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The Blight

Pior_Morte Member Posts: 526
edited September 2020 in Polls

The new killer is out and I want to know your opinion about him

The Blight 141 votes

I liked his power and perks
CamoRangerFibijeanDaDevilsSkirtTapeKnotHeartboundAmaliaCharlieChatBoxBartlauskonchokWilliawesome480SillierHorizon5AhoyWolfMrjuiceSadLegionElcopolloSkullKidEobardThawneCitrusfruitDerZuntorOctoCat 30 votes
I liked his power but not his perks
Hlidskialf 1 vote
I liked his perks but not his powers
GibberishSeiko300kodiakyShrimpTwiggsMiriamGfelipe101InnCognitoBraveClemUnnamed_FreakBiohazard258Walker_of_the_fog_96Boosted_Dwightdoitagain_musstang62KeezoMrPenguinUistreelKnotEnthusiastSaitamfedEnlyne 68 votes
I hate everything about him
AcromioBlueberryArcticWolfBriskensharkster13HexNoedAwkward_FiendNateyBoiSaucynuggets43BlxxdingDollZeusnightmare8923vmannoeelostboyGhostyboi619 15 votes
I don't know yet
LevelSwordZerLukasF60_31TaigaEnderloganYTSebaOutbreak[Deleted User]notstarboardbm33dugmanstargazer9SCP_FOR_DBDGhouled_MojoMrGimmsYouTubeBlobboGrimmy_BluuesPipefishDARKxVOIDamourshslpuppy 21 votes
Wait the new killer is out?!
kreeper124lordtomatobleddBingbongerRISKYBISCUITagarihs 6 votes
Post edited by Pior_Morte on


  • DerZuntor
    DerZuntor Member Posts: 293
    I liked his power and perks

    I just played 2 games with him and i like his power. Its hard to use and not good imo but its fun to use and sometimes you can down quite fast if the survivor doesnt 360 or something because its very hard to hit.

  •  Antares2332
    Antares2332 Member Posts: 1,088
    I liked his perks but not his powers

    I think he is the killer with the weakest power of all.

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416
    I don't know yet

    There hasn't been enough time for me to form a proper opinion. While these first impressions aren't great, I hope theres some plays to allow for more skill based game play.

  • Walker_of_the_fog_96
    Walker_of_the_fog_96 Member Posts: 1,238
    I liked his perks but not his powers

    Its the legion but worst

  • TotemsCleanser
    TotemsCleanser Member Posts: 732
    I liked his perks but not his powers

    His perks are awesome, his power is so damn clunky god... I don't see it working, the only use for it is to go from one side of the map to the other quickly. In chase he pretty much becomes an M1 killer, because if you try to actually use his power in chase you keep clashing with walls and can quickly lose track of the survivor you're supposedly chasing.

  • Williawesome480
    Williawesome480 Member Posts: 9
    I liked his power and perks

    The power is fun to use. It will definitely take some time to get used to, but I feel like it could definitely be good. I'm thinking like Demogorgon Shred but more mobile. Plus it's just fun to bounce from wall to wall. As for the perks, I really like them. Dragon's Grip is amazing against stealthy gen rushers who will get back on a gen immediately as you turn a corner to leave. Hex: Blood Favor is pretty good against altruistic SWF going for pallet saves, as well as against people who try to loop endlessly until they die. Hex: Undying is another Hex protection perk. I think it will be up there next to Hex: Haunted Grounds as far as hex protection is concerned, although they do 2 different things.

  • KnotEnthusiast
    KnotEnthusiast Member Posts: 464
    I liked his perks but not his powers

    BHVR released a killer that depends on the hitboxes of in-world items being precise. BHVR also has notoriously imprecise hitboxes on in-world items. He's garbage lmao

    Honestly, his concept sounds interesting! But when you dash, half the time you just bounce off of every single corner that extends out past the visual model of the obstacle and burn 4 stacks just pinballing thru a thin hallway. He's real real bad. But his perks are nuts.

