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Why does everyone wanna nerf everything?

I´ve been seeing alot of posts where someone want to nerf something but im confused people want to nerf survivors but wanna buff overpowered killers or then they don't want a counter to anything or for survivor nerfing perks like ds when really its for tunneling killers it's confusing I play killer alot and ds isn't really that bad. It can get annoying but if your not tunneling what's the problem and if you are you have to deal with it since that was your strategy. I'm also confused why people wanna to get rid of swf even if they are good you should be able to get at least 2 kills or change your strategy depending on what didn't work out during that time. I play a little survivor too and I believe survivors have it rough too I don't really play it much tho. It's more likely for the killer to win then survivor if i'm being honest. There not really killer or survivors. We should compromise and stop being toxic. survivors stop being entitled killers stop being entitled. If we don't the game will die because there will be no survivors and honestly id like to continue the game.


  • SunTzu
    SunTzu Member Posts: 109

    This game is broken.

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    Anything that annoys or inconveniences me, or that helps the other side to win, should be nerfed!

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    There are just a bunch of people who aren't happy if they aren't whining or winging over something. There are some legitimate issues for discussion, but they are lost in the sea of salty tears; more is the pity. I expect if people send even ten percent of the time playing the game that they do complaining about it, they would be good enough not to have the problems they write about.

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    because no one wants nkce things in this game.

  • HarlowXRaven
    HarlowXRaven Member Posts: 191

    your right about that they just wanna nerf or get angry when something doesn't go their way.

  • RakimSockem
    RakimSockem Member Posts: 2,002

    Also to answer your question, it's because they lack the skill necessary to play the game.

    Since I got good at the game, I have never gotten anything less than a 2k and those 2ks are rare. The majority of my games are 3ks with the last person escaping by hatch.

    People just won't admit that they aren't as good as they think they are

  • ZerLukas
    ZerLukas Member Posts: 294

    Dunno. I just want Trapper buffed.

  • HarlowXRaven
    HarlowXRaven Member Posts: 191

    That's so true true people aren't as good as they think I play console and i've been winning most of the games that I have played. Even at high rank people need to improve their skill instead of just getting fed everything they want I think some perks need to be reworked and some weaker killers buff but all in all its up to your skill level.

  • HarlowXRaven
    HarlowXRaven Member Posts: 191

    lol trapper doesn't need any buffs hes if you know how to use him op and easy to win with.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    I'd rather see buffs than nerfs. There are a few things that I do believe genuinely need to be toned back, but there are more buffs that I would prefer to see.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    A very 1-sided look at things, don't you think?

  • Withered8
    Withered8 Member Posts: 1,241

    I just get annoyed because there’s so many obvious things which need hangers and nerfs on both sides. Keys and Morris should be top priority. They need to be reworked or removed. Then there’s basic and simple changes to killers which will fix them and make them better. These include things like a cool down for pyramid heads sword in the ground, the ability for trappers traps to teleport into his hand occasionally and the removal of exhaustion addons. Then there’s things which I think needs complete reworks and changes like deathslinger, a few busted windows, the game map and badham( although it’s gotten some nice breakable walls and a few changes in the Ptb which have helped to remove the infinite and reduce the strength of basement house.

  • ZerLukas
    ZerLukas Member Posts: 294

    he can get lucky but usually he's not very good. especailly against swf.

  • HarlowXRaven
    HarlowXRaven Member Posts: 191

    You just have to put traps by windows and pallets instead of around survivors. When you level him up higher his traps are godly especially with add ons but without them you have to be strategic or at least those are my thoughts.

  • Reaver_Raziel
    Reaver_Raziel Member Posts: 400

    I mean. I believe you are just straight up wrong. But thats all this will boil down to. My opinion vs yours. Though I will add a few exceptions/reasons.

