What Changed?

I've played this game on PS4 since about when Freddy came out. I've always had a pretty standard time, losing some games, winning some games, but generally leaving my gaming sessions satisfied. I've had a few breaks of a week or two, but play steadily on both sides, hitting red ranks each months. As survivor, I participate in all facets of a match (gens, chases, saves, etc) and as a killer I avoid the deadly sins (camping, tunneling, etc). I try to encourage a "fun time" for all.
The past 10 days or so has been awful for me in this game. Every match has insane amounts of lag, especially against Doctor, Pyramid Head, and Freddy. I've been doing worse and worse each game- as survivor running into killers who are truly great at this game and deserve a win, albeit with many moments where I'm frustrated by lag, bad random teammates, and generally wondering why hits connect, flashlights aren't working, pallets don't drop, or (worst of all) a key won't open the hatch. My games as killer seem to always be against skilled SWF, where I'm lucky to end the match with 1 or 2 eliminated. And as either side, so many games drop the "frame rate" to where it's harder and harder to tell what's really going on.
So what's changed? I could call it a "bad spell" but most of the games are just ridiculous. I've never been so discouraged toward keeping on playing this game. Any advice for feeling less frustrated?
Game lags when a hex totem is broken, when Noed activates, sometimes just cause. They removed MMR (because it sucked tbh) but not I'm getting freaking Yellow and White rank survs in my lobby when I'm purple, and they play like it too. Boosted SWF teammates. Flashlights are offcenter now (lists to the right), sounds are STILL broken, and hits are as wonky as ever.
That's DBD.