  • Pr0p3r9
    Pr0p3r9 Member Posts: 111
    I liked his perks but not his powers

    Saying that I dislike his power is an overstatement. I think that he needs some kind of adjustment to his hitbox, but I actually do like the power concept itself. It's just getting stuck on doors, narrow corners of a hitbox, and invisible hitboxes that's a problem. I'm definitely going to invest time into getting good with him once he releases. I've heard suggestions that his collision should be turned off like Oni's dash by default, and that he needs to press his secondary power button in order to turn collision back on during his rush. This would make his power more intricate while also raising the skill floor. I'd say that I like both if they made this change.

  • CharlieChatBox
    CharlieChatBox Member Posts: 258
    I liked his power and perks

    The issue with Deathslinger and PHead was that they were too strong in chase, but had no map mobility. People had issues with that. So they made a killer that is weaker in chase, but has map mobility. Now people are complaining he's too weak. No wonder why they don't listen to us on game balance.

  • xxi_TJ_ixx
    xxi_TJ_ixx Member Posts: 14
    edited August 2020
    I liked his perks but not his powers

    The Blight is a killer I absolutely love, but his power is really janky, and it seems way too easy to counter. I feel like he may require either: Some changes to assist him besides the add-ons because I feel like he is too reliant on them, or completely rework him, otherwise it's a really interesting killer. On the other side, maybe he is supposed to be weak when it comes to chases and supposed to be situational and needs to be properly mastered.

  • Pawcelot
    Pawcelot Member Posts: 985
    I liked his perks but not his powers

    His perks seem pretty strong and it have been a while since Killers had good perks. I fully suspect them to be nerfed.

    The Killer itself doesn't work in the buggy mess with cluttered maps that's Dead by Daylight.

  • sharkster13
    sharkster13 Member Posts: 240
    edited August 2020
    I hate everything about him

    Kinda feels like Legion on an acid trip. I think his perks are a bit OP, but to be honest I'm kinda disappointed. I like his lore, but his powers are kinda a let down because there are a lot of killers that already have a rush attack and this is just another variant of that. And I like the idea of a Mad Man driven away by his addiction but since he was so smart to develop a serum for his own powers I thought it would be better if his powers were a bit more intelligent, sort of madness meets intelligence and not endless madness of pinball play. I even wouldn't mind if this chapter gets postponed for a complete redo of his power, but give us something good. I don't want a mediocre Dr. William Birkin infected with the G virus, I want a unique killer that we can proudly call The Blight.

  • LordRegal
    LordRegal Member Posts: 1,549
    I liked his perks but not his powers

    His perks are the best we've seen in a long time for killers.

    His power is an immense letdown for the most built up killer we've ever had. He's been a shadowy figure ever since Hallowed Blight began, got a full page of lore in the first tome that showed how his intelligence fused with his addiction...and now his power is to slam into walls. Feels like a major letdown.

  • GlamourousLeviathan
    GlamourousLeviathan Member Posts: 1,138
    I liked his perks but not his powers

    The perks are incredible. Finally a decent set of perks since The Plague's release.

    As for the killer... Well... He is just so clumsy that it seems like you're playing as a bumper car from an amusement park. His power is almost useless in chase and the reward you get from using it is not that great. He is good at traversing the map but if his power is just that, then there's no reason using him instead of Hillbilly, Nurse, Demogorgon or Spirit who also has great mobility.

  • Manky
    Manky Member Posts: 192
    I liked his power and perks

    I like him, he is great fun to play and play against but his hit box is annoying especially on indoor maps, you get stuck on things and waste your slam and lose the survivor. If that’s fixed I’ll like him more. On maps like lerys and Hawkins it’s near impossible to 4K though cus there just isn’t enough space for him to run, he turns too slow for that. His power is decent on outdoor maps but if you get an indoor map playing him then it’s game over. I can see a lot of killer DCs coming from that. I think if his turning is buffed and his hit box fixed he would be more viable. Only other complaint is his height. For someone who moves so fast, it’s already easy to lose track of a survivor, but when you add his height, or lack thereof, you lose survivors way to easily. Maybe just slightly increasing his height would make him a bit easier. His power is balanced apart from turning and hit boxes, but I don’t really see him being very common in high ranks.

