: 998

    I wonder how it is that every time I open up the forums there is at least one guy that complains about DC penalty being on.

    Usually it is about 1h ban + which is convenient.

    If you think other side is hacking, report him and take a break. Just because game showed killer dc'd - doesn't mean he actually did. It might just been you booped from a server, or timeout of some sort appeared.

    One way or another, if you think you are innocent: Report that issue in the report defect section which is checked by the devs so that they can fix it.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    He actually said if it happens to him he’ll just hop on another game, I would do the same. I’d be frustrated but I’ll go screw around with online poker or a board game against AI.