Wraith afking till all gens done
Is this reportable/bannable?
Just had a game where a wraith was afk until all gens were done then killed everyone in end game. He was using bbq, bloodwarden, NOED, and Rancor.
I would say no but i have no idea. I've had games where killers just completely afk the entire match and i don't think anything happens to them.
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Not bannable or reportable. Surely not the most fun way to play, but sadly, since Perks like NOED and BBQ exist, he gets this to work AND gets loads of points with it.
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Ok... he was AFK full game and you didn't do the totems and he got a 4k... You survivors should be the ones reported for playing dumb... EDIT: I know that isn't reportable and I'm actually amazed why you didn't coordinate the farm without popping the 5th gen, even if you were all randoms... The totems were a clear must do...
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So he can just sit there and do nothing till the end and nothing happens because he got 4 kills? I understand it's dumb that the totems weren't done but how is it not against TOS?
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Should have done bones.
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Try it.
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he gets some points with it, a 4k in endgame would probably give around 10k without bbq and 20k with, an average game gives 32k-64k with bbq, if you think 20k is loads you must have some really low standards for a lot of bp
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Ok, two scenarios:
Either you did totems and you got a free BP grind game with an AFK killer, or, you didn't do the totems in a free BP grind game with an AFK killer and you all died, still with lots of BP, I don't see where you lost there... In both cases, if you farmed correctly you got "money" out of that game and if you didn't farm the BP and he got a 4K... There's nothing I can say to make you feel better.
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I understand that but how can he not get in trouble for sitting there all game?
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Because he waited till the end is my guess and killed you all.
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I think this comes from the fact that long queues exist and some people in the past could actually go make dinner, return and the game still hadn't started, some people think this still happens and go to the restroom, make a coffee, etc. and they come back to a mid game match, imagine if all those people were reprehended and you were obligated to stay at the screen where sometimes it only takes 10 seconds to get into a match vs sometimes it takes more then 20 mins for a lobby to be found. I think this is the origin of the problem you're talking about
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That doesn't make any sense. So even though he sat there, because he killed us it is fine?
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Hard to say but i believe the answer would be yes. You all died and it does seem like he was using some endgame strategy that well worked pretty well in his favor against you.
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is not unless he did that for a lot of matches in a row and got multiple reports constantly then the story might be different.
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And we finally have the real reason for this thread.
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10k points is the absolute minimum, not counting stuff like Late Hooks or Late Sacrifices or Chase Score Events or Surprise Attacks. And well, 20k BPs is quite a lot for such a cheap way of playing the game. Thats also probably more than an average Survivor game.
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Even then though it can still be considered a strategy that works if he's getting multiple kills a game and makes it look like the survivors are just mad about dying.
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Playing dumb? I got one for you. Just did a Cannibal game. Hooked a Claudette early. Turn around to leave. Scratch marks. Walk away a bit to see where, and whadda know, there's Bill unhooking her eight feet from me. Rev, double down. Hook him, before I can even get her off the ground, more scratch marks. The other two came running over.
Needless to say, that was a 3k and a DC against Bubba. It's Bubba. It's obvious what not to do. They did the opposite. Game lasted like 3-4 minutes in all.
Thank the gods for no crossplay chat and that I also have my chat always closed, as I'm fairly certain I would have gotten accused of camping instead of them realizing their abject effing stupidity. And these were purple rank survivors.
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Why would he get in trouble? He outplayed your team by letting you gain a false sense of security and then killed you all.
There is nothing in the rules that says Killers must chase Survivors throughout the entire match. If there is anything to learn from this it’s that even when Survivors have plenty of time to do totems, they still won’t because they’re too lazy to.
Its just like playing against an Insidious Basement Chest Protector Bubba. He sets up his strategy by standing in the basement, and gets his Kills by waiting for the Survivors to come like moths to a flame.
As long as they aren’t cheating, everything is fair game. There is no rule that says Killers must play to entertain Survivors.
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Its more than the average survivor game if they only do gens or only get chased but survivors that go out of their way to cleanse totems, save and heal can average 20k easy and thats not including were gonna live forever
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Unfortunately for your team, I'm betting it's allowed. He didn't AFK the entire match, meaning that he did nothing and everyone escaped. He played a severe waiting game knowing about NOED and took a huge gamble, and it paid off. He downed and hooked all four of you thanks to NOED. He did play, just not in the way the survivors expected.
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Yep, this is another example of the show "Playing Dumb, real life cases of dumb ways to die".
I actually have videos about it, LMAO
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So if we all escaped without him killing us would it be a problem then? Even if he hit one of us or multiple of us?
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Probably not as he did try to kill you all in the end and shouldn't have to play how you wanted him to. I mean as killer i'd prefer the survivors not loop the hell out of me but they do it anyway.
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I would love to see that!
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Not if he hit one of you, no. Again, that showed he wasn't truly AFK. It's just that his gamble backfired.
Now, had his gamble backfired and he got no hits and nothing in the end? Then he might have some explaining to do if he was reported and banned for AFK.
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Here you go:
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People do that kind of stuff often enough for it to be concerning.
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What in the living hell? How can people be that dumb against a 1-hit down killer? Never mind an AoE 1-hit down.
