Does anyone, including devs, actually listen to Space Coconut?

This guy is amazing! He highlights the flaws in Dead by Daylight. Wether it be mere perks, the community, or even the devs. This guy is seriously underrated, and very smart about the game as a whole. The things he say should be listened. Like his most recent YouTube video, he highlights the biggest flaws to unused killer perks. Very terrible perks that are in desperate need of attention. He also highlights the devs fear of the killer being too powerful. His point concludes that the devs don’t listen to their community as often as they should. But really it’s not all about Space Coconut, it’s about the community as whole, which are willing to help push Dead by Daylight to the moon. We are incredible and the devs aren’t taking advantage of what greatness they clearly have. Shoutout to Space Coconut and all the other Dead by Daylight content creators that are helping the game and working hard to push Dead by Daylight to the moon.
Wish they would. He makes valid points
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What is a space coconut? Is it like Astronaut Ice Cream? Because I love astronaut ice cream.
Why won't the devs actually listen to people and give us astronaut ice cream?
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They don't even listen to their own fog whisperers (cosmetic peddlers) so why would they?
The dev's think they are right and their ideas are the be all and end all, and nothing will change that.
Remember, clown has hidden potential that we just haven't discovered yet.
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I don't think they do.
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I still can't believe the head of balancing said that, and then conveniently left out what that potential is.
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Honestly, it's the same stuff that's been said before in the past by people like Tru3 and TydeTyme, all people who the community started to make fun of intensely.
One part of me wants to be like Tofu and Otz: outstanding examples of positivity, but then the other side of me agrees with Coconut, that the Devs don't really know how to change/progress their own game.
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Personally no
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I hate it when devs do ######### like that. Reminds me of Absolute Virtue in Final Fantasy XI. The boss that you may recall guilds spending multiple days (literal days, not "fight for a bit and go to sleep" but "rotate people out for dozens and dozens of hours") fighting and still losing to. The devs put out some vague ass video that was supposed to be a hint, but I think, actually, lemme just quote the wiki:
"Absolute Virtue is notorious for being the longest running NM that remained undefeated by players through legitimate means. This added to the unpopularity of the development team at the time, because any method deemed unacceptable by them would be removed from the game. The methods to curb Absolute Virtue's difficulty were officially revealed when the development team released a video with hints on how to defeat it in 2008, nearly three years after the battle was introduced. The video was heavily criticized for being too vague, and said method posted was quickly patched. Absolute Virtue had, on several occasions, been fought and held by linkshells for over 30 hours trying to defeat it, to no avail.
In response to a wave of bad press surrounding another HNM, Pandemonium Warden, Square Enix reduced the difficulty of Absolute Virtue in late 2008. Its HP total was dropped from an approximate 100,000 to around 66,000, and its stats were significantly lowered. A time limit of two hours was also imposed."
If no one's figured out the "hidden potential" of the Clown, after years and literally millions of players... maybe it's time to drop a hint, or maybe he doesn't have any hidden potential and it's just an excuse and it's okay to be wrong sometimes.
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The devs are like the father eating the last slice of pie when the kids are arguing over it, it doesn’t please anyone except the father, the child are not happy and will most likely still argue, and with the father believing that he had done something right. And when the children are still angry, he relies on surprises to make it all better just to here them shut up.
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A LOT of people make valid points.
Unfortunately, those points usually oppose their objective of "new players and cashflow".
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The devs will never make killer the power role, and they will never listen to someone that wants to make killer the power role. I gave up on that a long time ago.
The bottom line is that survivors outnumber killers and survivors buy cosmetics, thus the devs will always cater to them.
They've got big horror names on the killer side, so for every killer main that leaves, they will always have some unsuspecting person ready to take that guys place. Doesn't matter if that guy is a rank 15 going against a red rank swf, they've already got his money, and another moron ready to take his place.
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I don’t believe the devs should listen to the balance suggestions of anyone who only plays one side, personally.
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Not all killer mains play only killer.
