Post your killer ideas here!

EntitledMyersMain Member Posts: 832
edited August 2020 in Creations

I am a non creative degenerate so I have no ideas. What about you guys?

Update: I came up with something.


Elliot Depp was an adventurer. He would sail the biggest seas, explore areas unknown to man. When he finally took the challenge to scale Mount Everest, tragedy struck. A scared villager shot him in the face with a bow, mistaking him for a threat. Elliot survived, however. He Woke up weeks later, his body frozen. He did not know why or how he was alive. He found the villager's home and slaughtered everyone in the village. But then everything started to spin around him. He collapsed onto the ground, which was strangely covered in dead leaves. A warm bonfire burnt behind him. He didn't know where he was. He only knew to kill.

Power: Depp's calling

The Hiker has the ability to climb structures. While hanging from a climbable surface, The Hiker can perform a special attack. The Hiker gains the UNDETECTABLE status effect while climbing. After 30 seconds of hanging (staying still while climbing) The Hiker gains the new CAMOUFLAGED status effect, cloaking him until he moves. While hanging, The Hiker can look around freely.

Special Attack: Strike From Above

While hanging from a climbable surface, The Hiker can fall and slam the ground, putting anyone he lands on into the dying state.

Hop: The Hiker can climb atop some walls and hop onto nearby elevated surfaces. He can also use Strike From Above while perched.



Your body is fueled by an unnatural, untiring fury.

Every survivor who escapes you in a chase gives you a token.

Next time you are in a chase with a healthy survivor, you can activate this perk and spend one token. After a brief fatigue period, the survivor suffers from the EXPOSED status effect for 15/20/25 seconds.

"It's not over yet"-Elliot Depp


The entity has strengthened you greatly. The following effects persist as long as the related hex totem is standing.

You cannot be Stunned or Blinded by any means while this Hex is active. Struggle timer while carrying a body increased by 25/50/75 percent.

You gain no bloodpoints for destroying pallets, regardless of if this perk is active or not. While Hex: Unphaseable is active, you break pallets 50% slower than normal.

"You fools have only strengthened the beast!"- Text from a Tibetan monk tribe's tome


One Survivor per trial becomes your obsession.

Over the course of the trial, the obsession will slowly become injured, then injured/broken, then suffer from a movement speed reduction, then finally be put into the dying state. The effects progress to the next stage each time a generator is completed. (With perks like Nemesis and furtive chase, this perk allows you to have multiple obsessions per match)

If the obsession works on at least 0/1/2 generators that get completed later in the match AND heals at least one other survivor, a new survivor becomes the obsession. No Survivor may be afflicted by this perk more than once per trial.

Tell me some improvements I could make!

Post edited by EntitledMyersMain on


    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416

    SCPs, you play as 1 and break out the others as the trial progresses. They start out weak but get way stronger as the match progresses.

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    Zombie/Ghost Pirate

    Shipwreck map

    Perks curse treasure chests and penalise players that;

    1. Jump from a height (walk the plank)

    2. Players that exit before other survivors (mutiny)

    As for power. Not so sure. Perhaps he has to find the chests in the map and by interacting with them, gains silver, like the oni does blood, and his power see's crows harass survivors within a distance of him and he gets a 1 hit down weapon for a set duration to counter the time wasted plundering silver.

    Open to suggestions and improvements.

    xBEATDOWNSx Member Posts: 636

    The Creature (The Thing)


    Tall killer

    "It could be any one of us...."

    After downing and hooking a survivor, take the form of another survivor currently in the trial for 30 seconds. Your terror radius is applied to the survivor who's form you took. You now have the normal abilities of survivors (vaulting, running speed, even healing. Not able to work on gens though) but can end the camouflage early to attack an unknowing survivor.

    Has a basic attack with its claws for M1


    Hex: Distrust

    All dull totems are now active. When an active hex totem is cleansed, see the auras of all survivors for 2/3/4 seconds. Any Hex totem that is cleansed that is not Distrust will have both it's original ability as well as Distrust added. (i.e cleansed haunted ground while this is active? Congrats, killer sees you for a few seconds)


    When two or more survivors are engaged in a co-op action (working on a gen or healing each other), this action now takes 5/8/10% longer to complete.

    Cut Off

    When all gens are done and exit gates are power, hooking a survivor during this time calls upon the entity to block both exit gate levers for 20/30/40 seconds. Can only be used once per trial.

    Listen I know this is ridiculous and could not work even if ironed out due to players in parties, but imagine a killer that could take the form of someone else in trial. That would add some much needed horror back to the game.

  •  Antares2332
    Antares2332 Member Posts: 1,088

    I'm not a fan of killers who can become survivors, but I like this idea. Also the perk (Hex: Distrust) seems like a very cool idea.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    Best one I've come up with was a mountaineer who was left on a mountain to die.

    His power was to create an are of effect blizzard that slowed everyone and locked off some things near by. I'd have to dig that up from my discussions, but I'm going to work soon after I post this.

  • IIITweedleIII
    IIITweedleIII Member Posts: 966

    ELEMENTALS: Earth, Fire, Ice, Air (a true legion entity)

    Power: When your Power Gauge is full, Tap or Hold the Power Button to launch an elemental sphere (depending on Add-on determines which element is used) and incapacitate a survivor that is directly stunned by. A Healthy Survivor will then enter the Injured State of the element damage and escape, leaving a trail of the element for tracking. Giving 1.2s damage to Deep Wound until basic strike or downed to half health.



    Strongest of all elements, the damage effect is 3/6/12 % more damaging and speeds Deep Wound immensely.


    2nd strongest element, giving 1/5/10 % more damage and speeds Deep Wound greatly


    3rd strongest element. With no added damage to Deep Wound yet lasting hindered effects to mobility. 2/4/6 longer timer to incapacitate.



    With the burning passion of Hellfire. Your speeds in vaulting, picking up. And damages to breakable are 3/6/9% quicker. Basic Attack strikes leave a searing pain effect making Injured survivors pain sounds louder. Scratch Mark's glow brighter and last longer than normal.

    Freezer Burn.

    Gives the killer 2/4/8 the movement speed hindrance.

    Basic Attack leaves survivors to become slower in their actions. As well as leaves a ice-over trail of blood on the ground more detectable.


    Muddied survivors will suffer from impaired vision, reduced movement speed, and blind effects to hooked survivors, generators for 3secs.

    Mori: You become a Gaia like figure. And surround the survivor in a torrent of wind. Sufficating them as you pull the oxygen from them. (Kinda boring but has to be simplified like the other Mori animations are done)

    (And that's all I can think on. 😖)

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    Yes and no. Mine follows the typical snowy chasm "CUT THE ROPE!" thing. Sacrifice him so at least one of us will live and all that.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    I've had two in mind.

    The first would use the crows on the map in some fashion. Maybe be able to 'fly' to a group, or use them to harass nearby survivors to slow them down.

    The second would use lockers. Be pretty trippy to have the killer walk out of the locker behind you when doing a gen. Taking it a step further, he'd be able to lock survivors in a locker for a time. Either by stuffing them in, or if they try and hide in one.

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    I Was thinking on the same path yesterday regarding crows. Thought a scarecrow killer would be good for that. Crows could harras survs on gens and the idol player crows could appear in half the time to penalise stealthy survivors, forcing them to stay on the move.

  • Dabihwow
    Dabihwow Member Posts: 3,409

    I would like to see a pirate themed killer really

  • CrowVortex
    CrowVortex Member Posts: 961

    So taking some inspiration from Noob saibot from MK, i'd like a killer who uses clones for offensive and defence.

    M1 Killer, with an ability to send out a clone who will tackle and damage one health state. Addons to grant an additional clone. , Addons to change the pathing of the clone and it's behaviour. Zig zag clone / Hitting with an M1 then activating your clone grants it haste.

    Secondary ability to leave shadow portals where your clone dies on impact or runs out of time, survivors who run into these portals are pulled into the shadow realm for 20 seconds where they can't interact with pallets/windows/lockers or gens. Shadow portals have an AOE pull effect when within 5m of it.


    Split personality - Kicking a gen applies an instant 8% regression, your clone also kicks the gen after you granting a further 4% regression. Being hit by a pallet and stunned, your clone will break the pallet.

    Despair - All survivors who are injured suffer a 0.5% stackable movement slow effect, increasing by 0.5% every 8 seconds until healed or a maximum of 10 stacks are applied.

    Two is always better than one - Your grab distance is increased by 1/2/3 meters.

  • Here's an idea I had a while ago and just updated. Basically, turn a survivor into a minion of sorts. Become a ghost for patrolling and mind gaming survivors.

    As for OPs idea, Spider climbing seems cool and reminds me of my first asymmetric horror game The Hidden: Source, but considering how DBD works it's hard for me to imagine it really being of any use, especially considering DBD level design. How do you lure survivors in? The ability seems entirely dependent on survivors walking in the direction of the killer while hes spider man larping. Plus, while he's spider-man larping, he's not doing anything to the survivors meaning gens are going to fly. I also have to imagine coding something like this will be a nightmare. DBD is a pretty flat game in terms of terrain and usually when you start having more vertical, 3D movement, you need levels that are actually built with that in mind.

