Rift progress 'nerfed' again?

As mentioned in a previous thread, I noticed the tome didn't take me so far in the rift. So I decided to compare the previous rifts, where they actually adjusted the economy in a positive manner, with the one we have now. Apparently BHVR have re-adjusted the values and now we have have less challenges than we had in both tome II and III. So far they have removed 2 common and 2 master challenges from each each web. Se the comparison below.
Now, BHVR is obviously free to make their own choices with their business model. But what grinds my gears is the fact that they (to my knowledge at least) didn't communicate this change to their player base. If my previous experience with the rift showed me that I could reach level 70 with X amount of effort, I would probably buy the rift pass again, confident I could make it in time. But because of the fact that BHVR changed the playing field, I may very well find myself not being able to make the rift in time and cash in some extra $ to reach the last few levels. This doesn't sit right with me and I tend to stay away from companies that employ these methods.
I hope that I'm completely off with this so feel free to add insights that may change my mind. Also, if anyone has a print screen of the upcoming levels of tome IV, please send it to me so I can add it to the roster.
Level 1: 13 common and 11 rare challenges = 94 fragments (+10 for completion)
Level 2: 13 common and 11 rare challenges = 89 fragments (+10 for completion)
Level 3: 13 common and 11 rare challenges = 89 fragments (+10 for completion)
Level 4: 12 common and 12 rare challenges = 96 fragments (+10 for completion)
Total: 405
Level 1: 11 common and 9 rare challenges = 78 fragments (+10 for completion)
Level 2: 11 common and 9 rare challenges = 78 fragments (+10 for completion)
(Level 3 and 4 not confirmed)
Level 3: 12 common and 8 rare challenges = 76 fragments (+10 for completion)
Level 4: 12 common and 8 rare challenges = 76 fragments (+10 for completion)
Total: 348
The current tome (including non-official stats) yields a total of 348 fragments. That's only 8 more fragments than Tome I that BHVR stated was too grindy. Now, obviously our queue times has approved somewhat since back then, but they cut 57 fragments since last time, almost 6 levels. You get approximately 0.8 fragments per game played. This means you need to play approx. 70 matches on top of the one you needed to play since the last tome. That's quite a few games.
Tome I: 340 fragments
Tome II: 393 fragments
Tome III: 405 fragments
Tome IV: 348 fragments
Sly, very sly. I noticed I did not progress as much as the Tome 3 but I tought it was just because I played less games.
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@HectorBrando Yup. I'm just glad I didn't have the auric cells at hand and decided to wait.
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But what grinds my gears is the fact that they (to my knowledge at least) didn't communicate this change to their player base.
Of course they didn't, it would make them look scummy.
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What is worse, them not responding or the change?
Actually it doesn't matter, both are awful. But they won't give a #########, all they care about is making money with as little effort as possible.
Less challenges means less development, less progress means more people might buy levels. More money for less work. An ideal situation for them.
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Only if you get caught :D
Be interesting to see what happens to this thread or the response to it.
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Yes, very interesting indeed. I did not break any of the forum rules so I'm hoping it stays!
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I guess too many people were making it to the end.
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why does this matter when you lvl up at the speed of light anyway. if you just get the challenges done and play couple games a day you will easy get the pass done. ive bought no tiers and im tier 52 with 45+ days left before the rift goes away.
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That is NOT a "couple" of games. i have all tasks completed and have been playing game after game of killer and am only lvl 42.
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but even then your more then half way through the pass, infact your 7 lvls above half way while having 45+ days out 70 left i believe. that doesnt seem that bad does it
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It is / was horrible since i had no life doing it.
I guess the problem is that i still make sure to go outside in the sun, that could be why i am behind hmmm.
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I can only speak for myself but it matters because
(a) Fragments are awarded at a fixed amount based on time you spend in games + challenges. I do not have enough time in my schedule to 'level up at the light of speed'.