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No but I believe Space Coconut does, in fact, only play killer.
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Yeah but the other content creators say the same things he say. Most of them play both sides
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Why should they listen to someone who only plays one side?
They should listen to Scottjund imo, he plays both sides and is much less bias then coconut
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Community > Split in 2 parts
Survivors : cries about noed/killer powers and nerfs
Killers : cries about loops and second chances perks
You cant really listen to most of the community casue theyre just ripping themselves appart and would always say different things.
They listen to some ideas of the community (not all the interesting ones thats true) but they dont have to do everything the community says.
I prefer devs that zre close to their communities without giving them the upper hand, si that the game can stay within the devs vision of it, and not be a mess
Thats my opinion tho
PS: who is space coconut lol
Double PS: dont listen to everything youtubers/streamers says and make your own opinion on some of that stuff, really
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Your thread asked about him in particular so I answered based on that.
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They say the same thing! I really want the devs to listen more to the community. I want more feedback with it.
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Who do you think started this separation of the community? Of course I make my own opinions, but most people agree with others opinions, thereby making their opinions your opinions.
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Honestly, scott is just as biased as coconut is, only for survivors. If he had his way, all killers would be on wraiths level of power, and the survivor meta would get a buff.
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I hope they don't. He's just as whiny as true. Unbearable
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Tbh, wraith can be really powerful. He’s pretty underestimated.
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So you don’t agree anything he says? You only focus on how whiny he is?
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But if my opinion isnt their opinion, but some people agree to it, does it still make it our opinion?
(Sorry had to do that)
Who started the separation? Well the community of a 1v4 game had 2 choices: harmony or discord.
Human always chose discord lol
Its good you make your own opinion tho :)
Everyone has their own opinions, and its fine to agree or disagree with them
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If space coconut actually played survivor and was less biased he would make much better content. He makes valid points at time but then he makes bold claims about survivor despite only playing killer and playing survivor at an extremely low level.
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Do you have someone else in mind?
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Good point
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Thank you sir
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Scott is the one who made a video on slowing down the start of the game, only to have the devs a few months later say they're working on something at the start of the match.
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Their running out of ideas for the game. If they have no more ideas, why not ask the community?
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He played a lot more killer back then. Here lately, he's all about nerfing killer.
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I don't see it that way, at all.
This is a live service now, things will always be tweaked, liked R6 / Destiny 2 etc, people have to accept that, what once seemed bad 8 - 12 months ago might be ideal now, we'll just have to see what they do.
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Wraith is fine against potatoes. Against a decent swf, entity displeased.
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Not if you know how to use him
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However unlike those companies. BHVR has not slowed their output of new content.
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I mean the right way to apply more pressure. Yeah some can completely destroy wraith, but most can get destroyed by him.
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They got to pay the bills somehow.
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How is he all about nerfing killers? He doesn't like the guessing game with Deathslinger & Spirit, I would wager he probably wants most of the other killers buffed, though. The majoirty of his content at the moment is talking about certain hot-topics in the community, like the use of the term "gen rush", or taling about MMR issues or how well crossplay is going, he very rarely, if ever goes on an outright attack for nerfing killers.
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Literally all he does is trash the devs why would they listen to him lol
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Only way he can compete is with coxcombed clapper and purple windstorm. If your only option is an ultra rare and very rare, he's bad.
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1. If devs listened to the community as you want them to, nothing would ever get done because of how divided it is. Oh, wait, you meant they should only listen to killer mains, right?
2.I mentioned killer mains in the previous point, because, if SpaceCoconut was actually unbiased and cared for the whole game, then he would have also mentioned the ######### ton of awful survivor perks and he would also mention survivor issues, not only killers.
If they were to listen to someone from the community, it should be someone who cares about BOTH sides equally and talks about both survivor & killer issues.
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I'm pretty sure the Developers listen to feedback regularly - they do on this very forum. There's really no need to suggest people for them to listen to, they are more than capable of making up their own minds with regards to what needs doing with their **own game**