    The perks are neat though. 😀

  • Rammos
    Rammos Member Posts: 5

    This is my Killer Concept! I'm open to any ideas and improvements.

  • SadCyclops
    SadCyclops Member Posts: 118

    check out my profile for several killer ideas and chapters and please comment what you like/dislike on them

  • Anson_Ragnarok
    Anson_Ragnarok Member Posts: 1

    I know that The Oni already exists and his concept is based around anger but just stick with me. For lack of a better name, I present 

    Strong Guy

    This Killer is a giant hulking man that uses his great fists to pummel his victims to death. Mighty punches fueled by hate and the passion for revenge. The scars littering his whole body remind him of his torturous life, filling him with an unstoppable rage. “Hopeless attempts to keep me down... only give me Power!”

    Base movement speed: 4.6 m/s

    Base Terror Radius: 32m

    Killer Height: Tall (7’ 1” to be specific)

    Power: This power consists of a tier system, scaling from 0-5. The Killer will always start at Tier 0 (unless add-ons directly say otherwise). His power “Unstoppable Rage” makes him more powerful each time he is stunned (Pallets and Decisive Strike, missed attacks and Flashlights do not count. As well, if he hits a survivor with his primary attack he can not tier up for the next 10 seconds). While tiering up is technically passive for getting stunned, he has a secondary attack action that increases its usefulness as he progresses through tiers. This attack is a relatively short dash that will bulldoze anything in its way (still only takes one life state). Now let’s get specific about the tiers themselves and how they effect his ability stats and base stats.

    Tier 0: after a short delay (1s) instantly dash forward 8m inflicting one life state of damage to any survivor in the path with a cool down of 2s. His base stats remain the same

    Tier 1: after being stunned you will receive an ability pop up, pressing said button will activate a tier up event, you will let out a yell animation (1s) and tier up. Your ability and base stats will advance. Now after a short delay (1s) dash forward 10m inflicting one life state of damage. And your Terror Radius is now 38m.

    Tier 2: after being stunned and activating the tier up, your new stats for your ability will be. After a short delay (1s) instantly dash forward 15m inflicting one life state to any survivor in the path with a cool down of 20s. Your new base killer stats: 38m Terror Radius, 5.0 m/s walk speed (but loses potential for bloodlust while in tier 2).

    Tier 3: after being stunned and activating the tier up, starting at Tier 3 you will now instantly break the pallet you’re near during the yell animation. Your ability now takes no delay to activate, instantly dash forward 10m inflicting one life state to any survivor in the way with a cool down of 5s. Your new base killer stats are 45m Terror Radius and 4.6 m/s walk speed.

    Tier 4: Starting at tier 4 there will be a timer after tiering up that will set you back to tier 3 you have 90 seconds in Tier 4 to use it as you please or try to tier up again. Your new ability stats are: after a short delay (1s) instantly dash forward 20m inflicting one life state and stunning the survivor (1s) with a 5s cool down. Your base stats are now: 48m Terror Radius and 3.8 m/s 

    TIER 5: After being being stunned and activating the tier up you will yell and break the pallet of near it and reveal the survivor who dropped it on you for 3s (in the case of DS the user will be revealed for 3s as well) your aura is also revealed to the survivors for 2s and you will hear his yell across the entire map. All survivors are now afflicted with the exposed status effect. At maximum power your ability is now honed to destroy, after a 2s delay shoot off the ground with immeasurable strength, moving at 10m/s for 30m leveling anything in your path with a 5s cool down (you are now able to control your trajectory in Tier 5 instead of moving in a straight line). Survivors are instantly put into the dying state, if your attack is to miss and hit a solid object in the map, the punch will emit a shockwave shaking the survivors screen and slowing them down by 3% for 2s when within 8m of the missed strike. In Tier 5 you gain a passive power allowing you to be immune to pallet stuns but you take 5% longer to vault windows. Your Terror Radius is now 65m and your movement speed is 4.8 m/s. You have 40 seconds in Tier 5 before reverting back to Tier 3. 


    Strongest Man Alive

    The entity is pleased by your wrath. Gain 75% more Bloodpoints in the brutality category and gain a token each time a survivor is forced into the injured state to a maximum of 2/3/4. For each token, gain 2% struggle time. Lose a token each time a survivor is hooked. 

    Hex: Omen of Destruction

    The roaring fire of rage in your heart compels you to enact revenge. While receiving the bloodlust status effect also gain 10%/15%/25% cool down on missed primary attacks and destroy pallets 5% faster. 

    Pick on Someone Your Own Size

    They made a grave mistake when they messed with you, they’ll understand that soon enough. You strike with such great passion you inflict a permanent Hindered Status effect (small amount 2%-3%) and a 20s Hemorrhage Status effect.

  • EntitledMyersMain
    EntitledMyersMain Member Posts: 832

    Make sure to check out my profile for my killer concepts! Highlights include:

    Probably inspired by Saw

    Big Bird

    Spanish wrestler

    *Teleports behind you*

  • Shymare_11
    Shymare_11 Member Posts: 494

    Just posting this here in the hopes of some reviews...

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,238
    edited September 2020

    Before the Blight was a thing i thought of a fungal zombie called the blight, a mix between plague and clown, he'd be planting those event-plants around the map to spread a network of infected pathways to afflict sirvivors with a slight slowdown on those paths and an ever growing infection similiar to madness or the plague (skillecheck stuff and repair speed for example). Sirvivors could break the plants to weaken the network.

    Another one would be a prison themed killer, "the Warden". Their ability would be spawning entity blockers in front of them, which would spread to nearby geometry and block those off too ( walls, buildings, trees, pallets, etc). If thats too weak, I'd like them to bring up a map screen to place traps that spawn huge circular cages made of entity blockers. Depending on how strong this is in reality, touching those walls could slow survivors a bit.

    @PigMainClaudette are you talking about an mountaineer or Mei from overwatch? ^^. She'd definitrly be the scariest killer here. Joke aside, nice to see someone else getting area-lockdown/denial ideas too.

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  • The Ballerina

    Backstory: Lili Somorjai loved ballet dancing when she was very young and this love and passion for dancing was picked up from her mother, the only parent she lived with. Her mother was once a successful ballerina and before she had Lili, she was on top of the ballet world. Although her mother had no choice but to retire being a ballet dancer once she was pregnant with her daughter which was almost a dangerous & fatal choice to make because being a ballerina wasn’t a job, it was a lifestyle and if she were to keep up doing her ballet performance while in early ages of pregnancy chances are she would have made a miscarriage, not to mention that a ballerina needs to be in perfect shape & form. So with signs of pregnancy via a large belly would cause loads of raised eyebrows and suspicion, she couldn’t afford losing her baby through abortion either so she had no choice but to retire which in the ballet world might as well be translated as “suicide” as once again; being a ballerina was more of a lifestyle than a job.

    Thankfully, Lili’s mother was able to afford other jobs that kept her own life going, allowing her daughter to be looked after by relatives while she is away and making sure she gets out in time to pick up Lili from school. However, despite this change of lifestyle;her mother. no matter how much she tries to move on from her ballet lifestyle, her quitting was still one of the most talk about subjects when dancing gets bought up and what they say about her retirement wasn’t met with positive feedback at all, as if retirement was a crime. It made a huge impact on her sanity, because everywhere she goes she sees people talking about her retirement a few years prior, thankfully no one recognized her as on stage she would wear heavy makeup to hide her face. But she still has trouble focusing at some points in her life, all she did was quit a job to look after a child, why is the ballet world so cruel about it that they would continue to talk about it to this very day?

    Then when Lili was getting older up to the age of 7, she noticed how her daughter was becoming interested in ballet. Although her mother tried to get her away from being interested in ballet, not wanting to put her life hellish life she did, because ballerinas usually start from childhood and in the process their childhood would get stripped away, but Lili was stubborn and kept on watching ballet videos, enchanted by their movement and beauty and it didn’t help calm things down once Lili started watching videos of her own mother on stage (who she doesn’t recognize due to the makeup she was wearing in those videos), her mother almost went out to burn away these videos but as time went on since Lili turned 7 she was becoming more mentally unstable.

    No one would shut up, no one would move on like she is trying to do, the world of ballet still talks badly about her, she has read on comments that quitting from ballet might as well be suicide because ballet is not a job it’s a lifestyle and these were getting to her head bad until something in her mind snapped. She can’t escape the world of ballet…but she was too late on going back…instead she’ll find a replacement, that’s it…she’ll find a successor in her place, that way she would not only game fame and recognition but also respect again, so she picked her daughter to be her replacement… Lili shares mostly the traits of her mother the most, she doesn’t have any traces of the father who left them with the exception of the brown hair and brown eyes…she would be perfect replacement…she could lead a cover up that she was back in the ring when in reality it was her daughter doing all the work…

    So at the age of seven she started to teach Lili ballet…but it should be noted that her daughter’s name was actually “Lily” her mother is actually named “Lili” but her mentally unstable mother hopes to change that by making her daughter have her mother’s own name instead, but she was of course hiding these things from her daughter “Lily” as her daughter was super excited to finally learn ballet…but little did the poor girl know that by becoming a ballerina she was basically giving up her entire childhood and soon her whole life.

