Hey, Console Survivors

Someone needs to teach you how to run with BT or how to make safe unhooks cause this is ridiculous.
Hey, PC survivors, you're just as bad. Just saying. Maybe keep the bias to yourself? PC Players do it just as much as anyone else.
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You get PC killers to stop sweating like it's an Austraian summer, then we can talk.
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PC and Console Survivor tip: dont automatically go for 1st time hooks straight after they been hooked. ✌
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I'm honestly sitting back to see how all this shakes out over the next couple of months. It's obvious that console and PC players on both sides, Survivor and Killer, have very different play styles and things they're used to facing and how they're used to dealing with it. It's going to be interesting to see if things happen to migrate toward a middle ground over time, or this remains a train wreck of matches.
For the record, I don't think either side is worse or better than the other. I think it is just two different DbD play cultures colliding.
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Hey Mobile survivors!
...oh.. nothing, jus wanted to say “Hey!”👋🏽
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I'm just over the barrage of rank 1 sweatlord PC killers. And I know they're PC because nobody plays Huntress or Oni like that on console!
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Trust me, I get it. Even though I'm a PC Killer, I know how PC Killers can be as well.
I've gotten as high as purple, and have actively avoided the red ranks. I don't care about the Rank 1 Steam achievement, and generally do not care about rank, either. I just wanna play and have fun.
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How about running DS?
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You can turn off cross play if you want :)
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Hey Jhondo, stop making generalizations of 2 platforms.
Sincerely,Console Survivor
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But that ruins my chase build. I run iron will dead hard and vault speed. My build is made for the chase. PepeHands
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Same but console
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When it stops happening to me on a regular basis I'll consider it. Honestly I love the crossplay and playing with/against console players. Just wish they took some aggro or actually waited to make a safe unhook instead of bum rushing. Yes PC players do it too but when I play with friends, we're usually 2 man swf, it's almost always the console players that unhook then hide so I get downed again. I'm also not attaking a specific console, they could be windows, switch, Xbox, PS4, for all I know.
Sincerely a PC Hybrid player (Not Surv or Killer main)
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You have not encountered every single console survivor. Therefore have no right to make generalizations like that. Only time I'd every go for unhook with the killer on me is to make them hit you giving me distance to move him away from you. Not every player is a boosted rank 20 who just got the game. plus pc survivors do the same so don't be like OnLy CoNsOlE dOeS tHat when you still have windows who can play with you and have that globe. Or better yet turn it off if everyone you play with sucks. It's not hard usually I wouldn't use that argument but it's good here. You have an issue with how some console or windows survivors play, so turn it off and be done with it. And if you keep getting those same kind of players maybe it isn't the platform that's the problem. It could be the players in general who play like that or maybe you.
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The only difference I've noticed with console players is they are using a lot of luck offerings. I would never see them before crossplay, now they are really frequent.
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Next time say "dear survivors who unhook in the killer's face"
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I don't get how it's only pc folks who are sweaty. Which by sweating I guess you mean trying to win the game? Which is something both sides try to do, no matter the platform.
For your second post here leads me to still be confused. Pc Huntress being able to aim better? Oni plays slugging and going after the next survivor with fright to logically put their power to good use? Since your statement as a whole relay on someone just knowing or getting lucky and guessing what you mean. Unless your whole point in the first place was the op should not generalized people due to their platform, than fair enough.
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Did you quote the wrong person? Because I'm the one who told him to stop making generalizations
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PC players are generally more sweaty than console players, or at least that's what I've noticed. I've had my fair share of sweat matches on Xbox, but it's grown exponentially since Cross-play was introduced.
There's going at it hard as killer, then there's 4-man slug after ONE GENERATOR got complete, or Infectious Fright Oni slugging at 5 gens.
As for knowing, there's the obvious Huntress aim and Oni flicks. They're obvious telltale signs.
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How about you take bt and we can just sit our asses doing gens while you sit on forums crying like a manchild stay mad hun <3 <3
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Keep the bias to yourself because pc players are just as bad.