  • Mrjuice
    Mrjuice Member Posts: 94
    I liked his power and perks

    I like his power. It is really cool, But currently it seems to me that his camera height is too low and his rush hit box is too unforgiving. Honestly fix these 2 problems I think he is fine the way he is. At least give him time to find his place in the meta. Also his perks are best I have seen within this year's content so I am pretty excited for him to be live.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,305
    I don't know yet

    Apparently the Blight in PTB is a week behind in updates they already made to him so not sure how those changes would make him better/worse. Current PTB version he just seems very clunky and as console player I think he could be rough to play due to lack of optimization and controls. His power seems pretty meh and underwhelming from what I've seen.

    His perks I think are good. The only issue I have with any of them is the aura reading from being near a totem on Hex Undying - right now survivors auras can be seen if they're on opposite floor from a totem and it can give alot of information to the killer without any interaction by survivor/killer. If they changed that to the survivor having to interact with the totem I think that would be much better.

  • Clarrus
    Clarrus Member Posts: 1
    I liked his power and perks

    his power and perks are actually great. just need some tweaks like smaller collision box and better steering (maybe also reduced fatigue?), i think he will potential and fun to play. the devs also said that this is the weaker version of him. so i don't know i guess he could be great.

  • BraveClem
    BraveClem Member Posts: 333
    I liked his perks but not his powers

    His power is horrible,and not in a good way,it's pretty basic or generic,plague's power is more interesting than the mr pinball power,on the other hand,his perks are fine,but the killer is a little dissapointing in almost everything

  • shslpuppy
    shslpuppy Member Posts: 2
    I don't know yet

    I heard they're still gonna patch him up so its hard to fourm an opinion about him before they possible fix him a bit, I know its not a huge factor but I really don't enjoy his design. He's just sort of boring and I could switch him with most other male killers.

    DARKxVOID Member Posts: 69
    I don't know yet

    I haven't been able to play him yet because I'm Xbox only but he definitely seems like he'll be really fun to play. His perks seem really good as well.

  • sad_killer_main
    sad_killer_main Member Posts: 785
    I liked his perks but not his powers

    Useless killer with strong perks.

    That's his best definition.

  • Saucynuggets43
    Saucynuggets43 Member Posts: 22
    I hate everything about him

    So far his power seems like trash and his perks are a big meh for me. Also on console he seems borderline unplayable. My first match against him he only got a kill because of a DC, and his attacks were very dodgeable (is that even a word?) and honestly running head on into walls seems like a hilariously dumb power.

  • Elcopollo
    Elcopollo Member Posts: 773
    I liked his power and perks

    After he went live, he's even better. Not perfect, but he shouldn't be. Because in 4v1 games - perfect = overpowered. I am very pleased with this killer, he is fun. And "fun" is the most important thing, imo. Also, he literally counters holding W, which is actually very cool, if you think about it.

    He has the potential, and he is in a pretty good place rn. For now, he is somewhere on the top of B-tier for me.

    Maybe he'll even get up higher, when people master him, showing his full potential.

  • Rubyinsomniac
    Rubyinsomniac Member Posts: 20
    I liked his perks but not his powers

    I got him because I thought I'd be cool to see a little old man running at you at mach 4. Though I played a game with him and couldn't hit anybody. I got one hook on one guy. I might just be bad with him but I still think he just isn't as good on Console. At least I can still play other guys and still get his teachables.

    I really like his perks. I love hex perks but it seems their either weak for a "strong but risky" perk or just plain overpowered. Hags hex's are a good example. Third seal doesn't exist. Ruin is in the history books. The only balanced one is devour hope because to get the abilities you can't camp. It discourages a toxic action for a pretty good ability. Though if you're going to use hex's you need thrill of the hunt. Well, it got replaced by undying. Though you can still you thrill since it increases the time to get rid of a totem so undying and thrill will mean your other 2 hex's are pretty much always there.