    At first it felt fine but as months went by her mother was becoming to act stricter with her training, she wanted Lily’s body to stay in shape like hers so she no longer picked up with a car anymore, instead they walked home which wasn’t close to the school at all.  Lily wasn’t allowed to have her favourite meals anymore, instead her mother fed her only light amounts of food of her choosing…basically food that she herself ate when she was learning ballet herself, after all a ballerina needs to be in perfect shape and she was trying to make her daughter feel more like her own mother rather than herself, after all she also started off ballet at the age of 7 too so her daughter needs to go through things just like her.

    One time, Lily begged to her mother that she wanted to quit but instead her mother snapped, slapphing across the left cheek & saying that you can’t quit being a ballerina because it’s not a job you can just quit, it is your life and she pushed her training even harder. Soon Lily was starting to get blisters that hurt her feet but her mother pushed saying that those are meant to be expected when doing ballet. As years went by she forced Lily to live her life more, such as forcing Lily to change from her old school to the one she was taught in, Lili even lied by saying that her daughter’s name was “Lili” and even assigned her to ballet class without her say so whenever “Lili” gets called out in class she must respond to that name because that is her now.

    “Lili” was 10 years old when she joined the ballet class against her will but the years of training made her top of the class and when she went to perform live on stage in a school play everyone cheered especially her own mother feeling “proud” of her. After all she saw her younger self on stage that time. Although just because she was proud doesn’t mean things were over, Lili also forced her daughter to not have any friends as she herself didn’t have any either. Lili was doing everything she can to make her daughter go everything she went through so her daughter can be convinced she is her own mother and Lili can only smile about it.

    Soon “Lili’s” room which were filled with her favourite toys and decorations would be taken away to an orphanage in favour of the things her mother had when she was her age, her mother was now just plain abusing her…Soon “Lili” really started to call herself “Lili” as if that was always her real name, soon she started ballet like there is no tomorrow in hopes she would have her own mother stop being horrible to her and it was working in both favors. The mother Lili was glad her daughter was taking ballet seriously like she did when she reached that age while her daughter was beginning to accept her new role with a broken mind, either way the mother Lili was happy things are progressing and she cannot wait for her daughter to reach teenage years…because that is when she shined in the world of ballet, but her own daughter felt like a machine, only dancing ballet for the sake of ballet dancing and pleasing her mother in the progress. When “Lili” reached around 16 years of age she entered college but her mother then used money she had over from her own ballet days to afford laser eye surgery on her daughter’s eyes to make them blue just like hers.

    In the past she forced her daughter to use blue contact lenses but now they are permanently blue and she even used permanent hair dye on her daughter, changing it from brown to dark honey blonde just like her's, each year that goes by she was beginning to look more and more like her own mother. Her mother was pleased to hear she would be passing her ballet tests soon & once she reaches 18 years of age it was her time to go to Julliard and then kick off her ballet career once she graduates, yet little did she know that this would come at a very huge price.

    During this time “Lili” was becoming more and more like her mother, not just in appearance and talent, but also in personality, not very sociable, always makes sure ballet is her number one priority, doesn’t want to hang out with friends…but she still remembers she was once a girl named Lily, but her mother pushed her into being someone else and it was too late for her to change as in her mind doing ballet was all that matters and she didn’t have the courage to tell anyone because as her mother said; quitting ballet is a definition of suicide, but so was giving up her old life.

    Meanwhile her mother was planning ahead on her daughter’s coming years…she received images of the future, in a year from now, she would be killed by her own daughter who would finally snap from all of the abuse that she suffered from her. After seeing this she was desperate, no way would she would die by the hands of her daughter. So changing plans for once she used the money she had left from her ballet days to bribe the university into making “Lili” graduate early at the age of 18 so she can officially begin her career in ballet.

    Her daughter was confused on why she was suddenly rushed but her mother didn’t answer and afterwards went all over the earth from the USA, to England, to France, to Japan, & even Hungary and had her perform in many theatres where she gained phrased and popularity, although at the time her name wasn’t revealed, Lili wants her daughter’s name to remain hidden for now until she is much older, to trick the world into thinking that the original Lili Somorjai has come out of retirement. Unrealistic as this plan was…she was beginning to feel glad things were going in her favour. Her daughter was the talk of the town and her daughter surprisingly felt happy about the fame…because it was making her mother proud which is why she never stopped dancing, she didn’t want her mother to feel angry, she didn’t want to her teachings go to waste…dancing was all she desired now, her own mother twisted her daughter's mind, She never said anything about it but her daughter’s body was unlike her own during her age, she at one point would have considered giving her daughter plastic surgery all over her body but she feels like that would have been a bad idea…so the curse will have to do. Everything was going as planned until one fateful night....

    On the night before Halloween a tragedy occurred at the Alicia Markova Memorial Ballet Theatre, when "Lili" failed a performance. Her mother was both devastated because all these years of training her went to waste.... and her mother was also so infuriated that she sliced her mouth from side to side & underneath her eyelids with a sharp knife & yelled at her, telling her that she ruined her life & name & reputation and assaulted her physically on stage in front of everyone exposing the truth to the entire audience watching, this triggered something deep inside "Lili", after years of abuse & a ruined childhood/old life taken away from her cause her to finally snap in a rage, violently rip the knife from her mother's hands & slit her mother's throat with the knife, severing the woman's jugular veins, killing her instantly as all of her blood sprayed over her & the audience. This frightened everybody & caused them to run out the theater screaming.

    That's when Lili briefly came to her senses & realize what she had done. At first, the 19 year old dancer felt horrible & regretted murdering her own mother, and how much damage she caused, she ruined her mother's name fame & reputation & ended her life. However, She also realized something else: it felt kind of good to kill, It gave her another purpose in life. As the fateful night of the murder made headlines worldwide. Lili wrote a fake suicide note to the public and went into hiding. She enjoyed being the ballerina of death as she even weaponized her tutu with deadly, long spikes & blades as well as deadly blades on the end of her pointe ballet slippers & finally embracing murder & ballet, combining them to become the graceful killer of death.

    25 years passed & Lili was now the same age as her now dead mother & now resides in the theatre where she failed her ballet performance & killer her mother on October 30th. Throughout those years progressed, horror stories of visitors & people disappearing in the Alicia Markova Memorial Ballet Theatre became national legend. Eventually, the theatre was abandoned as it became too dangerous to even set foot in there. The mysterious disappearances were never solved. Meanwhile, no matter how many victims Lili killed on the stage where she took her mother's life, she'll never quit ballet dancing as quitting ballet is suicide because ballet was not a job, but a way of life. Destiny was calling to her. As the theatre began to deteriorate in structure & design, she finally realized her fate, to become not just a famous ballerina like her now dead mother, but to kill while doing so. Once a promising ballerina following in her mother's footsteps, Lili had become a dreadful ballerina of death for any mortals unlucky enough to cross paths with her. This pleased the Entity, and it sought to indebt Lili the Ballerina into the service of it's bidding.

    Weapon & Ability:  Each killer has their own unique weapon and ability. The Ballerina's primary weapons are the bloodstained knife that was used to kill her mother, the spikes on her tutu & the blades on her ballet slippers with cut through the life essence of the souls for the Entity. Her ability, Curse of The Sugar Plum Fairy, is a ballerina music box that the Ballerina wields. The music that the box plays is a distorted & macarbe version of Tchiakovsky's The Dance Of The Sugar Plum Fairy, which can reveal the survivor's location to the killer, if the survivor gets way too close to it. If The Ballerina is in active pursuit of a survivor, he can sick the raven on them, which will briefly hinder them as it attacks. It has to be winded up first, but when the survivor gets too close to the music box: The Ballerina will have full sight of the survivor & the trail that they leave behind, making it easy for the killer to find them & attack them. A survivor can sabotage the music box, however this takes twice as long and doubles toolbox usage if one is applied. Once deactivated, the survivor can not get detected unless they are get to close to another active music box, in which case the killer will have full insight of the survivor again. The Terror Radius is increased by 50% & the trail the survivor leaves behind will not disappear after a while. However, sabotaging & deactivating the music boxes require separate toolkit actions, with the deactivation sequence taking precedence. If The Ballerina is not in active pursuit of a survivor, she can still place the music box & wind it up on the the spot wherever she is. If the music box is playing the song with a survivor nearby, it will simply reveal their location to the killer.

    PerksLETHAL EN POINTE: Generators are damaged quicker than ever. With this perk, The Ballerina can damage generators & destroy planks quicker than before with the cooldown greatly decreased. This also is helpful when chasing survivors with a 5% chance of putting them in the dying state in 1 fell swoop of an attack. DEATH IS FOREVER: Once hooked by the killer, There is a huge percentage-based penalty for any failed escape attempts, which speeds up the sacrifice procedure by 25%. The chance of them getting sacrified quicker increases per tier. The hex totem must be cleansed in order to disable the effects of the hex. However, once the first hex totem is cleansed, the hex is able to transfer to another totem elsewhere on the map, where it again must be cleansed to disable its effects. This hex is able to transfer up to twice per match before being disabled completely. SWAN'S GRACE: Even killers can be light on their toes. The Ballerina can leap over planks, obstacles & vaultable walls with ease without slowing down. This is very helpful when chasing survivors.

