Dead ends on maps are a joke

Who tf thought it was a good idea to put dead ends in random corners? The map designer suddenly thought "Haha, no windows or vaults to escape to, prepare to get downed"? What kind of ######### map designs are these people putting in the game
Ever heard of being out positioned?
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Ever heard of bad map design?
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I have. It's called ormond
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Ever seen an actual horror movie?
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If you fall on a dead end its on you really.
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Okay this got me lol
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Run with a plan, complaining because you didn't do the thing good survivors do is telling everyone that you aren't a good survivor
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Surprising you guys missed my point. There's no counter, no skill involved, no timing needed. Just turn one corner and you're cucked by the Devs cause that house you went to had an owner who thought having an empty ass porch was a good idea. The fact that you guys are covering for them really makes it saddening that this is the direction you want the game to go in
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Misspelled Dead Dawg Saloon
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That map is bad for killer as well, but the only maps that can compare to ormond are haddonfield, disturbed ward and mothers dwelling
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Killers can literally end chases in like 15 seconds cause there's a big ol field of nothing at 2 sides of the map
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Learn the map then. Most dead ends are due to breakable walls. Dont blame the devs for u not being aware.
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Why is it even there in the first place? Dead Dawg Saloon has a dead end room to grief and block with
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So every room you’ve every been in had two doors? Your bedroom must have been really really weird
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Just curious how many hours do have in the game, as well as what is your player level?
Granted there are some bad map designs. However, one of the most important skills to learn as survivor is the ability to plan your chase routes, rather than running aimlessly.
To be able to plan a chase is route does take some map knowledge, when I personally run into a dead end I blame myself, for not knowing the map properly. Once you get familiar with the majority of the tiles on a map, you'll have an easier time route planning, have a reduced chance of being caught out of position, running into a dead end, or running into dead zones.
Windows of opportunity is a good perk, for helping you get better at chase route planning. There are also a lot of looping tutorials for certain maps on youtube too.
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This is kinda BS since sometimes totems and hooks/cages can spawn in these dead ends. The top of the stairs on Midwich is a good example of this. Sometimes the Survivor is forced to go there.
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I’m saying not every single room had two exits, sometimes you’re running from Someone and BANG, wall!!! Good thing you get three hook states
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Ever heared of not being stupid and just avoiding those corners?
If youre having trouble with it, just be a better survivor lmao
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Dude, if every survivor goes down in like 15 seconds on that map, it‘s because the survivors are bad. That map actually has a lot of fair loops that allow for counterplay on both sides.
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Ever heard of looking around the area to have an escape route when the killer comes?