Why the blight is the most important killer ever released

The Blight marks a huge step for behavior for the reason that were finally getting fun killers again. Survivors have been plagued with annoying and unfun killers since spirits was released. The biggest offenders of this being spirit, deathslinger, executioner, freddy, and doctor. These killers all are extremely new and extremely annoying to play against. This is just by design and not the fault of the killers but by how the devs designed them. The Blight changes all of this by bringing us a fun to play and play against killer that who with the proper changes will be actually really good. The Blight also has brought us the best killer perks in a long time mainly dragons grip and hex:undying with amazing survivor perks too. Overall great job BHVR with bringing back fun killers.
Yeah I agree but freddy and doc actually arent that bad freddy needs tweaks to his spam snares and lunge and doc needs tweaks to spam shock. Other than that what you said is true. The blight is finally a break from braindead uncounterable killers.
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Exactly! I hope this is a new era for dbd with fun killers again just like 2017 and 2018 were like.
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Except this era better be more balanced for killers even though I loved playing then I've realised killers cant be left in th dark this time both sides should get their fun.
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The only balance problem left is the strength of SWFs. I think killers should get an overall buff while survivors get a tiny chat system to ping things they are doing and where. That way the game is balanced towards SWF.
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Funny how if a killer is good, they're 'unfun'. But if a killer is bad they're 'fun to play against'. Yeah he's fun to play against because he's trash
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He actually isn't too bad and you can do consistently good with him he's around B tier cause he's got great map pressure and with BBQ he can quickly change targets. Nurse is extremely good and fun to play against so i don't think you've got a valid point same thing with Billy.
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So it's only important because he looks weak right now..gotcha
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Thats not at all what I established. The nurse is amazing and fun to play against same thing with hillbilly. He's great for the game cause it shows them finally creating good and fun killers again. He is clunky but playing on the ptb has showed me he is good.
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Good does not equal boring (huntress, Billy, nurse, oni,demo).
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He isn't though, that's the thing. He definitely has potential to be high tier with bug fixes/hitbox fixes. The good thing is that we're getting another killer that isn't just "run away until you inevitably go down/have zero gameplay counter to their power" like Freddy (to most people, I personally just think he got over-buffed slighlty with all his systems)/Spirit/Pyramid Head.
When I go down to a Billy I have fun and I usually go "damn he got me, this guys good." When I go down to a Spirit or Pyramid head its "wow, this guy has stridor, or wow this guys really good at spamming his auto win projectile at every pallet/vault"
Survivors can actually have their own skill affect the outcome of the chase again (for some godforsaken reason, a vocal minority of killers on this forum think thats a bad thing). Like with Oni (who is extremely strong and arguably top 3, people don't hate him because he is fun for both sides and has counterplay).
I look forward to both playing as and against this killer. He looks extrmely fun.
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I don't mind getting killer with mobility power (even when I find him insanely boring in terms of power design) but in terms of fairness doesn't he just do basic M1 looping and once the pallet is down if obstacles around loop allow it he gets a free hit due to his speed. That's pretty weird idea on fun interaction if it's purely based on RNG spawn of obstacles.
Maybe once he gets updated I'll change my opinion but right now he either gets free hits after pallet break if map spawns rubbish favorably for him or not if it doesn't.
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Nope, I think Pyramid Head was the most important Killer to be released. He pushed the limits on what Killers can do, such as hooking survivors without picking them up and being able to mori without actually offering a mori.
The Blight is just a “meh” Killer that I consider a “filler” type of killer.
Hopefully the next one will wow us all.
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Demo is weak, billy is easily bullied, huntress has no map pressure, 90% of nurses are trash. The only one you have a case for is oni
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Huntress has long ranged snipes for map pressure, Demo isn't bad hes just compared to op killers, and billy is super good if you can flick? You can't say nurse is bad when people play her bad literally that could apply to anyone.
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We will see..I'm not convinced yet
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Watch bronx play demos, watch battleguy play demo, watch Ralph or zubat play huntress, good nurses still exist.
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People keep bringing this up as if it means anything. Are all the killers with actual counterplay in the 1v1 now bad because you said this? No.
Billy is still high tier (even with that dumbass power bar thing). As is Oni, Hag and many others. Even Nurse can be countered in the 1v1.
Do you think every chase should just be the survivor running in a straight line and going down because "muh 1v4"?
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I respect that opinion I hope you enjoy him when he comes out.
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The killers you listed are unfun because. . . what, they break the stale looping structure? The new killer can be looped for years, seeing as his power can't be used at loops. That makes him fun?