  • QueenTiger
    QueenTiger Member Posts: 1

    Jeff the Killer's Mori

    He tackles the survivor and proceeds to stab the survivor multiple times. Afterwards, he screams "Go To Sleep!" and he grabs his own face with one hand and laughs like a maniac while standing up.

    Sorry that's really all i have but i really think Jeff The Killer will be a great addition to DBD.

  • GhostyyBoi
    GhostyyBoi Member Posts: 416

    I know you already commented on this, but I'd like everyone else to see it.

  • firedagodc
    firedagodc Member Posts: 26

    A giant spider that chases the survivors and can shoot webs out and bite survivors. As his or her attacks

  • redhex45
    redhex45 Member Posts: 61


    LORE: Dorothea J. Simmonds (J stand for Jessebel), as a little girl she wanted to help people in need, wanted to expose the truth, she wanted to spread the word. That's what she learned from both of her parents, news reporters. When Dorie got to choose her career path she chose the same as her parents. She didn’t want popularity nor money from it, she wanted to tell the truth. When she was told to go to a mental asylum and reported any problems. She went and saw many patients in need. She tried to help them, but didn't know what to do when she asked a nurse or a doctor no one would listen to her. When the camera crew recorded everything they were killed and Dorie was next, when Dorie went to a patient's room she saw a little girl named Holly with a doll. When the nurses and doctor checked every room for Dorie, when they got to Holly's, Dorie got a pair of scissors from Holly's drawing desk and started the nurses and doctors. She let all of the patients go, they didn't go, they attacked each other, causing Holly to die. Dorie saw everyone she killed, her dead crew, and now Holly. She took her own life; she had failed, she said, she died with the doll in her hands. 

    Summary (basically): she loved to help people and she wants everyone to know the truth, her boss told her to go to a mental asylum and studied about the patients who were ok. When she found out that the staff are treating them poorly she was going to expose them. The staff turn out to be low life criminals and they end up killing Dorie's crew. When Dorie met Holly, Dorie knew she needed to defend herself and everything else. She killed the staff and let everyone free, but turns out the mental patients we're actually killers; they hurt each other and ended up killing Holly, Dorie felt like ######### and killed herself with Holly's doll in her hands. 

    Weapon: Holly's Scissors: An giant rusty old scissor that can cut to human skin 

    Killer appearance: wearing a blue raggedy ann dress (Ripped), button eyes, red hair, stitches all over her body, right side mouth is slit, old dark brown boots, and white and red ripped socks. 

    Human appearance: blonde hair, blue eyes, freckles and fair skin

    Height: Medium

    Speed: 110%

    Terror Radius: 26 meters

    POWER: Phasing of Fear 

    No need to vault, break pallets or doors, or chase the survivor for hours. Phasing of Fears lets you take shortcuts to easily let you hit or downed the survivor. After hitting a survivor you will have a cooldown for 8 seconds. 


    Benevolent (Level 30)

    In the beginning of the match all windows, pallets, and doors are block from the Entity 25/37/46 

    "What are pallets?" - Dorie Simmonds

    Hex: Derealization (Level 35)

    After picking of a survivor your surroundings have high tense chills, if a survivor is blocking your way the Entity will hit the survivor, if you have a Hex totem they will be insta-down 

    "NO ONE WILL TOUCH ME"- Dorie Simmonds

    Illusions (Level 40)

    After the survivor is rescue from there 2nd hook they will have Illusions of the killer seeing them coming at their way, but turns out it's the killer its just your imagination  12/26/30 

    "You have no chance, Darling"- Dorie Simmonds

    ADD ONS:

    [NOT SURE]

  • Uncle_Trench
    Uncle_Trench Member Posts: 1

    I wouldn't know what to give him but here is 1 killers that could be fun to have is the licker from resident evil, i did have a few others in mind but i couldn't remember the names, and heres one my friend wanted i'm sure someones asked for it Pennywise From IT

  • RenDesune
    RenDesune Member Posts: 246

    The Seamstress:

    Killer Concept

    Quick backstory:

    (Just an ambiguous backstory, not very good at storytelling so I left it kind of empty at the end)

    Diana McArthur, the towns seamstress, was a lovely young woman. She was groomed to take after her mothers craftsmanship, adored by the small Scottish town for the great cloths and hats they created.

    Diana's mother was everything to her. Her father was never around, he had a less favorable occupation working as a gravedigger at night and during the day he drank away at a pub.

    It was all the more heart breaking when Diana's mother passed away of an unexpected illness. Diana was heartbroken.

    She carried on though, working on her customers orders by her lonesome this time, she carried on the burden of keeping the household up as her father came home angry... unlike Diana who poured her sadness into her work, her father poured his loss into drinking and anger. Blowing away his frustrations at Diana, hitting her one night.

    The night before the funeral, Diana was full of emotions. In her workspace, she crafted up a crude looking ragdoll. She didn't have quite the right fabrics to create it but it served it purpose... it looked like her mother, the same golden blonde hair, two green buttons for eyes, and of course a long blue dress... her favorite color.

    On the day of the funeral, she embrassingly brought the doll. She was going to put it in the casket when she said her goodbyes.

    Diana looked down at her mother, peaceful and pale. She shed a tear on the ragdoll and laid it near her mothers corpse.

    Diana was about to leave but she saw something that made her curious.

    The seamstress looked at her mothers corpse, stuffing began to lift out of her pale blue mouth... and with a closer inspection her ears as well.

    Diana began to look at her mothers neck and see stitching.

    She was taken back, what did they do to her!

    Diana rushed out of the funeral.

    She went to the funeral home the next day to complain, needing answers to why they stuffed her with cotton and had stitches around her neck. Although she received no answers, the man who worked there who was also a close friend with her mother assured that no such thing was done to her mother. He would never do such a thing.

    Diana left the funeral home, beginning to think she was crazy. When she returned home and went to her workspace she noticed something. A trail of blood leading into her sewing needle drawer.

    Diana opened it up slowly... she saw the ragdoll in there. The one that she laid with her mother, is laid in the drawer on top of the needles.

    Diana screamed and flipped her chair back, she gently poked the doll. Then she lifted it up, warm blood ran down the doll and onto her hand as a needle was stuck into its side.

    Diana took the needle out and blood dripped from inside the doll.

    The seamstress then began to hear the doll cry... it was heavier than she remembered too... Diana cried as well and threw the doll onto her table as it cried.

    It sounded like her mothers crying... she knew that cry from anywhere, the same cry she would get when her father came home in the morning in a fussy mood.

    Diana couldn't take it, it was all in her head. She grabbed the doll and pulled it apart from the head... blood splattered onto her hand and dress.

    The crying stopped... she looked down and dropped the doll to see bones in it... and then the crying started again... louder this time.


    The Seamstess looks like a crudly created human sized ragdoll, she has blonde yarn like hair, blue button eyes, some of her had stuffing sticking out but other parts of her is bleeding.

    The Seamstess holds a large needle as her weapon.

    Power: Needlework

    Pressing the active ability button with have the Seamstess take out one of her blank ragdolls, she will stitch up a creation of a chosen survivor.

    the Seamstress will stitch herself up and take the survivors appearance.

    Her terror radius disappears and becomes indistinguishable from a regular survivor.

    She can do all other survivor task besides unhooking, she will not advance generators or destroy totems but can mimic working on them.

    Pressing the active ability button while in Needlework will return to her Ragdoll form after a 2 second delay, she can return to this form while doing task. The ragdoll will slowly shed off her survivor form, the stitches falling apart as she sheds off the survivors skin like a snake.

    Secondary Ability: Closet Tour

    The Seamstess can enter any locker on the map as a survivor or Ragdoll, she can then teleport to any other locker on the map.

    This will have a 30 second cooldown.

    Passive for secondary Ability:

    Closet Tour also passively stitches up ragdolls around the map randomly, some may take the shape of ragdoll or other survivors but they will aimlessly walk forward until unstitching and falling apart.

    (Much like doctors tier 3 visions but more animated and random all over the map)


    Like A Thread Through A Needle:

    Despite all odds, you eventually catch your prey.

    When the Killer kicks a generator, any Survivor in a 14/18/24 meter radius of the kicked generator will scream and their location marked.

    Hex: Sewn Shut!

    Don't let your good craftsmanship go to waste!

    Downed survivors will cause the entity to close off the closest generator to where the survivor was downed for 30/35/45 seconds.

    Multiple generators can be closed by the entity.

    Destroying the totem will deactivate this perk.

    High Grade Stitching Here!

    You were created by the best, with the best materials, to do the best work.

    Being blinded will blind all survivors in a 12/14/16 meter radius of the killer, as well as the killer.

    Being stunned by a pallet will give the killer 3% haste for 8/10/12 seconds.

    This perk has a 40/35/30 second cooldown.

    My Idea:

    This was my first idea for the Seamstress, using her as a psychological killer that does the thing everyone wanted in dbd, dressing up as a survivor.

    I wanted her power to make the survivors always on guard, even for swf. Which is why I allowed her to take shape as any survivor and have her Secondary ability do two things that will add to the uncertainty that her kit gives. Not only can she teleport and exit lockers as survivors which will add confusion if survivors last seen her on the other side of the map and wouldn't expect her on their side, but the passive will constantly have the survivors wondering what is real and which survivor she is dressed as in the moment..

