QoL Suggestions for Trapper

Proxi Member Posts: 62
edited August 2020 in General Discussions

I do think Trapper is still one of the worst killers currently, just because his ability "his traps" still have so many flaws. Yes he got a tiny rework but that didn't fix his core problems so I'd like to suggest some changes.

The Trappers biggest problem is the time you spend at the start to get to your traps and setting them up, often you lose one gen to set up only 2-3 traps. Another problem is swf, they just call out traps and send somebody to disarm them making you a sad m1 killer.

Here are some things I'd like to see changed:

1. Remove the "trapper bag" addon and give him 2-3 traps at the start of the trial by default, also make it possible to pick up all traps you find (even without trapper bag).

2. Increase the time a survivor needs to disarm a trap to like 8-10 seconds OR/AND add some risk to it (maybe a 10% chance that the survivor loses 1 health state when disarming a trap). Having somebody run after you easily disarming all your traps just feels so bad.

3. Add more risk to when attempting to escape for example add hemorage/broken status effect for 60 seconds after you untrap yourself and also make the untrap animation 3-5 seconds long instead of 1. I'm ok with adding a mechanic where a toolbox speeds up the "attempt to escape" animation or a key even insta frees you for half its charges.

4. Make additional traps spawn close to generators at the start of the game. 1 generator = 1 trap next to it (+ the additional 2-3 traps in your hand at the start), so they don't spawn at the edge of the map.

5. Remove the ability for survivors to destroy your traps OR make them respawn like hooks after 1 minute. It's literally removing your special ability, which is stupid.

I'm a trapper main and this is my experience from red ranks, where I recently had some really frustrating games vs swf teams.

Aslo just saw "Dowsey's" new tier list where trapper is the only killer that ended up in the E tier.

Yes trapper might get some wins in lower ranks because of inexperienced survivors stepping in all of your traps and therefore the devs "DATA" looks average in comparison to other killers. But hands down for high rank he is just really weak.

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  • Proxi
    Proxi Member Posts: 62
    edited August 2020

    show trapper some love !

    Post edited by Proxi on