Pyramid Head: Fun to Verse or Unfun to Verse?
Fun to Verse
I really enjoy going against him, personally. Dodging his attack feels really satisfying and his Terror Radius music is probably one of my favourites (mainly because it isn't Doctor's which is just annoying).
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Fun to Verse
He's one of my favorite killers to go against. Chases can be pretty tense and dodging the ranged attack is fun. I also love his sound design overall (them growls tho)
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Fun to Verse
I mean, unless they just camp someone with PotD it's usually a pretty fun game versing a Pyramid Head.
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Fun to Verse
Pyramid Head can be irritating to go up against at times, simply because sometimes it doesn't seem like there's any counterplay to his power. A good Pyramid Head will never use his power in moments during a chase where he might miss, only throwing it out if he's got a guaranteed hit at a pallet or window, and if you continue to run through the pallet he continues to chase and hits you with an M1 instead.
That being said, not all Pyramid Head's are good, I might be finding more of them in red ranks than you would at other ranks but that doesn't mean they're all like that and you can capitalize on a PH's mistakes much like any killer. The change they made to his cages where he can't see the auras now and they teleport away if he stays in the radius too long also seem like very good long term changes for the health of the character.
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Unfun to Verse
I don't like him
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Fun to Verse
He's strong but fun to play against.
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Fun to Verse
Hes interactive, you can dodge the wave if you pay enough attention. And being cautious while walking helps ensure you never get tormented.
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i dont particulary mind him, however i dislike two aspects of his kit:
1) the ability to hardtunnel - granted this one was reduced quite significantly, but if a team mate decides to farm you off of the hook / cage with PH around you are basically screwed, thanks to his ability to play around anti tunnel perks. on the contrary i must admit that there is nothing more satisfying than harshly punishing survivors who get too cocky and unhook right in my face as PH.
2) him faking his ability to cheese chases. this one really sucks the fun out of my games with him imo, as there is so little you can do against this. go for the pallet or window? ranged attack. avoid the pallet / window? now he's after you like any normal M1 killer. it requires very little skill, but it removes any counterplay a survivor really has against him. i much rather love when you get some sick snipes on them with the power instead of just faking it over and over and over again until you get the M1 hit (also can we quickly talk about how amazing Im All Ears is on this killer?)
and when the killer happens to combine both of these aspects, well, you're in for one of the worst games you've had in a while.
so in the end its entirely up to the PH player whether i view my game with him as fun or not.
he has the potential ability to be extremely unfun, but that doesnt make every game with him bad.
due to that im not gonna vote eigther of the options and instead leave this here.
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I'm All Ears on him is pretty dirty, but so fun as killer. Lol
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Unfun to Verse
Terrible killer.
Rites of Judgement forces you into situations where you are completly defenseless. Drop pallet = dead. Dont drop pallet = dead. He is simply way to fast while he is using Rites of Judgement and beeing able to use Punishment of the Damed all the time makes his ability just braindead. He can just nonstop fake it without any downside.
Sidenote: 60% vote "fun to verse" 😂 Killermains should not vote here, please.
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Fun to Verse
Honestly I haven't played a lot against PH users but since PH has torment and a bit more dynamism than other characters, he is fun to play with, and since he's an anti-loop killer seems people who play him, enjoys it more and are not that sweaty.
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Fun to Verse
I main Pyramid Head so I always enjoy going against him. I always look out to learn new things about him when I'm against him.
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Fun to Verse
REALLY fun to verse. I'd say him, Doctor, Myers, and Hillbilly are up there as fun as Hell to verse. Their attacks and abilities are challenging but not impossible.
PH is definitely the closest DBD has gotten to proper Killer vs Survivor balancing, and I feel like if all Killers took cues from how PH was handled they'd be equally as fun to play. Not only am I a huge Silent Hill fan, but again... It's so polished, and it's so much fun to get chased by such a badass. And I imagine playing him is fun too.
I am genuinely happy and excited when PH is on the map, and it's the only killer that consistently never has me screaming "I got stomped unfairly" even once, or "that was too easy".
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Hes basicaly fun to verse as he demends another gameplay from the survivors,
But 2 things also make him unfun:- hiw easy it is to fake your power without loosing distance to get aassured hits
- the fact that many PH players are actually the unfun part of the char, as they play like A-holes and will tunnel you to death (since he gets a free tunnel card if youre not carefull, but even while being carefull they tunnel hard)
So yeah...players are the unfun part of the killer on my opinion
Plus you cant punish him for tunneling...
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Fun to Verse
Did not expect these result given how much I hear him complained about. Pleasantly surprised, guess its another example of the loud minority.