    Closer Tour also gives her map pressure which I think is needed on this killer, she had great engage if you successful fool a survivor but weak at looping.

    Best way to counter the seamstess is to group up if you aren't sure who is who. Or stay together in pairs of two.

  • RenDesune
    RenDesune Member Posts: 246

    The Seamstress:

    Killer Concept

    Quick backstory:

    (Just an ambiguous backstory, not very good at storytelling so I left it kind of empty at the end)

    Diana McArthur, the towns seamstress, was a lovely young woman. She was groomed to take after her mothers craftsmanship, adored by the small Scottish town for the great cloths and hats they created.

    Diana's mother was everything to her. Her father was never around, he had a less favorable occupation working as a gravedigger at night and during the day he drank away at a pub.

    It was all the more heart breaking when Diana's mother passed away of an unexpected illness. Diana was heartbroken.

    She carried on though, working on her customers orders by her lonesome this time, she carried on the burden of keeping the household up as her father came home angry... unlike Diana who poured her sadness into her work, her father poured his loss into drinking and anger. Blowing away his frustrations at Diana, hitting her one night.

    The night before the funeral, Diana was full of emotions. In her workspace, she crafted up a crude looking ragdoll. She didn't have quite the right fabrics to create it but it served it purpose... it looked like her mother, the same golden blonde hair, two green buttons for eyes, and of course a long blue dress... her favorite color.

    On the day of the funeral, she embrassingly brought the doll. She was going to put it in the casket when she said her goodbyes.

    Diana looked down at her mother, peaceful and pale. She shed a tear on the ragdoll and laid it near her mothers corpse.

    Diana was about to leave but she saw something that made her curious.

    The seamstress looked at her mothers corpse, stuffing began to lift out of her pale blue mouth... and with a closer inspection her ears as well.

    Diana began to look at her mothers neck and see stitching.

    She was taken back, what did they do to her!

    Diana rushed out of the funeral.

    She went to the funeral home the next day to complain, needing answers to why they stuffed her with cotton and had stitches around her neck. Although she received no answers, the man who worked there who was also a close friend with her mother assured that no such thing was done to her mother. He would never do such a thing.

    Diana left the funeral home, beginning to think she was crazy. When she returned home and went to her workspace she noticed something. A trail of blood leading into her sewing needle drawer.

    Diana opened it up slowly... she saw the ragdoll in there. The one that she laid with her mother, is laid in the drawer on top of the needles.

    Diana screamed and flipped her chair back, she gently poked the doll. Then she lifted it up, warm blood ran down the doll and onto her hand as a needle was stuck into its side.

    Diana took the needle out and blood dripped from inside the doll.

    The seamstress then began to hear the doll cry... it was heavier than she remembered too... Diana cried as well and threw the doll onto her table as it cried.

    It sounded like her mothers crying... she knew that cry from anywhere, the same cry she would get when her father came home in the morning in a fussy mood.

    Diana couldn't take it, it was all in her head. She grabbed the doll and pulled it apart from the head... blood splattered onto her hand and dress.

    The crying stopped... she looked down and dropped the doll to see bones in it... and then the crying started again... louder this time.


    The Seamstess looks like a crudly created human sized ragdoll, she has blonde yarn like hair, blue button eyes, some of her had stuffing sticking out but other parts of her is bleeding.

    The Seamstess holds a large needle as her weapon.

    Power: Needlework

    Pressing the active ability button with have the Seamstess take out one of her blank ragdolls, she will stitch up a creation of a chosen survivor.

    the Seamstress will stitch herself up and take the survivors appearance.

    Her terror radius disappears and becomes indistinguishable from a regular survivor.

    She can do all other survivor task besides unhooking, she will not advance generators or destroy totems but can mimic working on them.

    Pressing the active ability button while in Needlework will return to her Ragdoll form after a 2 second delay, she can return to this form while doing task. The ragdoll will slowly shed off her survivor form, the stitches falling apart as she sheds off the survivors skin like a snake.

    Secondary Ability: Closet Tour

    The Seamstess can enter any locker on the map as a survivor or Ragdoll, she can then teleport to any other locker on the map.

    This will have a 30 second cooldown.

    Passive for secondary Ability:

    Closet Tour also passively stitches up ragdolls around the map randomly, some may take the shape of ragdoll or other survivors but they will aimlessly walk forward until unstitching and falling apart.

    (Much like doctors tier 3 visions but more animated and random all over the map)


    Like A Thread Through A Needle:

    Despite all odds, you eventually catch your prey.

    When the Killer kicks a generator, any Survivor in a 14/18/24 meter radius of the kicked generator will scream and their location marked.

    Hex: Sewn Shut!

    Don't let your good craftsmanship go to waste!

    Downed survivors will cause the entity to close off the closest generator to where the survivor was downed for 30/35/45 seconds.

    Multiple generators can be closed by the entity.

    Destroying the totem will deactivate this perk.

    High Grade Stitching Here!

    You were created by the best, with the best materials, to do the best work.

    Being blinded will blind all survivors in a 12/14/16 meter radius of the killer, as well as the killer.

    Being stunned by a pallet will give the killer 3% haste for 8/10/12 seconds.

    This perk has a 40/35/30 second cooldown.

    My Idea:

    This was my first idea for the Seamstress, using her as a psychological killer that does the thing everyone wanted in dbd, dressing up as a survivor.

    I wanted her power to make the survivors always on guard, even for swf. Which is why I allowed her to take shape as any survivor and have her Secondary ability do two things that will add to the uncertainty that her kit gives. Not only can she teleport and exit lockers as survivors which will add confusion if survivors last seen her on the other side of the map and wouldn't expect her on their side, but the passive will constantly have the survivors wondering what is real and which survivor she is dressed as in the moment..

    Closer Tour also gives her map pressure which I think is needed on this killer, she had great engage if you successful fool a survivor but weak at looping.

    Best way to counter the seamstess is to group up if you aren't sure who is who. Or stay together in pairs of two.

  • Casper_Herm
    Casper_Herm Member Posts: 1
    edited May 2021

    My idea for a killer is heavily inspired by scandinavian folklore.

    The Näcken or The Nixie (maybe The Lurer or something), a killer who with their violin confuses or lures survivors with music. I have some problems with the final touch and perks but I just wanted to put it out there :)

    Weapon: Violin with a sharp edge

    Apperence: malnourished, long hair, some mermaid parables, froglike legs

    Power: Troubadours gift, Making the survivors movement chopy, like the killer when the survivor struggle

    When walking he jump/dance, maybe like the smiling man

    But yeah, thats it pretty much!😊

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    Here's the link to a character concept I made for Jack Baker.

  • Gusshadow
    Gusshadow Member Posts: 1


    - Introduction: 

    Like all suicide bombers, this killer would be a little crazy (laughs a lot and has fun when his explosives work).

    - Appearance:

     I leave 2 suggestions for appearance:

     (1) War fighter, shirtless, with a band full of explosives;

     (2) Something more comical/figured, like a “human grenade”.

    - Map:

    Scenery from the 1st world war, with trenches and wires, something desert and destroyed.

    - Basic Power:

    Its basic power consists of placing land mines in the ground. When a survivor approaches, he will hear a few “beeps”, signaling that there is a mine nearby.

    To deactivate the mine, the survivor needs to interact and hit quick skill checks (like the yellow rift). If he misses, the mine will activate (passively) and the survivor will take damage: (1) if healed, will be wounded; (2) if wounded, it will suffer from a deep wound.

    To activate, the assassin must press the action button while “looking” for the desired mine (aura), dealing damage in a small area.

    When the survivor walks/runs near the mine (beep radius), their aura is revealed for 3 seconds if the assassin is within 64 yards of the mine. If the assassin is beyond this radius, he can still activate the mine, but he won't see auras.

    NOTE: If combined with perks that provide information about the location of survivors (discordance, tinkerer, barbecue in chilli, bitter murmur...), it will allow mines to be activated with greater precision (non-random) when beyond the aura reading radius . Optimize generator defense.

    - Addons (Basic Power):

     (1) If healed, it causes the broken state;

     (2) If wounded, knocks down the survivor;

     (3) Increases the amount of skill checks to deactivate the mine;

     (4) The mine activates (passively) if the survivor runs over it;

     (5) Expand the aura reading radius near the mine;

     (6) Reduces the intensity/volume of the “beeps” (does not change the mine's aura reading radius);

     (7) Increases the mine's damage area;

     (8) If the mine is disabled, the survivor will suffer from the incapacitated state effect (due to the stress of the moment).

    - Special Power (Crazy Race):

    The special power consists of a madness attack in which the assassin lowers his helmet and becomes the bomb itself (name reference).

    When activating (manually), there is a cooldown in which the assassin activates his detonator (like Oni/Trickster), but then his movement speed increases for 10 seconds (period when the power is active).

    If you reach the survivor and press the secondary power button, the assassin will grab the survivor and immediately explode, leaving it on the ground.

    If it fails to hold on to the survivor, it will explode after 10 seconds and deal small but less intense damage to the survivors (area): (1) if healed, it will be wounded; (2) if injured, will leave it on the ground.

    Whenever successfully exploded, the assassin will have a fit of laughter, but if he misses he will be angry (cooldown period). After that your movement speed normalizes and power is reset.

