Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Chapter Concept: Mob of the Dead

OneClownMain Member Posts: 16
edited August 2020 in Creations

Note: This is an updated version of my Warden killer concept that was also turned into a chapter. Enjoy.


Name: The Warden (aka Brutus)

Realm: Alcatraz Island

Map: Cell Block

Weapon: A Police Baton covered in barbed wire

Movement Speed: 115% (4.6 m/s)

Terror Radius: 36 meters

Height: Tall

Killer Power: Lockdown

Holding the Power Button for 3 seconds has The Warden stay in place and enter the Lockdown State. While in the Lockdown State, Brutus gains three new powers. Firstly, survivors that are hit by The Warden's basic attack while this state is active will suffer from the Mangled status effect until they are healed. Secondly, pallets that are dropped on The Warden while this state is active will break instantly, but The Warden is stunned for twice as long. Finally, the first generator that is damaged during the Lockdown State becomes Disabled. Lockdown State lasts for 20 seconds and it takes 20 seconds to recharge.

Ability: Disable

This ability affects the first generator you damage while in the Lockdown State. While disabled, the generator regresses at 125% regression speed (the disabled generator ignores perks that regress generators like Surge and Hex: Ruin) and the generator's aura will be blue for the killer. Disable will only go away when a survivor re-enables it. Re-enabling a generator takes 8 seconds regardless of the survivors' perks or item. When a generator is re-enabled, it's aura will become red again for the killer.

Ability: Heavy Sprint

You are dead; your heart doesn't beat and your footsteps are the only thing alerting the survivors of you. Instead of a heartbeat, The Warden's stomping feet are his terror radius sound. When you stop moving, your terror radius becomes 0 meters as your heart doesn't beat and your feet don't move. However, you still make noise and you still have a red stain. When a survivor enters your terror radius, their screen will begin to shake whenever you take a step, with the shaking worsening the closer the survivor is to you. However, survivors that you are chasing will not have their screen shake.


Prison Sentence (Teachable at level 30): The Hook is a jail cell for the survivors. When you hook a survivor, they will not be able to begin struggling to escape for the first 6/7/8 seconds that they are hooked. Prison Sentence takes 28/24/20 seconds to recharge.


Criminal Repercussions (Teachable at level 35): You will show these rats that every action has a consequence. When a survivor stuns you and they're holding an item, the item they're holding will automatically lose 5/6/7 % of its total durability.


No One Escapes Alive (Teachable at level 40): Even if they completed their goal, you will not let them escape. The moment that the exit gates are powered, for every healthy or injured survivor, the amount of time that the gate can't be opened for increases by 8/10/12 seconds. If a survivor tries to open a gate while No One Escapes Alive is active, their aura is revealed to the killer for 2 seconds.

"WE'RE NOT DONE YET..." - Brutus


Name: Albert Arlington


Luck With The Box (Teachable at level 30): You have exceptional luck with the chests. When retrieving an Item from a chest, the chance that the item is of Uncommon/Rare/Very Rare rarity or lower increases by 30%. Increases your chest searching speed by 40/50/60%.

"This'll keep me in the fight a little bit longer but still. Gonna end the same way." - Albert Arlington

Weasel Out (Teachable at level 35): You want to get away from those hooks as fast as possible. When either you rescue someone or someone rescues you from a hook, both of you break into a sprint at 130% of your normal running speed for a maximum of 6 seconds. Causes the Exhausted status effect for 120/110/100 seconds.

"They look at you the same way; don't they, Al? They see a weasel, and a rat. You're a survivor, Al. No shame in that. Even a rat survives. You can take it, whatever they throw your way." - Albert Arlington

Icarus (Teachable at level 40): With the plan you came up with, you're getting the hell out of here. Once per match, when you are unhooked or when you unhook yourself, the hook that you were hooked onto breaks for the rest of the match. When the Exit Gates are powered, you gain a 4/5/6% Haste status effect.

"Like Icarus, we take flight." - Albert Arlington

Post edited by OneClownMain on


  • Chromeskull
    Chromeskull Member Posts: 250

    This might just be me, but some of these perks seem to be weaker versions then perks. Icarus seems like a weaker Breakdown, and Luck With The Box seems like a copy of one of Ace's perks, while others seem a bit broken, such as Weasel Out or NOEA.

  • OneClownMain
    OneClownMain Member Posts: 16

    I can see where you're coming from. I was inspired by Breakdown for Icarus, but I added the Haste effect and I changed the hook effect so it's a one time use and so the hook is broken for the rest of the match instead of just for 3 minutes. With LWTB, the luck aspect was inspired by Ace's perks with the addition of quicker chest searching speed, though I have a new idea for it that I'll edit in.

    As for Weasel Out and No One Escapes Alive, I think I'll nerf them to make them more balanced.

  • LuluTheLion14
    LuluTheLion14 Member Posts: 283

    Also, Weasel Out is literally a weaker sprint burst. Sprint burst, you move at 150% speed every 40 seconds. And as soon as you get off the hook you can use sprint burst. You can use sprint burst many more times you can use weasel out.

  • LuluTheLion14
    LuluTheLion14 Member Posts: 283

    I’ve just looked at Weasel Out. I don’t know if u changed it or not or whether it’s my eyes. 😂 I didn’t see the 6 second part. To make it an extra bit better, why don’t you make it so that the rescuer has a 130% boost aswell for 6 seconds. Or maybe 3 seconds for the rescuer and 6 seconds for the one that’s been rescued? Also, change the cooldown to 60/50/40 as that is what most cooldown are. Also, if u get tunnelled and put back onto the hook again, weasel out may not have activated when u next get off the hook.

    Also, Icarus. Is that haste at the end worth having? It’s literally Hope but 1% less. Instead of having Haste there why not turn into a sabotaging speed? Like and extra 4/5/6% sabotage speed. Since the perk is based around hooks?

    U can change them if u want. It’s not my creation, it’s yours. It seems like a good chapter.

    I have made lots of chapters aswell btw. If u would like to check some of them out? That would be much appreciated.

    Here’s a list of some of my killers that I have made. The Crow, The Goop, The Mannequin, The Ghost, The Glitch, The Bride, The MegaTotem, The Farmer, The Dentist, The Surgeon and there’s lots more. 👍🏻