Any chance we get voice chat for SWF parties in different platforms?

Clockso Member Posts: 853

Please BHVR make this happen, i’m not talking about voice chat for solos, i’m talking about voice chat for swf groups in pc and console, cuz the only way is with discord and it isnt on the ps4, the person on ps4 CAN use discord on phone but that means they cant put the headphones on the ps4 or vice versa


  • BeyondDisbelief
    BeyondDisbelief Member Posts: 69

    The game isn't designed to support VC for a reason and the SWF group has to be completely newb gallore to lose against a killer as is.

    DBD's most important resource is auras/information and voicechat completely circumvents that, so no I don't see this happening.

  • Clockso
    Clockso Member Posts: 853

    i understand that comms can be pretty nutty bro, but swf needing balance is another topic, my friend just got the game on ps4 and i would love to finally play with him and teach him, some swf love to mess around and just have chill conversations, it just seems wrong to punish them

  • FrootLoops
    FrootLoops Member Posts: 376

    this game does not have any voice comm features of it's own, and probably for good reason. once you introduce voice comm you take on the responsibility of securing that. I'd suggest just grab your cellphone and be on comms that way. you can either do speaker phone or else use some small earbuds you can wear under your gaming headset

  • isilmerel
    isilmerel Member Posts: 136

    Your best bet is getting a multi-source headset that can connect to two sources simultaneously.

    The Arctis 3 can connect wired to your controller and bluetooth to your phone for discord.

  • Clockso
    Clockso Member Posts: 853
    edited August 2020

    that earbud under headphones is actually big brain lmao, i’ll definitely try it