    To gain the special power, I leave 2 suggestions: (1) survivors' interactions with mines (walking nearby, trying to disable or activating); OR (2) successful basic attacks.

    - Addons (Special Power):

     (1) Increase running speed;

     (2) Increases the duration of the race;

     (3) Increases blast radius in area (when not grabbing survivor);

     (4) Decreases power activation cooldown;

     (5) Decreases the amount needed to get the power.

    - Perks ("Explosive Ideas"):

     (1) Blast Mine (Jill), however for the assassin. When the survivor interacts with the generator, there will be a “flare” and it will scream, revealing its location and suffering from the incapacitated state effect for 20/30/40 seconds;

     (2) Whenever a generator is repaired, it will reduce 10/15/20 seconds of life for any survivors who are hooked;

     (3) Upon hitting a basic attack, the first pallet the survivor drops in the next 10/15/20 seconds will be destroyed immediately (90 second cooldown).

    - Mori:

    The assassin ties up the survivor and sticks several dynamites to it. The assassin walks away, blasts the survivor with a detonator from a distance, and says “kabum” (as in cartoons).

  • joerispekkie
    joerispekkie Member Posts: 27

    The Mimic

    Killer idea

    The Mimic is a deceiving killer, able to imitate survivors to get close to its victims, then transform back to its original form for a surprise attack.

    Its personal perks, Decoy, Monstrous Domain, and Dark Alternation, allow it to trick survivors, forcing them into pressured decisions.

    It is all about setting up a plan to disorganize and surprise the survivor team.


    Press and hold the Power button to transform your appearance into one of the survivors and their health state, including survivors put into the dying state (Stays in first-person viewpoint).

    Press and hold it again to transform back to its original appearance, granting extra movement speed for 1 second.

    Transforming into a survivor:

    -         Action takes 2 seconds.

    -         Cannot move during transformation.

    -         Can be heard from 20 meters away.

    -         Removes red stain and terror radius while transformed.

    -         Reduces Movement speed (Survivor movement speed).

    -         While transformed the Mimic is unable to attack, but can imitate doing survivor tasks such as cleansing, repairing generators and self-healing (without making progress).

    -         Can’t be healed if transformed into a survivor with a wounded or dying health state.

    Transforming back into original form:

    -         Action takes 2 seconds

    -         Movement speed during transforming is reduced: 1.6 m/s

    -         Can be heard from 4 meters away.

    -         Post-Transform Speed burst: 1 second.



    When a Generator has no progress you can activate Decoy on the Generator. This makes the Generator look and sound like its progression is 50% repaired. Whenever a Survivor interacts with the Generator, they will scream and become Oblivious, and the Generator will be blocked for 10/15/20 seconds.

    -         The aura of blocked Generators is highlighted to you in white.

    Decoy has a cool-down of 60 seconds.

    Monstrous Domain

    When hooking a survivor on a Basement Hook their aura is not shown to the other survivors for 15/20/25 seconds.


    Dark Alternation

    After a survivor uses a fast vault while in chase, Dark Alternation activates:

    -         Grants the Undetectable status effect for 6/8/10 seconds.

    Dark Alternation has a cool-down of 30 seconds.


    Born from a severed Entity limb, The Mimic fails to find its own form and imitates other organisms to survive. Still fueled by pain and suffering, The Mimic uses its transformation skills to get close to its prey. Upon gaining the trust of those around it, it uses the opportunity to transform back into its distorted own form to quickly attack its unsuspecting victims. After killing its prey, it usually copies this person and uses the appearance to find a new target. Never leaving the fog and still bounded by an invisible link to the Entity, it gains extra abilities to lure survivors close. Always putting survivors in a pressured situation where quick decisions are necessary.

  • grimmreaper114
    grimmreaper114 Member Posts: 2

    The Scarecrow

    Killer idea:

    When this killer is in play across the map scarecrows will spawn.


    The Scarecrow can approach these scarecrows and climb atop them replacing the scarecrow on them and hiding his terror radius (he does not look the same as the scarecrows on the posts so he still distinguishable from the ambient scarecrows when on the posts)

    While The Scarecrow is on a post he is able to teleport to any of the other posts around the map, getting off a post is a 3 second process in which he cannot attack during.

    Special Attack:

    The Scarecrow is able to pick up and carry the crows around the map, then place them in a desired position like The Trapper. A placed crow will caw loudly and alert him of its position when a survivor gets to close to it scaring it, once it gets scared it will fly away and not return to the map for further use.


    Favored Hooks

    Some hooks will spawn with a large raven sitting on top of it.

    When hooking a survivor on a hook with a raven their aura is not shown to the other survivors for x amount of seconds.


    Bird Whisperer

    When holding a crow in your hand it will act the same as if it where placed and caw loudly alerting the killer that a survivor is within range, after doing so the bird will fly off and not return to the map for further use.

  • grimmreaper114
    grimmreaper114 Member Posts: 2

    The Owl

    Killer idea:

    Inspired by the Owlman Lord of Tears stories.

    Power: Keen Eye

    The Owl has incredible sight and any survivor that stays on The Owl's screen for more then X seconds will be highlighted and easy to see.

    Special Attack: Take Flight

    The Owl will throw up his owl companion who will then fly in the direction of a survivor at random, the owl companion will not follow or track the survivor just fly in a straight line towards them then straight up in the air and will return to The Owl for use after X seconds

  • empire
    empire Member Posts: 1

    I can't make a full one as wording it isn't my thing but I had 3 ideas

    Hidden which is a killer that when the hit a another player, said player will be moved somewhere on the map (kinda like pyramid head does) and will take there place. When another player comes to heal them they will be downed and the killer will take thier place.

    Next was what I called slime, the can cover a gen, pallet so on and when a player uses it they will be downed or they can cover them in some slime and move on only wounding them

    Last was mole man. He can move under the ground fast and can pop out almost anywhere wounding anyone above him however it is very loud and visible so easy to avoid if your paying attention.

    Would love to see someone better at writing give a go at writing up these characters

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    I'm gonna cheat a little and post a while chapter, complete with a Killer and Survivor

  • chos57190
    chos57190 Member Posts: 7

    Damnit, just found out about this thread! Just gonna put two of my latest ideas here.

    KILLER : THE MADMAN (licensed - League of Legends)-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    After Dr. Mundo, the wacky bulk bruiser from the LoL Universe got a rework with his own creepy theme, I immediately saw potential for Mundo as a feature in a horror themed game. Seems DBD is a perfect spot for such.

    Name - Edmundo

    Alias - The Madman

    Gender - Male

    Realm - Osweld Asylum

    Base Stats - HEIGHT : Tall, TERROR RADIUS : 32 meters, BASE SPEED : 4.6m/s

    Lore -Utterly mad, tragically homicidal, and horrifyingly purple, Dr. Mundo is what keeps many of Zaun’s citizens indoors on particularly dark nights. Now a self-proclaimed physician, he was once a patient of Zaun’s most infamous asylum. After “curing” the entire staff, Dr. Mundo established his practice in the empty wards that once treated him and began mimicking the highly unethical procedures he had so often experienced himself. With a full cabinet of medicines and zero medical knowledge, he now makes himself more monstrous with each injection and terrifies the hapless “patients” who wander near his office. ~Copied from Lol Universe - Dr. Mundo story

    One day, when Dr. Mundo was chasing after an unwilling patient as always, he felt a sudden coldness in the air around him. The patient that he so wanted to treat was nowhere to be seen - it seems the only place he could have went to was the shadowy place beneath the streets. Eager to dish out treatments, Dr. Mundo followed - though what he found there was not the patient, but some sort of immaterial being, summoning Dr. Mundo to another dimension. You'll have lot more patients here to treat, the thing whispered to Mundo. The doctor willingly answered the call of duty : the Madman that used to haunt the streets of the undercity now treats his patients in the Entity's realm.

    Overview : The Madman is an unrelenting killer, able to empower himself as he injures - or 'treats' according to him - Survivors. Using his power, Adrenaline Rush, he can bully and effectively chase Survivors.

    His personal perks, Infected Weapon, Blunt Force Trauma and Not Finished Yet enables him to apply negative effects after winning chases and lengthen the trial.

    Weapon : The Bonesaw

    Power : Adrenaline Rush

    Whenever the Madman injures a healthy survivor or puts a survivor to dying state, that survivor drops an Adrenaline Pack. The Madman can collect these Adrenaline Packs to aid himself in the trial.

    Press the Power Button to consume 1 Adrenaline Pack to gain 10% haste effect for 6 seconds. Cannot stack.

    Survivors can also pick up Adrenaline Packs, which when consumed, will heal for one health state can grant the same 10% haste effect for 6 seconds.

    Adrenaline Overdose : 

    When the Madman has 3 Adrenaline Packs, Adrenaline Rush changes to Adrenaline Overdose. During an Adrenaline Overdose, the Madman gains 15% haste and cannot be stunned by survivors (pallet drops, Head On, Power Struggle, Decisive Strike). The Madman can still be blinded, however. Any pallets that would stun the Madman during Adrenaline Overdose breaks immediately instead. Adrenaline Overdose lasts 20 seconds.

    Picking up and using Adrenaline Packs take 1.5 seconds. If Adrenaline Rush or Overdose's duration ends while the Madman is carrying a survivor, he will drop the survivor back to injured state.

