Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Would you use shards to "Disable" Teachable Perks

Wooliest_Mammoth Member Posts: 20
edited August 2020 in Polls

As I've been purchasing more characters and unlocking their teachable perks, I'm noticing the grind and bloodwebs are getting increasingly bloated. While I'm someone who likes to try lots of perks and builds, it's very frustrating going back to an old character for a new perk and getting a bunch of other perks I'm not looking for in the process.

To alleviate this I'd like to suggest using shards to "Disable" teachable perks from appearing in future bloodwebs. Similar to how the Shrine of Secrets works, you can pay 2000 shards to "disable" a teachable, and pay 2000 shards to "enable" it again later.

Would this be a system you would like to see Behaviour implement and would it be something that you would use?

Would you use shards to "Disable" Teachable Perks 51 votes

Yes and I'd make use of it
SnakeSound222NuclearBurritoABannedCatTerrorTrooperHey_Its_Jameskaratinac97ParallaxEnderloganYTWarcrafter4Awkward_FiendSlamitieEobardThawnePega6TotemsCleanserKatie_metisilmerelstargazer9SCP_FOR_DBDNimaKh1EntitledMyersMain 21 votes
Yes but I wouldn't make use of it
GHERBEARRULESDimekFrancesco044Pior_MortebubbabrothaKateDensonMain3331JunsuinaHassakuSage 9 votes
No it's not neccessary
Science_GuyGibberishSeiko300DaDevilsSkirtTapeKnotDr_TrautsFog_KingBeHasUSillierHorizon5anonymous31337GlamourousLeviathanSlayer192845YffriiumElcopolloChurchofPigIamDwight[Deleted User]ReisMinerJm15699Ultimategamer62k 21 votes


    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416
    Yes and I'd make use of it

    I would probably disable a couple.

  • GlamourousLeviathan
    GlamourousLeviathan Member Posts: 1,151
    No it's not neccessary

    I actually like enabling perks, even though they are useless. I have almost all the killer perks by now and I noticed that, when I level up a new bloodweb, meta and strong perks (Pop Goes The Weasel, BBQ and Cilli, Nurse's Calling...) have a tendency to appear more often than the useless ones. It doesn't bother me when I receive some useless perks since I am the kind of person who thinks "I might want to try Overwhelming Presence one day".

  • TotemsCleanser
    TotemsCleanser Member Posts: 732
    edited August 2020
    Yes and I'd make use of it

    I like having all perks on all characters but I sometimes just wanna get specific perks quickly before playing around with other perks so yeah

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467
    Yes and I'd make use of it

    Hell yeah I would use it. Goodbye Discordance tiers 2 and 3.

  • musefan
    musefan Member Posts: 345
    No it's not neccessary

    No. If there was going to be a feature to disable them, why pay shards for it. It should be free.

    Also, if they were disabled you could just get them back by levelling up the character that owns them and unlocking them again.

    Nobody is forcing you to unlock teachables in the first place anyway.

  • Elcopollo
    Elcopollo Member Posts: 773
    No it's not neccessary

    Seems like a waste of shards to me, really. It's way better to spend them on skins or save up for BP on PTB and/or new Chapter.

    2000 shards is at the very least seven hours of gameplay. During this time I can grind 1mil BP (most likely even more) and get most of the perks I would need, even though useless ones might come up in bloodweb too. Then again, even perks that are useless now might become viable in the future or in some specific builds, so it's never a bad thing to have all the perks on your characters.

  • Awkward_Fiend
    Awkward_Fiend Member Posts: 687
    Yes and I'd make use of it

    Not necessary, but I'd probably make use of it to remove perks like Zanshin or Caulrophobia.

  • Fog_King
    Fog_King Member Posts: 688
    No it's not neccessary

    Teachables are unlocked because the player wanted it, so I don't see the need to disable them. Just don't buy them in the first place.

  • IamDwight
    IamDwight Member Posts: 236
    edited August 2020
    No it's not neccessary


  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807
    Yes and I'd make use of it

    Not quite.

    For example, take the Huntress.

    All 3 of her teachables suck and I don't want any of them. As such I am now completely unable to level her up because my bloodweb contains her teachables and I'm forced to take one of them to get to the next level. I can't prestige her either to fix it because I'm not level 50 yet.

    This is not a hypothetical, I'm literally stuck unable to level Huntress without getting one of her useless techables and would need to use this feature to fix the issue.

  • Fog_King
    Fog_King Member Posts: 688
    No it's not neccessary

    Well, I had not thought of that happening, but you might be right. I mean, if they introduced the option to disable perks, people would only use it if they wanted. Thanks for pointing this out to me. You have changed my mind.

  • isilmerel
    isilmerel Member Posts: 136
    Yes and I'd make use of it

    This, but for Wraith or Ash.

    Eventually, I'll unlock everything...but right now, it's taking forever just to get the perks I do want, and I probably don't even have half the teachables unlocked, yet. Every time they add a new killer/survivor, that's just more stuff I don't want in the bloodweb that takes even longer to RNG through to get the perks I want on killers/survivors I want to play.

  • Wooliest_Mammoth
    Wooliest_Mammoth Member Posts: 20
    Yes and I'd make use of it

    Thanks for the constructive feedback everyone! Being new to these forums, it's really great to see. Some other video gaming forums which shall not be named feels like you're at a children's daycare.