    1. I doubt anyone (reasonable) wants to buff "overpowered" killers. Considering that the only killers I count as overpowered it would be. Nurse, spirit, Freddy (But only "forever freddy") and maybe Oni/Hag. And most of these I would just say could use some fine tuning rather than changes. Well except maybe Nurse that could probably do with another rework, one that makes her less bothersome to play but also less oppresive to play against.
    2. Nerfing survivors? Yes please. But I wont really demand it since the biggest problem with survivors is RNG. Do they spawn together or seperate? On a gen or far from a gen? On the same gen or different ones? These things can decided the early game and heavily mess with the killer or quite likely destroy a killers chance to win unless he plays a stronger killer. And the devs have said they are looking into a sort of "end game collapse" but for early game, so Im fine with waiting.
    3. As for nerfing DS? Actually I want to buff DS.....the tunneling aspect of it. But thats not why killers (again the reasonable ones) ######### about DS. Most killers ######### about DS because survivors can heavily abuse DS to do things in the killers face, knowing they cant do anything about it, without losing a ton of time. Most killers ######### about DS because of its strong potential to basically make survivors untouchable for up to 2 minutes of game time(1 min for each hook). Per survivor. As most have said, just disable it if the survivor is starting to participate in the game and isn't getting tunneled. E.g. Starts repairing? Disabled. Starts unhooking someone else? Disabled. I'd like it if it turned off if someone else got hooked after you were unhooked but I can live with the 2 other changes.
    4. Sweaty SWF are annoying, but people saying SWF shouldn't be a thing are more annoying. Its a silly thing to say, and they are (hopefully) just venting their frustrations after a lost game.
    5. If you only play a little survivor you probably don't know. But survivor is pretty easy. Not because it cant be skillfull, but because you have 3 team mates to potentially rely on. I dont know whether the killer or the survivor is more likely to win, I would say it depends on the killer chosen. Nurse/Spirit and something like those. Yeah its gonna be real hard for the survivors. But if its a 4 man SWF its gonna be insanely hard for the killer no matter which one it is(10k hour nurse might be the only one able to murder everyone).
    6. Gonna go ahead and say, it wont be the killer/survivors killing the game. Thats entirely on the devs. If they follow through with proper changes then its gonna keep on, keeping on. If they end up with another MMR disaster though, or one worse. Then it could kill it.
    7. I agree people should stop being toxic and entitled....on both sides. Nothing worse than defending or agreeing with someone else that "something something survivor op". I'm like "Yeah that is pretty goddamn strong, and should be changed" and then they go ahead and say something asinine like "Yeah right? This guy gets it, we are the killers we should be able to kill everyone every game". Thats just really stupid and I cant even begin to understand. With that being said. Just because people should stop being toxic and entitled it won't ever happen. People will always be toxic or act like entitled douchebags if they genuinely think they are in the right to do so or think its fun to aggrevate people by doing so. Thats what people find fun. And its sad that that is their life, but its true.
  • I_am_Negan
    I_am_Negan Member Posts: 3,756
  •  Antares2332
    Antares2332 Member Posts: 1,088

    Nerf survivors.

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,596

    Nerf janes ass to thicc 4 me.

  • ZerLukas
    ZerLukas Member Posts: 294

    I know how to trap loops.

    The problem is that if survivors just genrush you lose as you have to spend time setting up traps and if you don't use an ultra rare addon you have to reset them each time they work or get disarmed.

    And unless you're lucky to get a few trappings in a quick succession you're just unlikely to get enough pressure to stop that gen rush.

    The additional problem with swf is that if one survivor knows where your trap is then all (or most) survivors also know where your trap is. Kinda like with totems.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    There are many more things I’d want to see get a buff than get a nerf. Off-hand the only things I’ve suggesting a slight nerf for are

    • Red Moris - Multiple early kills is a bit too swingy. My suggestion is one kill after one hook like the Green plus kill any survivor you’ve hooked twice (aka on deathhook). Not as swingy but still has multiple kills
    • Keys - Multiple people escaping on a single key use is a bit much. Let only the key user escape early with a key then the hatch close back behind them
    • Decisive Strike - The duration at 60 seconds is fine as is but it’s a bit silly when the killer can go off, chase someone else entirely, down and hook them, come back and find a survivor doing gens, down them and get hit with DS. The perk should probably end immediately once the survivor does any skill check on a gen or healing someone.

    Otherwise most of my own suggestions are for buffs to underused perks and add-ons like Monstrous Shrine, No Mither, Zanshin Tactics, Spasmodic Breath, the Yellow Mori, etc. There are a whole bunch of perks and add-ons that are basically useless except maybe for brand new killers in a couple of cases.

  • HarlowXRaven
    HarlowXRaven Member Posts: 191

    I used to main survivor tho its not pretty easy most teammates only care about themselves and some are even toxic towards teammates tunneling and camping has become a must for most people. I used to run pallets amazing but that doesn't stop anything either ds is a temporary solution to a long term problem if i'm being honest. survivor is weak as it is.

  • HarlowXRaven
    HarlowXRaven Member Posts: 191

    what do they need nerfed specifically? or is your skill low?

  • HarlowXRaven
    HarlowXRaven Member Posts: 191

    I also suggest placing them in random areas I do it alot and people get trapped alot too I switch up alot all you have to do is catch them off guard or run them into traps also.

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,596

    Nerf no mither it makes so many powers useless.

    Chainsaws are useless you already go down in one hit.

    Ghostface/michael is useless you already go down in one hit.

    Spirit it leaves you at 100% if she has stridor. (Most op change ever)

    It gives oni his power but does nothing to no mither since he can already be one hit downed.

    Trappers traps are useless because you can already be m1d.

    Doctors madness is nothing compared to broken.

    Legion/Deathslinger: Ha im already broken so shooting me with the gun and smacking me with ff helps me.

    Plague:pfft need to make me sick to make me broken? Im already broken.