    Perks :

    Infected Weapon (Level 30) : "Incision!" - Dr. Mundo

    Your weapon is touched by a deadly disease that scars survivors permanently.

    Whenever a survivor is hit by your basic attacks, that survivor receives 2/3/4% penalty to repairing and healing for the remainder of the trial. Can stack up to 3 times, up to 6/9/12%.

    Blunt Force Trauma (Level 35) : "Huh? Supposed to be painless." - Dr. Mundo

    Your raw strength puts damaged survivors into a dazzling state.

    Whenever a survivor is hit by your basic attacks, Blunt Force Trauma activates on that survivor for 40/50/60 seconds.

    Survivors suffering from Blunt Force Trauma are affected by Oblivious status effect, and cannot use their items.

    Not Finished Yet (Level 40) : "Zaun was full of sick people just waiting to be cured. With a smile returning to his face, he left the hospital and set out into the streets to find more patients." - <The Madman of Zaun>

    You see your actions not as a deadly hunt, but a generous charity that makes your "patients" better off. The Entity will lengthen this treatment session for you.

    Whenever a survivor is killed or sacrificed, gain a Token, up to 1 Token. While you have a Token of Not Finished Yet, you can see and kick completely repaired generators (highlighted in white aura), regressing it by 20/25/30%. That generator cannot be kicked again until a survivor interacts with it.

    Other generator-related perks can be combined (Pop Goes the Weasel, Eruption, Dragon's Grip etc.).

    Add-Ons :


    Patient List - A list of names of "patients" for the Madman to treat. While Adrenaline Rush is active, you recover from missed basic attacks 20% faster.

    Bloody Rags - An item used to clean up a successful operation. Survivors can only drop an Adrenaline Pack when put into dying state. Double all Bloodpoints earned during Adrenaline Rushes and Overdoses.

    Unidentified Serum - A flask that contains an unidentified purple liquid. Increases the duration of Adrenaline Rush by 2 seconds.

    Saw Sharpener - The Madman's tool for keeping his operation device sharp. During an Adrenaline Rush, your basic attacks apply Hemorrhage.


    Ripped Bandages - What remained after the Madman's desperate attempt to silence his patient. Decreases the time it takes to pick up and use Adrenaline Packs by 0.75 seconds.

    Bloodied Saw Sharpener -The Madman's tool for keeping his operation device sharp, but covered with someone's blood. During an Adrenaline Rush and Adrenaline Overdose, your basic attacks apply Hemorrhage.

    Mixed Serum - A flask that contains an unidentified liquid compound. Increases the duration of Adrenaline Rush and Overdose by 3 seconds.

    Medical Tools - A set of tools used in hospitals, that Dr. Mundo definitely knows how to handle. Survivors hit during Adrenaline Rush or Overdose requires 25% more time to heal.

    Doctor Gown - What used to be a professional-looking gown, now ripped to pieces. Increases the time it takes for Survivors to pick up Adrenaline Packs by 2 seconds.


    Chem-baron's Regards - A note from Mundo's former employer, who confined him to the asylum. Decreases the time it takes to pick up and use Adrenaline Packs by 1 second.

    Osweld Asylum Name Tag - The stuff that gave Edmundo a nickname. Hitting a survivor during Adrenaline Rush or Overdose reveals their aura to you for the next 3 seconds.

    Sharp Medical Tools - A set of high-quality tools used in hospitals, that Dr. Mundo definitely knows how to handle. Survivors hit during Adrenaline Rush or Overdose requires 50% more time to heal.

    Adequate Serum - A flask that contains a stable version of Dr. Mundo's serum. Increases the duration of Adrenaline Rush and Overdose by 5 seconds.

    Makeshift Compound Flask - A flask containing a dangerous compound, made from scratch using stuff from Zaun streets. Start the trial with 1 Adrenaline Pack.


    Mundos Medikul Jernel - A diary written by the Madman himself, describing the terrifying things he did to his patient. See the aura of all nearby survivors for the duration of Adrenaline Rush and Overdose, after activating Rush or Overdose.

    "Mundo think they avoid goin to doktur! Mabbe me go find them? Mundo to da reskue!" - Dr. Mundo, <Mundos Medikul Jernel>

    Enforcer Helmet - A relic of the past for Dr. Mundo. During an Adrenaline Rush, the Madman performs all actions (breaking pallets, breaking walls, vaulting over windows, picking up a survivor, hooking a survivor, snuffing out totem etc.) 25% faster.

    "Known for his boisterous affability, he was remarkably good-natured for a man who made his living off physical intimidation. " - <The Madman of Zaun>

    Shimmer Prototype Flask - A flask containing a prototype of a dangerous drug that unleashes the monster inside. Start the trial with 2 Adrenaline Packs.

    "You know, in my experience, trouble finds you." - Deckard

    Experiment Notes - Dr. Mundo's calculations and theories on possibilities. Increases the total amount of Adrenaline Packs you can carry by 1.

    "Payshint did not pul throo. at leest i don fink so. he haz bin vary still fur a week now.: - Dr. Mundo, <Mundos Medikul Jernel>


    Iridescent Shimmer Flask - A flask containing a dangerous drug that unleashes the monster inside. Reduces the number of Adrenaline Packs required to perform Adrenaline Overdoes to 1. Reduces the number of Adrenaline Packs that can be carried to 1. Reduces the duration of Adrenaline Overdose by 10 seconds.

    "There's a monster inside all of us." - Silco

    Bonesaw Coder - An advanced device from the upper world, that connects the Madman's neural system to his medical device. During an Adrenaline Overdose, survivors within your Terror Radius suffers Exposed. Putting a Survivor to dying state will automatically end the Adrenaline Overdose.

    "Ask your Mundo if bonesaw is right for you." - Dr. Mundo


    KILLER : THE ANCIENT FEAR ("") ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Name - Fiddlesticks

    Alias - The Ancient Fear, The Scarecrow

    Gender - ???

    Realm - X

    Base Stats - HEIGHT : Tall, TERROR RADIUS : 40m, BASE SPEED : 4.6m/s

    Lore - Something has awoken in Runeterra. Something ancient. Something terrible. The ageless horror known as Fiddlesticks stalks the edges of mortal society, drawn to areas thick with paranoia where it feeds upon terrorized victims. Wielding a jagged scythe, the haggard, makeshift creature reaps fear itself, shattering the minds of those unlucky enough to survive in its wake. Beware the sounding of the crow, or the whispering of the shape that appears almost human… Fiddlesticks has returned. ~Copied from LoL Universe - Fiddlesticks Story


    Overview - The Ancient Fear is a killer focused on using its terror to pressure and disturb survivors. Using its power, Harmless Scarecrow, it can make survivors paranoid by mimicking its Terror Radius and strike unwary survivors.

    Its perks, Hex : Invading Dread, Scourge Hook : Ancient Hook and Demon's Playground enables it to maximize the effectiveness of its Terror Radius while robbing survivors of opportunities to escape the trial.

    Weapon : Fiddlesticks' Scythe

    Power : Harmless Scarecrow

    By pressing the Power Button, the Ancient Fear can place a Scarecrow on its location (works similarly to other placeables of other killers - which means they can't be placed in direct proximity to important objects). The scarecrows emit a Terror Radius as if the Ancient Fear was there, at a reduced range (24m). Any add-ons or Perks that uses Terror Radius also applies to the Scarecrows, regardless of their distance from the Ancient Fear. Whenever a Survivor approaches within 6 meters of a Scarecrow, Killer Instinct activates, alerting you. Up to 5 Scarecrows can be active at a given time.

    The Survivors may take time to destroy these Scarecrows. Destroying a Scarecrow takes the same amount of time as cleansing Totems.

    Crowstorm :

    By pressing the Ability Button while holding the cursor on a Scarecrow, the Ancient Fear can teleport to that Scarecrow, injuring all Survivors within the Scarecrow's Terror Radius. This cannot put Survivors into dying state. When Crowstorm is being charged, the Scarecrow will emit an eerie sound that can be heard by Survivors. Crowstorm cannot be used on Scarecrows that are in the process of being destroyed. Survivors cannot destroy Scarecrows that are targeted by Crowstorm.

    Crowstorm has a base cooldown of 45 seconds. Crowstorm has a base activation time of 4.5 seconds.

    Perks :

    Hex : Invading Dread (Level 30) :

    You know how to strike fear into Survivors. You also know how to play with their fear.

    While the Hex Totem is active, gain the following effects.

    • Survivors within your Terror Radius does not benefit from Great Skill Checks.
    • Survivors' Perks related to Skill Checks are all negated.
    • When Survivors fail a Skill Check, they will scream, revealing their aura for 4/5/6 seconds. Penalty for failed Skill Checks are increased by 100/150/200%.

    Scourge Hook : Ancient Hook (Level 35) :

    Your presence is older than the Entity itself. You will bring your own gadgets to this Trial.

    At the start of the Trial, 4 random hooks are changed to Scourge Hooks. They gain the following effects.

    • Hook progress is slowed by 70/60/50%.
    • Any Survivor Perks that activate when : a Survivor is hooked / unhooking another Survivor / a Survivor is unhooked will not activate.
    • Any Killer Perks that activate when hooking a Survivor will not activate.
    • Ancient Hooks cannot be sabotaged.