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How often do you hit cross map shots?
Demo is in my opinion, bottom 3 killer.
Billy really isn't. If the survivor knows how to dodge he's a m1 killer
Right but my point is that if a killer is good, they're unfun to go against. You only see people complain about her post nerf if they go against a god one
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I agree with what you think about pyramid head but I meant that the blight is transformative because he fun to play and to play against unlike pyramid head.
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What makes him fun is bouncing around and his uniqueness. The killers i listed also are unfun because they remove a survivors ability to loop and turns the game into a guessing game which isn't fun.
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So you're comparing killers off of the worst players play them? I dont think thats an accurate comparison.
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He isn't unique, though. He's just Hillbilly with extra steps.
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How is he hillbilly? He doesn't have a 1 shot down. He's got better maneuverability. He has a completely different speed. He also doesn't have an overheat. Maybe a comparison to Legion would have been better but even then it still boils down to they both run.
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That's why i said extra steps. He's got Billys speed, but lacks the potential. Slapped on with Legion's stun. He only has 'better maneuverability' if there's a surface nearby, and that still doesn't help at loops. At least Billy can still rev for a moment and mindgame/curve at loops. Legion outdoes Blight in turning ability, and still applies a status effect.
He's a mediocre killer who can only shine on large maps in open spaces. No need to play him when there are better options if you're looking to run around.
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Meaning he is an incredibly weak killer with a garbage power and will be easy to bully. From what I've seen, he is going to dethrone clown as the laughing stock of DBD.
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He may not be God tier but he is still extremely important with inviting fun back into playing against killers.
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Pretty weak killer but I really like them new perks.
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You're never going to see him, because what's fun for survivors is miserable for killer. You will see him for a week after release, then never again.
You will see his perks a lot, until about 2 weeks after release, when bhvr nerfs the crap out them.
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I hope you know that spirit came out 2 years ago right? Doctor and freddy are even older and up to 3 years in the game. How are these killers new?
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Can't speak for Spirit, because she doesn't belong on a list of recent Killers. But Freddy and Doctor had major reworks relatively recently.
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They should have to earn it by fighting an uphill battle instead if it being given for free..but if that's how you want to translate it..sorry I have common sense
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I do too..but I worry
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There's fighting an uphill battle (this is every other killer except clown and legion because they suck and are in dire need of reworks) then there's literally praying to RNG that the guy with all the tools somehow makes a mistake (the other 3). It's like having a 1v1 sword duel with a man who is completely invisible. My two cents.
Then there's the idea that "if you escaped by pure luck (their screw up) is it even earned?"
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Their reworks were around the same time as spirit.
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They were a good year or so after iirc. People forget just how long Spirits been around.
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I mean Spirit came out in September or October 2018 I think. Freddy rework was spring 2019, Doc Rework was beginning 2020. So the only new one would be Doctor.
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You can't act as if player error doesnt happen..that's nonsense ..and literally 4-5 killers fill the uphill battle criteria..the others get decimated with ease
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I dont think so,
i think killers dont need a buff at all, if they do get one, it will be way less fun/rewarding to play survivor (im a survivor main)
I really hate playing against doctor, a good nurse or deathslinger, becouse you just cant really be in a chase with them, wich is such a big part of the game.
I dont think a tiny chat system is a good idea, but i do like the sound of a voice chat system for survivors.
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There is very little skill in playing survivor. If you know the tiles, you’re golden.
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Ah so Nurse, Billy, Huntress, Hag are all bad killers? Gotchu :D
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If killers dont get a buff with the voice chat system it'll be like playing dead by daylight with swfs all the time and all the killers will quit.
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Speak for yourself, I love fighting PH and New Doctor. And if I'm honest Blight isn't that much fun to fight, theres rarely a spot for counter play other than "Walk here".
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Only problem is, he sucks
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i play both side and while i agree freddy and pyramid head are not fun to play agaisn't in SOLO QUEUE i strongly disagree with deathslinger and doctor, doctor you can play the loop normally if you are at a loop and hell even at the open you can go for loop the only thing he can do is shorten some loop a bit.
deathslinger, just don't stay in the open and fake vault windows form time to time, use cover just like you're playing a shooter once he miss just gain as much distance as possible before finding the next cover not that hard. i can say he his oppresive on t wall and unsafe loop but yea that's it
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you really think survivor perks are good?
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i do believe the new survivor perks are good mainly built to last.
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its the only one with potential , i have to admit it but tbh the other 2 are under average, deja vu levels of bad