    Obviously a S tier perk get on it devs.

  • HarlowXRaven
    HarlowXRaven Member Posts: 191

    No mother: they go down in one hit what's better than that?

    Chainsaws: easy to dodge gotta time it right

    Ghostface/michael: can't disagree but you can look at ghostface to kinda cancel the power

    Spirit: that's just op maybe too powerful I agree spirit eed changed for sure

    Oni: His power can be used on more than one person so even if they have no mither it doesn't matter if it makes it useless hook em

    Trapper: If a teammate helps you can get out

    Doctor: true but your location gets revealed a lot

    Legion/Deathslinger: you get injured and plus deathslinger can pull you into him especially if your in an open space legion slow tho he needs a lil more speed

    Plague: She gets an insta down after you use her fountain tho kinda a power up for her

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,596

    Dont need to use a fountain if your no mithered. What she gonna do give me the broken status effect? Lol

  • HarlowXRaven
    HarlowXRaven Member Posts: 191

    that's kinda true but if you wanna work on your teammates you'll use the fountain so you don't make them sick you also make noise too from throwing up.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814
    edited August 2020

    You completely ignored the even larger groups of people wanting nerfs to killers and killer perks, which genuinely inclides a large number of killers. Claiming to be a "killer main" and utterly failing to mention an entire half of the argument that, by all rights, should negatively impact you more than the argument what you are stating is somewhat suspect. It is especially questionable when your title implies that you are going to discuss all of these points that people bring up and you only touch upon one side, regardless of whether or not you agree with the other.

  • HarlowXRaven
    HarlowXRaven Member Posts: 191

    What killers do they want nerfs to spirit? If its spirit I agree she may need a rework not a nerf tho.

  • HarlowXRaven
    HarlowXRaven Member Posts: 191

    also tell me some and ill enter it into the discussion and if you look above I did respond to a comment talking about it. I think reworks should be more in session than a nerf but tell me some.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814
    edited August 2020

    Well, to start with, Spirit, Deathslinger Pyramid Head, Bubba, Hag, Nurse PGTW, Corrupt Intervention, regression perks in general, BBQ, Infectious Fright, and even good old Billy have all been called for nerfs quite recently. Once again, whether or not you agree with them doesn't change the fact that these are some of the things rearing their heads.

    Edit: and the Blight's unreleased perks.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    This thread has way too many letters. I propose a slight nerf by adding a cooldown after each sentence.

  • OllieHellhunter
    OllieHellhunter Member Posts: 703

    doesnt seem enough, it should also require you to injure and then heal someone else to type again.

  • HarlowXRaven
    HarlowXRaven Member Posts: 191

    That's why I said everyone need to stop calling for nerfs just because they don't like the perks. Spirit, Pyramid head definitely, bubba kinda, hag no, regression perks no, bill doesn't either, hes kinda weak, and yeah they are rearing their head but some are true. What im saying tho is not everything needs a nerf they need reworks its rearing its head because some people over exploit the killer and use them for camping and etc. Especially bubba BBQ doesn't need a nerf tho locker are for that.

  • ZerLukas
    ZerLukas Member Posts: 294

    In my experience random spots rarely work against experienced survivors unless maybe when they are rushing to unhook and are solo so the hooked guy didn't warn them.

    Other than that I can maybe think of narrow passes with grass on Haddonfield.

    My problem is not that I can't get people trapped. I can and it's not that hard. The problem is that Trapper has very hard time dealing with genrushing. And unless survivors really screw up you can't do much about that.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,304

    I most suck or you use great killer and perk I get 1k alot with the genrushing I do get 3k and 4k but it like every other match.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,780

    Killers want survivor perks nerfed because survivors abuse them into oblivion, survivors want killers nerfed because all they see is the result and none of the struggle of getting good with a killer, but also some killer things need changed like iri head

  • Reaver_Raziel
    Reaver_Raziel Member Posts: 400

    Ok lets get something straight. Solo survivor can be pretty miserable. Unfortunately until BHVR finds a way to buff solo survivors without buffing SWF its just not gonna change. Because a 4man SWF thats really good, is almost unbeatable. And yes I know thats like 1% at best of the survivors playing. But its still a problem that stops buffing solos.

    Besides this. No survivors aren't weak. At best they are weaker than the strongest 3-4 killers. Which are for the most part, rarely played. After that even solo survivors are about as strong if not stronger than killers are. Which is why I said it depends on the killer. If I play the Pig vs 4 good solo survivors, I'll be happy if I get 2-3 kills. If I play her vs 4man sweaty SWF, I'll be satisfied if I get even 1 kill. Im not saying im the best because im obviously not. But as it stands now survivors are, unless everyone is solo, stronger than killers. Depending on the killers ofc, since some killers require a lot of team work, or constant information.

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    You don't play a lot of killer if you think not tunneling will avoid getting DSed.