(b) It was not addressed at all. On the other hand, the change that granted more progress was very much communicated. Everybody knew BHVR was the good guy. If they change the formula: fine. Just let me be aware of that when I make my decision to buy it.
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I wondered why it felt off after finishing the first two tiers. Perhaps they will include more challenges in tier 3 and 4? can always be hopeful for that. I'm only on 22 currently on my rift gotta get to grinding it away.
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Something definitely felt weird to me while completing challenges, like I was gaining less Rift progress. Now I know why.
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Yes, I'm hoping the amount of fragments will be the same but distributed differently (that would mean a TON off challenges in the last two levels). Or that this was some mistake that will be adjusted.
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I've almsot completed the second page and am only rank 21 or so. That's with tons of time spent played inbetween rift page unlocks.
I don't see how I'm supposed to get 50 levels from 2 more pages. I feel like they've ignored all the feedback on the grind.
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Well to be fair they did listen at first. But I think it's even worse that they actively reinserted more grind to the system. Ninja-style.
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are you all forgetting the part where this pass is suppose to last over the span of 70 days. you all acting like you should be able to get it done in like a month. the pass is meant to be a grind, thats the whole point of pass. its like an investment of 8 pound you put into the game at a cost you have to play to get your investments worth or you can buy it all out but thats like 50 pound which is a waste. also the pass is like a cosmetic, you dont need it like you could just not buy the pass if its that bad of a grind in which its not.
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Level 3: 12 common and 8 rare challenges = 76 fragments (+10 for completion)
Level 4: 12 common and 8 rare challenges = 76 fragments (+10 for completion)
Obviously, there are fewer fragments in tome 4. Each level has 20 challenges.
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@Chappy04 You're beating a strawman here. The post is about the fact that the rift was changed without any acknowledgement, while the favorable change was clearly communicated. Also, the rift progress is linear and relative to minutes spent in games + challenges. The 70 day span has not changed, but so has the amount of tome challenges. The grind is therefore objectively worse.
It doesn't matter if it's supposed to be a grind or if it's 'just cosmetics'. The formula changed.
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Wait, you saw level 3 and 4?
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Brilliant observation!
I increase my daily hours played during each tome release so I can reach lvl 70 as fast as possible. I‘ve been playing DBD even more this tome than in previous tomes and noticed the drastic, sluggish difference in progression thru the rift.
When doing the same thing for hours upon hours daily, it’s quite easy to notice when sths out of the ordinary.
Whatever the reasoning or cause for all this, it’s certainly upsetting...
especially IF it was intentional and measures weren’t taken to inform those most important to Behaviour
...their player base.
Well done, stay perceptive!
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Yea - it's viewable on a website not allowed to be linked on the forums.
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I think they underestimate some of us that we wouldnt see this change.
I am glad you made this thread, watch them "adjusting" level 3 and 4 with more challanges and the lack of challanges in level 1 and 2 was just an "unintended mistake"
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Thanks for the input @SenzuDuck and @VSLl . I have updated the post accordingly.
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even if they do a last minute change which its just not going to happen and we get the missing 5 fragment challenges on the remaining tomes they would do something like give us ridiculous challenges like sacrifice all survivors in the basement on the same match, very low move just to get people to get some shiny charm its not like theyre doing bad
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No wonder I'm stuck at Level 9.
I just stopped playing. The Rift is boring, recolors after recolors and with more grind?
No thanks.
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But you would have looked beautiful in that Meg dress.
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@VSLI thanks.
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Hey everyone! I did some more comparisons. The current tome (including non-official stats) yields a total of 348 fragments. That's only 8 more fragments than Tome I that BHVR stated was too grindy. Now, obviously our queue times has approved somewhat since back then, but they cut 57 fragments since last time, almost 6 levels. You get approximately 0.8 fragments per game played. This means you need to play approx. 70 matches on top of the one you needed to play since the last tome. That's quite a few games.
