We were never promise a deadline for optimization (console)

Iceman Member Posts: 1,457

I'm quite confused that some of you are saying where are the devs with the console optimization.

We were never given a specific date on when it would be done. If anything they did make it clear that it would take a process. They said that they were improving graphics, and now we're finally getting that

As you can see, based off the chart that was provided to us that Optimization would be an on going thing through out most of the chapters.

And yes because next gen console is right away around the corner. I'm pretty sure the devs will have much more to work with to make it even possible for their vision for console. And they're probably still trying to work it out with the current gen .

Also some patches from the chapters help with optimization others made it worse.

Yes, I would love if the devs could communicate with us like they use to but I'm pretty sure they stop because people take things and RUN with it.

Here's the link to the exact article https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/49456/status-update-optimization#latest


  • Iceman
    Iceman Member Posts: 1,457

    I honesty think they're limited with the current gen. I'm still looking for them to communicate on this issue. I thought yesterday they were going to do that but they just repeated information that we already knew

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    With the team member count being at an all time high, and other online games with bigger maps, more players and systems and much shorter life spans being made by smaller teams having better optimisation its hard to defend at this point.

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    It was talked about before it was even announced and it has been 18 months. The performance on console wasn't great BUT it wasn't as bad as it has been with the last 3 patches which have tanked the fps. Indoor maps can be atrocious. BHVR earned criticism on this one. sometimes you need to be the squeaky to get ######### done on this game.

  • Iceman
    Iceman Member Posts: 1,457

    Yes BHVR , please listen to this person and pay me for my time. Covid has not been treating me nicely when it comes to work, so help a brother out.

    And I never said it wasn't okay to expect anything. I was just clarifying we were never given a specific date so technically they didn't break any promises.

    Miss me with the bs.

  • XombieRocker
    XombieRocker Member Posts: 324

    They got our money. They'll just tell us to get new consoles when they come out or switch to PC. (Which I would do if cross progression existed for PS4)

  • Vaurok
    Vaurok Member Posts: 11
    edited August 2020

    With the PTB, my computer went from running this on Ultra (except for Midwich) at 80+ fps. With the PTB, I've been forced to lower it to medium to keep 60+. So for me, the game looks worse than it did and runs worse than it did before. I'm really hoping that when the PTB goes live, it'll be better or come with more options to fine tune things but at the moment, I'm super bummed out. I know this isn't the same as the console players who have to deal with even worse problems but it still sucks for something I bought to change so much overnight (if it doesn't change when it goes live). It's also crazy that I can run Battlefront 2, Rainbow Six Siege, Mortal Kombat 11, etc maxed out 60+ but a fancily lit hallway in DbD crushes my specs. At this point I just want to be able to keep my CURRENT ultra settings as those look much better than my new Medium settings with the fancy updates.

    edit: also, uncapping in the PTB now gives me excessive screen tearing as opposed to none before (or at least it wasn't noticeable)

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