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SWF is stupidly OP and here is why!



  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Sorry I should've said biased instead of main but that's beside the point. You literally said that if killers aren't stronger than survivors then the game is broken and survivors are running rampant willy nilly. What's even the thought process? Are you assuming that everything's fine with 3k as the average but if survivors get one strong map or perk after that the game suddenly becomes 1k average? Please use logic if you want to consider this conversation as an "argument".

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    The best killers agree, so I must be on to something here.

  • Enlyne
    Enlyne Member Posts: 429

    Do notice that I never said about deviating killers to the OP side, that's on your comments, not mine.

    For a game that promotes killers as an unstoppable and dangerous force, it fails to deliver that, gens are easily done, good survivors can loop killers for way too long and certain maps have an insane amount of safe zones and non-mindgame pallets, let alone differente second chance builds that can completely ruin one's efforts within seconds.

    What's your thought process on killers shouldn't be a threat to good survivors? What about killers that are really good? They're not a threat either when they're on the killing role?

    Do notice your bias instead of pointing out a fake one in my comments, please.

  • Tactless_Ninja
    Tactless_Ninja Member Posts: 1,791

    And saying rewarding and unrewarding is incredibly vacuous statement in of itself. I find people stepping in beartraps rewarding. How will they improve the endurance of this ability? It's not weak by any means. It leads to an instant down.

    An experienced player won't always be against other experienced players. So where is the killer balance then? And even if you try to measure out how an experienced killer should play against an experienced survivor, there's still the variable of 3 other players either working in tandem, or not. This all relies on their feedback with each other as well.

    And there's other variables as well. Gen position. Hook distance. Map size. If a killer doesn't work well on a certain map, why is it in their rotation? Why does Clown have to suffer an endless cornfield where his powers are a fart in the wind? That would be a buff if he couldn't spawn there.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    I never suggested that killers are not op rn. Please quote me directly if you want me to eat my words.

    Killers are promoted as jack, balance and statistics don't care about how you feel killers should be. Besides, killers will always crush in low skill levels so it's fine for high skill levels to have a balanced environment.

    I mean not a threat as in when you face a certain killer you shouldn't lose all hope of escaping. I guess I should've clarified earlier but I didn't expect you to be so salty about an internet discussion.

    My bias is towards killers, I know, but I'm certain that I kept it under wraps in this discussion.

  • Seiji212
    Seiji212 Member Posts: 183

    You’re on something, for sure, if you think coms don’t give a huge advantage. So much so that I think we can safely ignore any of your input because that is a ridiculous claim to make, and yes, the killers who play against swf all the time can verify this. You seem to think you can ignore all of their observations and make absurd statements that anyone with 50 hours in can see as the flawed logic that they are.

  • Enlyne
    Enlyne Member Posts: 429

    Rather than salty I'm pointing out what sounds like bias to me as of how you wrote it, you can go on assuming but that's no good for you.

    You cannot deny how fast games can go for no real reason other than survivors having a single objective and most killers not having any sort of pressure, that's not how it was ever meant to be, if survivors feel not a single inch of opposition to them, it's not fair game, it's a single head against four.

    You cannot outplay every single one of them and if you're good you should have a fair chance against another good team, but that's rarely happening. That's what I've been saying the whole time.

    That's how I'm gonna conclude it, you have it your way, made my points already.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Personally I would love another objective as well, but the devs know the backlash that will follow so they will never go through with it.

  • SavouryRain
    SavouryRain Member Posts: 340

    Ways to buff soloQ in order to address the discrepancy between soloQ and SWF, which would allow for overall better balance:

    A) The survivor should scream when they enter a chase, alerting their teammates that they are being chased.

    B) Some form of nerfed kindred added base. Maybe use the on screen notifications that infectious fright uses every 10 seconds, or maybe use the killer instinct mechanic at a much slower rate? You'd then have to rework Kindred to do something better.

  • Nosferatu3145
    Nosferatu3145 Member Posts: 542

    Of course, always knowing if a stealth killer is with someone, or if the killer is on the other side of the map chasing someone, or where the HEX is, this things mean nothing.

    The things I said above, how long do you take to process that kind of information?

  • HarlowXRaven
    HarlowXRaven Member Posts: 191

    SWF shouldn't be nerfed I like it because at least I can play with someone even if I don't know them solo survivors sucks earlier today I had a teammate who was farming us for bloodpoints by getting us off the hook and running so they could escape through the hatch its actually the only thing standing between those toxic killers and it's actually fun and not toxic like solo. people think swf is for bullying idk what platform you play on or who your playing against but I can guarantee its not to bully killer. Whenever I play swf it's so that I can actually have a chance to win and earn blood points or have fun. It's the only thing making this game fun tbh. Its not op either alot of swf I've played with suck but the teamwork makes it fun.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430


    Ok, but again. What information does SWF give you that you cant figure out for yourself?

    Me in a SWF- Hex Totem Spawns in shack: “There is a hex in the shack, I’m gonna cleanse it”

    Me in a Solo queue - Hex totem spawns in shack, I make my way around shack and I already know there is always a totem in there. Cleanse it.

    Same result. The information being relayed to me doesn’t mean it is THAT much greater than the experience I already have because I am aware of totem spawn locations in maps.

  • Deathslinger
    Deathslinger Member Posts: 570

    Add Kill with friends. KWF.

    Put cameras all around the map for surveillance and play like normal, except now an extra killer accomplice can see everything that survivors do...


    Although this seems unfair, the amount of communication between killer and accomplice is very minor. He can basically only ping areas of interest and not super often. It will be totally balanced.

    whats that? This thing we built, that is mostly fair, will be broken if the two killers communicate outside of the game? That the accomplice could literally feed the killer with all the information necessary to always know, find, and kill all the survivors. Well golly gee wilikers!

    ((If you defend SWF you are the problem with this game. Go play a custom match))

  • HarlowXRaven
    HarlowXRaven Member Posts: 191
    edited August 2020

    Your the problem idk if your a killer main or a survivor main but either way swf is actually something that needs to stay due to the fact that its the only thing that in my opinion can give survivors joy. I'm not talking about being toxic but actually having teammates who do something or want to help u. I'm not saying it should be a harder for the killer or easier for survivor but the basic idea is to work together and many people don't do that. swf is not a problem nobody can fix the solo survivors who decide not to help but in swf you have someone who works with you and in the many swf i've been in they are not always good either. In fact no matter how good we are in many swf someone always dies. It's not op. It used to be a game where u could play solo and everyone would help each other but now rather than helping survivor use other survivors.

  • mjshopek
    mjshopek Member Posts: 3