Tome I: 340 fragments
Tome II: 393 fragments
Tome III: 405 fragments
Tome IV: 348 fragments
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There won't be a response, it won't even be read. Devs see that the title is critical about the battlepass and immediately ignore it.
I would be okay with them acknowledging that this thread even exists, by using the "BHVR Read" reaction (same thing as "Vote Up" but only available to devs) but that won't happen either. That would require them to read this thread.
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The charms are worthless anyway. The system is already unsustainable: There are way too many charms that look just absolutely awful, and because there are so many of them you can't even show off by equipping "high-level" (charms you get from later battlepass levels) because no one knows which ones are the early ones that are fast to get and which ones come late. And good luck finding the specific charm you want to equip in the huge list of available ones.
At least the cosmetics will release in the store eventually! A minimum of 6 months after each battlepass closes. For the first battlepass the earliest date would have been in early July. Nothing was released. No information about when that is going to happen either.
Here is why I think that situation is bullshit:
- no one was asking for a battlepass system
- no one forced them to release a battlepass when it clearly wasn't even ready (example: first battlepass has a completely purple arcade cabinet charm - it looks awful, it would have been easy to make it look passable by giving it some sort of texture that isn't literally all purple)
- no one forced them to announce that they would release the cosmetics a minimum of 6 months later
- they clearly had no plan how or when they would release the cosmetics. The 6 months is just a lazy excuse to shut down people saying the battlepass is predatory by forcing people to grind the game for an unreasonable amount of time for fear of missing out on items
Source for the 6 months thing: https://deadbydaylight.com/en/archives
What happens when The Rift closes?
If you missed some rewards in The Rift, most of them will eventually be available in our in-game store after a minimum period of 6 months. (More details to be revealed at a later date.)
There are still no details though. No information about when they will release.
And yes I know that it says minimum, but minimum can also mean 10 years from now. They could have taken their time to flesh out the release plan for their battlepass system, but they did not. They needed to buy themselves time to come up with something because almost certainly their original plan was to make the cosmetics exclusive to the battlepass, but that would have made them look bad, so they came up with an excuse in hopes of finding a solution after they released the battlepass.
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It should be easier to progress, not back to almost as grindy as the first tome we had...
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I just wanted my Hag skin, but yea it's insane. currently at 50 with both unlocked chapters 100% and well over a hundred hours so far.
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The rift is not something you need to complete to gain an advantage over other players. I don't see monetizing it as anything bad or underhanded. I'd much rather they monetize cosmetics than monetize DLCs / make them more expensive.
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im not being funny last time all you needed to do was complete the challenges and you got to the end, you should need to play the game more than that to finish the rift. idea is you put the time in to get the rewards, its why after the initial 1k auric cells you dont need to put more in unless you dont finish it. if its so easy to always complete devs will lose money, its a smart and reasonable move
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Another strawman. We're not discussing whether monetization is wrong or not (spoiler: it's not). We're discussing why they reverted changes that they previously made to comply with the fanbase without communicating they did so.
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They reverted the changes for monetary gain, it's that simple. It's not something that affects gameplay in barely any way, so it doesn't matter. This isn't rocket science and it's not hard to figure out.
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Yes, but I still feel you are missing the point. They are bamboozling their players by providing a false baseline of sorts. In January they announced that the upcoming tomes will reward more fragments and be easier to complete. Then, two tomes later, they revert the values without saying a single word about it. As is obvious by this thread, players assume that the January statement is valid (as no one has told them different), and buys the rift on false ground.
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People are still shocked they're trying to squeeze more money out of their battlepass?
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Can someone confirm the level 3 challenges for me? It should be 12 normal and 8 rare for 76 fragments.
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I view my progress as 1 tier a day. I havent collected all my challenges but quickly adding things up i am right where i need to be after completing the first 2 levels. Not sure how much extra i will have to grind when i complete all the challenges though.
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As I shown earlier, level 3 contains the same challenges.
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but us find out on are own makes they look scummier.