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I mean, I hope we can at least agree that those are too many BPs for such a way of playing.
(Even tho, I think that this should not happen and the Survivors messed up, but still...)
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No no no, NO! You got it wrong, the real question is, "How can people be that dumb against a 1 hit down killer who can insta down more than 1 survivor per attack AND without having BT?"
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I give you a tipp: If all gens are done and he does not hook a downed survivor and just waits, he always has blood warden.
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I did edit my post right after I sent it live to mention an AoE 1-hit down killer. 😂
Bubba was on my side roster, but I might have to play him more and see how stupid people can be over an average number of matches. 😁
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I think we can all take a lesson from this. Never trust a Wraith that appears AFK. Do the damned bones. 🤣
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Basement bubba has proven to me that people will still continue to go into the basement after you've downed and hooked 2 people there with insidious.
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I'm on PC, and I don't know what it is, but since crossplay people with a globe after their name will pretty much consistently go for the dumbest saves. It happens in more matches nowadays than it doesn't. A majority of the time, I don't get half my terror radius from the hook before there's a save. And it isn't like the gens are rocking, either. And this is in green ranks (me) with my opponents usually being green or purple.
Is it an SWF altruism thing or something?
I was going to start running Make Your Choice, but I'd rarely get far enough away for it to proc.
Post edited by Kilmeran on0 -
You cant punish him, because you can´t punish players for just playing badly. Do you want killers who got no down to be punished? Killers that don´t find stealthy players? I guess no, therefore you can´t punish him for playing badly before he then killed you all.
I had a game vs a trapper once, that got no hooks at all. When we were at the endgame, he laid out a trap in front of him. One survivor got there, and i just thought" its the trapper, so it´s a trap". And it was. Once the survivor disarmed the trap, he got injured, and the trapper just hit and hooked him. So the whole move was a trap, not just the mechanical trap itself.
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Suffered through those useless matches as a survivor at least 20 times. Only twice were they using NOED, and they were green rank Wraiths every time.
If you’re not swfing those games can be in the top 10 worst matches to play.
If you’re a red rank you’re almost certain to lose a pip when Killers choose that play style.
Usually randoms either don’t know what he’s doing or don’t care, and they crank out 5 gens with a quickness and escape.
I’ve found maybs the best way to play into that scenario is to complete 4 gens, 99 the other 3, cleanse the 5 totems, crack open the chests, finish the last gen and 99 the gates. If you feel like going on a “find the cloaked Wraith” mission that’s up to you. He’s forced to either stay in the trial until egc begins or DC. Should you find him, he may uncloak and offer a chase so you can gain additional BPs. The longer you stay in the trial the greater the chance of you 0 pipping or safety pipping.
Nevertheless, you and your fellow survivors have to all be on the same page with that tactic. Best when it happens to a swf, otherwise the randoms will finish the trial in close to 5min.
Either way, the Wraith negative pips, having wasted everyone’s time XP
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I also did that short before rank reset to depip a bit for killer adept. Actually there were several teams saying it was funny, as there was all of a sudden the moega threat popping up. one team was even laughing hard when they thought they managed to outplay me because I faked some swing misses and all 4 died at the gate.
For me the EGC 4k is even a challenge. It's not like you grant them an easy escape (unless they do totems)
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Its not reportable, I wouldn't even say its a dick move, he let yall finish 95% of the game and you still got 4ked?
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Doubtful. If the Wraith went AFK for the entirety of the trial, you might have a case, but if the Wraith was just waiting for the end to surprise everyone, then that's just a janky end-game playstyle.
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Its a high risk high reward strat, they won, get good around a strat that can be played around 100% by competent players
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He is not AFK, the evidence is he still killed 4 of you guys in EGC. It's legit strat instead.
The way to counter this is cleaning all totems before 5 gens pop, that's easy. That's you mistake because gen-rushing without questioning where the killer was in a whole game.
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Which, I can't help it but, I find absolutely hilarious.
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Yeah, he even beat the hatch. I don't think I've seen such a comeback, maybe like 3 years ago or something. That wraith must be god in disguise.
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You cannot report it cause its his way to play,
What if a killer never finds any survivor for an entire game, then manage a 4K thanks to noed/BW? Its the same only the wraith waited for it to happen.
The killer plays as he wish, he can be afk, farming,camping, going crazy thats his choice.
Survivors may too but as theyre in a.coop mode this is banable.
So just get rid of your salt, yes it was probably annoying, but no you cant report someone for using a tactic that allows him to 4k, even less when it could have gone with a quick 0 k lol
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The only thing that is reportable in this fashion is holding the game hostage. Which can only happen if the game cannot end due to your actions. Since you were still able to do gens, open the gates, and leave, the killer didn't do anything that prevented the game from being able to end.
On top of all that, the killer would have been better off playing the game like normal, and getting a couple of hooks, and THEN bringing their endgame build. They just trolled and had a bit of fun. It is similar to the nurse build where you blink through an exit gate and wait.
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Am I the only one who finds it hilarious that the Wraith essentially got 4 kills in around 60 seconds? How does a team even wipe that quickly to a ######### Wraith lmao.
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It takes a very special survivor skillset. Not many have it. 😂