Unpopular opinion: deactivate cross play until MMR is back

First off this is a serious thread, so I'd enjoy a civil discussion about the game especially on this topic, thank you in advance.
This comes from the fact that many times has been suggested a casual mode and a ranked mode, so people can't ruin each other's experience with a different prospective on the game.
So my suggestion is that if you're looking for a kinda competitive match, where you're trying to win more than having fun, deactivate cross play. Just activate it as killer if you're trying to rank up faster or doing achievements in general, but I do not suggest activating it IF YOU WANT TO HAVE A CHALLENGE.
As survivor you could encounter a lot of noobs and as killer 4k kinda every match.
it's not true that q times will last ages, just somewhat longer, but an acceptable trade for a quality match
Btw just to specify, for me playing a balanced game and trying to win ( not achieving the win necessarily) is having fun, not screwing around for nothing. If there is a match where I don't wanna win but do something else, I wanna have the longest chase possible, being the sabo boy, do flashlight saves, or just farm as many points as I can, and maybe just escape through the hatch, but playing just to chill and not even trying...I don't like that.
just disable crossplay in the settings, you don't have to participate in crossplay if you don't want to
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that's what i'm suggesting with this thread
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Dude I’m sorry but no.
I want to be able to play with my friends that don’t play on Xbox and I don’t wanna buy some overpriced PC just to play on PC with them or buy a PS4 copy
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We all have different goals with DbD. As you said, yours is playing a balanced game of DbD. Absolutely nothing wrong with that. For me, I just want to be able to play Myers, Freddy, Leatherface, Amanda, and Ghostface. I bought DbD just for the horror icon fantasy they offered in those DLCs. Whether I get a 4k or 0k, I don't really care, as long as I get some BP for the bloodweb and for that sense of progression. I also do not, and never have, cared about rank. DbD is an occasional side game for me.
So, for me, the fast PC killer queues that cross-play gave me today is why I will keep it activated.
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Completely acceptable, and you should do it if you don't have the money, but I suggest deactivating it if on pc
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lol. Enjoy longer queue times.
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Survior is not that diffrent from pc and consols.You can disable crossplay and play only on your platform if you like.Rank system is same on all platforms.Im aware of fps issues on consols but that is about the only diffrance betwen them.
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not that long as you think
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Survivor is different. All those mindgames where you have to turn really fast around and do quick moves, you are not able to do them because you have a controller
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Overpriced doesn't mean what you think it means.
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Well you lock yourself to one platform while a big majority will be allowing it which means you can't be matched with people on your own platform and its gonna get longer once they turn mmr back on. So longer and probably longer than you think but who knows. Maybe it won't be so bad but i know for sure it'll get bad at times if not all the time
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Some players play with a controler on pc just fine.I played sometime back dbd with a controler and it was just fine.You can use sounds as well in chases to know where the killer is.Imo its not diffrent.Plus more crossplay players,less toxic end game chat cuz consols cant type nor send me death threats via steam.I find that games with 2 or more crossplayers are far more chill than sweat squads ive been getting after rank reset.There is always an option to disable it.
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Actually if they'll turn mmr on again i'd like to see skilled console players, but at the moment you're just wasting your time for matches that go nowhere if you activate cross play. No learning, little skill in general, everything is completely random
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oh you know what, I trust you, even marth88 played with controller as survivor, and really well, so it's possible, the problem is that now there is no MMR system, and console players play objectively worse, so really there is no challenge.
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Idk where you got that"console players play worse".There are really skilled players on all platforms.They still have all the same perks,maps,killers,addons,items...(sorry nintendo s players ;( )
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if people are willing to face people while having major handicaps, such as low fps ratio and a worse control, just to have faster queues, I'm fine.
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Because they can't do certain mindgames you are able to do only on pc
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it goes by rank again until they enable it back on not sure about the learning and skill part but i guess...
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Btw are you able to read what the whole post is pointing to? i am not suggesting the devs to activate it for everybody.
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Ranks is general are not 100% an indicator of skill, but there is a correlation between the rank you are and how skilled you are, but it's always correlation, not CAUSALITY
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Lmao imagine being a broke ######### loser like this guy. Yikes. Get a real job.
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Imagine thinking that being rich is a good thing
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overpriced pc, ha. Don't get mad dude just cause you bought an overpriced paper weight / heatsink.