    Demon's Playground (Level 40) :

    The Survivors are haunted by your presence in this realm. You, however, enjoys this more than anyone else.

    Whenever you down a Survivor with a basic attack, gain 1 Token of Demon's Playground. Each Token increases your base speed and action speed (pallet break, generator kick, hooks, window vaults) by 3/4/5%. Lose a Token whenever a generator is completed. Demon's Playground can stack up to 4 times, up to 12/16/20%.

    Add-Ons :

    BROWN :

    YELLOW :

    GREEN :

    PURPLE :


    Perks still in work.


    Have another Killer concept from LoL (will probably be Warwick), Dishonored chapter featuring Delilah Copperspoon and Emily Kaldwin, and an Outlast chapter featuring Walrider and Miles Upshur. Still in progress tho.

  • HealsBadMan
    HealsBadMan Member Posts: 1,122

    Some of my favorite OCs (Heads up I go overboard on my concepts, you can skip to relevant sections like perks or power).

    The Wendigo: A blind Killer that has tremendous tracking abilities with Auras, Killer Instinct triggers and can even smell Survivors so there's no chance of hiding.

    The Pirate: A Killer that can block Objectives and interactables around the map with a shotgun that can injure and down Survivors at short range.

    The Ghost: A phantom/zombie that survived a nuclear reactor meltdown, slowly irradiates Survivors to injure them, cause visual and audio hallucinations and cause them to move erractically.

    The Baron: A voodoo priest that uses voodoo dolls to track, hinder and down Survivors.

  • sadakiyo
    sadakiyo Member Posts: 281

    Killer: Mortimer from Beyond the Limits

  • starcreator101
    starcreator101 Member Posts: 5

    So I was planning on putting this on a chapter concept but oh welp

    Killer- The Mute

    Pietre was born to no family his mother dying while he was in the womb and he had to be taken out of her corpse never seeing her face. His Father he never knew, if he even existed, never showed himself and so Pietre was left to hop between foster hom to Foster home never getting along with anyone and the parents finding him unnerving to be around. Soon he became deadly silent becoming someone in the backround observing and growing in rage at his hatred for humanity.

    Then one day on his 18th he grabbed an axe from a basement and slaughtered everyone not even bothering to look at their faces while he killed them after this he went into hiding for years.

    Overtime he would develop a web of connections watching the town he lived in and killing where he could for those he saw as wrong to live becoming the infamous little town killer until one day he was found.

    The police tried as they Could to stop him but he had eyes and ears everywhere and he methodically took care of them but it only was a matter of time until he was found again. As he thought this a thick fog covered, smothered him and soon he was gone.

    The mutes appearance is a gas mask wearing man welding an axe with lots of technological devices around him with long tendrils emanating from him

    Power- Disruption

    The mute is able to send out a series of wires that go over a distance up to 48 metres that inflict the disrupted effect on survivors for one level. This causes survivors to be slowed slightly and be afflicted with blindness. If they are hit with Disruption again the slowness effect is amplified and are now oblivious. Finally the last level causes the exposed status. All during this time the wires will attempt to slow the survivor by tethering them to surfaces in which a quick interaction will get rid of. They become more common the higher up the tier you are. To get rid of Disruption you have to complete a long interaction with skill checks that get longer the higher up. At tier 3 too the mute can hit you with the attack again to pull you towards him and even trap you in wires once you downed. Each use of it has a cooldown of 5 seconds with each one increasing this with a total of 5 charges.

    Perks: Hidden gaze- Your years of watching others allows you to stalk them from afar. If your aura is detected or a location is revealed gain the undetectable status for 30/45/60 seconds along with the survivors aura for 1/2/3 seconds

    Hex:Neurosis-A hex rooting itself on your hatred of those who wrong you. You become obsessed with a survivor. This hex can only be cleasned by the obsession who can detect it form 16/14/12 metres away. This hex causes any survivor within a 12 metre radius of the obsession to scream and have a revealed aura for 2 seconds. They are also hindered, heal 30% slower and repair generators 30% slower for the time they are in the obsessions radius and next 80 seconds when outside. The obsession changes whenever you are loose a chase with a survivor.

    Scourge hook:Suspended Fright- 4 hooks at the start of the match are made into scourge hooks and are highlighted in white to you. Upon hooking a survivor 1/2/3 of the most progressed generators are locked for 60/80/100 seconds.

  • lXlGamemaster
    lXlGamemaster Member Posts: 1
    edited December 2021

    This is an idea that I've had for a killer for a while, and it'll drive me crazy if I don't share it with someone:

    Killer: the Magician (a killer that finally makes use of Lockers)

    Story: (*I'm intentionally leaving it vague for more creative people to fill in the blanks*) Dude was a magician duo with a sidekick, but his career was in jeopardy when a rival was able to pull of a trick that he couldn't figure out. The dude went crazy and turned to the entity for real magic, eventually sacrificing someone and his assistant catching him. The story ends as the newly formed magician chases his assistant into the foggy streets behind the theatre, where they come across the campfire and the Trial.

    Appearance: The magician is tall and lanky like Jack Skellington, totally playing into a spider-like way of opening lockers and crawling through windows. He wears a magician's coat with long coat tails that trail behind him like Ghostface. A top hat and mask hide most of his head, but you can see a set of cartoon-like bear trap teeth hiding underneath the mask. He wears white gloves that are clawed, and he carries around a long sabre that levitates in his hands when he's idle.

    The Magician should move like he isn't held back by gravity. His normal movement should look like he's ice skating, and his chase movement should be him skipping (because I find it hilarious).

    Breaking Pallets: He summons five swords that are facing down at the pallet, and with a snap of his fingers they drop down, destroying the pallet

    Breaking Walls: He waves his hands in a circle and summons swords in that circle. After he snaps his fingers, the swords stab the door and it explodes

    Grabbing from Lockers: The Magician mimes his surprise with his hands, like he didn't expect the survivor would be in there. A sword pierces the locker from behind, narrowly missing the survivor, and the Magician applauds before grabbing them

    Basic Attack: Sword Swing - the Magician brings his sword down in a diagonal motion onto a survivor. Upon missing a survivor and hitting a wall, the sword should suspend in the air for a second while the Magician recoils from it, grabbing it when he's ready to go again

    Mori: the Magician summons a Magician's Box and throws the survivor inside. With a snap of his fingers swords appear and impale the box, causing blood to spurt out and the survivor to scream. When the box opens, the box is empty, and the Magician makes jazz hands at the camera while confetti erupts from the box. I think there should be a chance for a failed version where the survivor's body flops out of the box, but the Magician barely reacts and makes jazz hands anyway

    Power: Basket Trick

    The first part of this power is an alternate version of his basic swing, where holding the second action button charges his sword swing. After charging he swings horizontally, able to hit up to three people in front of him in Leatherface's chainsaw ark. I like the idea of the recoil being longer if you hit an object instead of open air

    The second part of his power effects the lockers around the map. At set intervals two lockers will appear with a white outline. When a survivor enters a highlighted locker, or the locker they're in changes into a highlighted one, the locker turns into a Magician's Box. Three other lockers are then transformed into Magician's Boxes, and the survivor is teleported into one of the four. While inside the survivor is unable to leave the box and must succeed on a difficult quick time event (like the skill check required for Overcharge). Failing twice in a row will cause one state of damage, and failing enough times will turn the Magician's Box into another hook. Survivors have to choose the correct Magician's Box to save the trapped survivor and transform the lockers back. Choosing the wrong box causes blades to shoot out of the box and harm the survivor. The Magician is able to pick up a downed survivor and place them into a locker instead of a hook, activating Basket Trick, but he can't do this if another survivor is already in Basket Trick, as there can never be more than one survivor stuck inside a Magician's Box.

    Addon Ideas:

    • an addon that changes the charged sword swing. Instead of swinging in an ark, the Magician thrusts the sword forward, able to hit up to two survivors in front of him and able to hit over windows and pallets like Nemesis' whip
    • an addon that makes it so you only need to fail twice in the Magician's Box instead of four times
    • an addon that increases the number of hidden Magician Boxes, having three at green tier and all four at purple tier
    • an addon that decreases the amount of time a hidden Magician Box stays on a locker before switching to another locker
    • an addon that reduces the sword swing cooldown when someone is inside a Magician's Box

    Other than that I actually have no ideas for any perks, so take my idea and craft it into something amazing

  • BestPatriot
    BestPatriot Member Posts: 1



    *When she stands still she becomes undetectable. 🗽🗿

    *She can create mannequins around the map and can teleport to them when 30m away. When she teleports to a mannequin she can stay still and not move and be undetectable.

    * Or mannequins are created randomly at the start of the game. And she can teleport to them when 30m away.


    *Mannequin removes her left arm with her right arm and swings.

    New Map:

    *Shopping center


    *Mannequin looks simple. Female figure, no face, no clothes and covered in blood stains.


    Something happend in the shopping center. Maybe Young girl who was working in the shoping center was bullied by all her friends a lot becouse she wasn't as cool and pretty . One time the bullies pushed her in the shoping center and accidentally pushed her over the railing. Girl fell in the middle of the shopping center on to some mannequins and died.

    Now her spirit haunts the shoping center killing teenager's.