I'm a killer main and I played with detective's hunch on rank 1. I dealt with noed in 19/20 games.
I have been playing with my red rank buddy, since I'm rank 20, though I have some progress on survivors.
I have played around 20 games and I was using detective's hunch in all of them. I got thrown in all kinds of easy and difficult maps and I have barely escaped in only 5/20 (although my teammates' survival rate was about 75%).
I have faced mostly Spirits, Chainsaw killers and Slingers with Pheads these games, although I sometimes faced other killers. Like 4 of them were using ebony mori.
In 13/20 of those games, I have personally found and cleansed all dull totems.
In 15/20 of these games killer was using either noed or any other Hex perk.
In 7/20 of those games I got killed faster I was able to get much from hunch, but even so I could get rid from at least 2-3 totems and I purposely cleansed the hardest ones to find.
I also did at least 1 gen and distracted killer for at least 30-40 seconds in every single of these 20 games.
We did all gens in 15/20 games and killer was able to get any value from noed (at least 1 healthy down) in only 1 game.
I didn't even know totems' locations on most maps, but thanks to detective's hunch I had little problems finding and cleansing them. I did a gen, saw nearest totems, cleansed 1-2 totems and moved on to the next gen and so on.
Me, rank 20 survivor, who has less than 200 hours survivor experience, who was playing against rank 1 killers, was able to deal with noed successfully in 95% of games, while being basically a burden for my team because I wasn't even as half as efficient in chases or distraction as other survivors.
Rank 20 survivor.
Had no problem.
Doing bones.
Against all kinds of red rank killers.
It is not that hard as you say.
How you playing against red ranks tho? When I queue with my non red rank friend I barely get under 8 killers 🤔.
Also do bones bruhhhh.
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You had to bring a specific perk to do bones and not only that you died doing bones even in swf. Now that you have revealed you have very little hours in surv it's pretty hard to take all lot of what you say seriously. But I'm gonna go with your stats.
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Yes, you bring in 1 perk to counter 1 perk. Sounds reasonable to me, especially since Survivors have a combined 16 perks versus a Killers 4.
If NoEd was a big of a deal as some players would have us believe, wouldn’t it make sense to equip oneself with the perk to counter it?
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A killer main that wants people to stop hating on NOED so when devs see one positive post about it then they wont dont do anything about it??
You have changed NOTHING with all this fake information of yours without posting screenshots of at least some of the matches against these supposedly 'rank 1 killers' that you went against.
Yes, I am beating a dead horse but I will mention that me and including other people will continue to complain about NOED time to time and the Devs WILL change it at some point in the future. You will NOT change that course of action.
Post edited by Rizzo on5 -
Yes, you bring 1 perk on the offset to counter 1 perk. If I'm solo I rather run my meta build that is consistent detective's hunch doesn't help my survivability. If I were to say trade out DS for detective's hunch its gree range to be deleted in 2 seconds.
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Never tried Hunch. Small games one of my favorite perks for solo so I might check it out. Would be a lot more useful on maps like Hawwkins and The Game.
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I played in SWF with my red rank friend and I played 20 games in ranks 1-4 (around 50 were other ranks, which aren't worth mentioning)
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This perk is just insane, 64 meters range is enough to cover like 1/3 of the normal map and it can easily find you most totems. Of course you can't make 100% sure all totems are gone, though you can be in every 1/3 of the map when gen pops to cover the entire map with this perk, so it's awesome.
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Think and say whatever you like, I'm just sharing my experience of pulling off so called "useless and gamelosing" counterplay which is doing bones successfully against players significantly better than me.
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You probably would have a higher survival rate if you just noted where all the totems were and did your gens - then dealt with noed. If it appeared at all. NOED only appears in maybe 20% of my games - and you can usually tell it's coming...the killer is bad (camper or cannot catch anyone) or just doesn't care about protecting gens.
You are also destroying anyone else's chance of getting benefit from Inner Strength by totem hunting to the exclusion of anything else.
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It's easy to deal with NOED. People just don't want to do it.
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I was playing in duo and not 4 man SWF, so I didn't have enormous advantage. Any advantage I had was compensated with my lack of personal skill.
Also, one of points of that post is that if rank 20 without experience can do that and mostly succeed, then it shouldn't be such a big of a deal for rank 1 survivors mains who certainly have learned totem spots by heart so far and have far bigger experience and skill than me.
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I got hit with noed only once, when I was extremely unlucky with hunch procs and totem spawns (1 totem got spawned in some ass I didn't reach even with hunch and forgot to check).
In any other games I died, my death was not because of a noed, but because of my lack of experience - I ran into deadzones, got mindgamed easily etc.
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I can answer your question honestly, but given that you made a forum account to post this, I think it's pretty self evident.
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Are you seriously thinking that a rank 18 or 20 can't face red ranks? Have you been absent for months or something, because have you seen the matchmaking lately?
There are matches that place grey, yellow, and green rank players against red rank players, the proof is on the forums where there are pictures of the ranks.
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I've been playing in duo SWF with rank 1 so I get a huge chance to get matched against stronger killers, so it's not really about matchmaking which didn't have a choice.
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And what if someone doesn't own Tapp and/or the perk? You're not telling me that I should PTW, are you?
And on another thread, you obviously didn't come across someone using Third Seal, and you obviously didn't have any games where gens were being completed at an agonizingly slow rate (in which case, the threat of NOED's existence was already doing its job). Yes, in several cases, an aura reading perk is handy-dandy, but no one should be forced to run one perk to defeat someone else's perk. If it occurs by happenstance, then cheers, but I disagree with the "counter" design philosophy.
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Someone is salty because they lost a game to NOED 😂
NOED ain't even that good of a perk. Your basically handicapping yourself by running 3 perks all game. Also very rarely can you snowball from it unless the team is overly altruistic. Mostly just gets you one hook for the most part.
A better alternative to NOED is easily Rancor. Not only do you get a Bitter Murmur like effect but you can mori the obsession at the end which is so fun 😂
That being said I think NOED is a must for this game. Wastes good survivors time with totems which slows down gen speeds which are hard as killer to deal with already. Also helps new killers who get bullied the entire game get some well deserved payback.
Put it this way, Its a good crutch perk until you get good as killer :)
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If you’re solo, then how does Detective’ Hunch NOT affect your survivability?
It’s not a situational perk. Gens will pop, and the perk provides a wealth of information required to work towards the objective of surviving.
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Do bones.
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So you were playing in a SWF and ran an anti-totem perk and your survival rate was still 25%? Wow, sign me up.
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Uh... You played in a SWF and ran a perk specifically to counter NOED? Maybe be a little more introspective as to why that worked? Hint: It wasn't really the perk.
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Information does not equal survival. You know where your objectives are not anything that helps being chased or being tunneled or slugged.
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I use Detective's Hunch most games and can agree it's VERY easy to remove noed with it. Even when I'm not running it now, I'm still much more aware of totem spots because it's shown me some of the most hidden ones in various games.
It's more than generous that 1/16 of the survivors perk pool can take out 1/4 of the killer's perks, more if they're running other hexes. Just remember when you're crying "but muh second chance perks!" that removing noed is basically giving everyone on the team a second chance perk.
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If information isn’t king, then why is voice chat amongst SWF so popular? And why does that increase their survivability?
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But the mere fact that a perk is required (not necessarily "required" but for the sake of my point I'm using the word despite that not being exactly what I mean) for you to deal with noed at all is extremely dumb. As a general point of reference - perks whose sole purpose are to counter other perks are notoriously unfun to use, why should you have to waste a perk slot just to deal with a different perk that is horribly designed.
Nope, no thanks. I maintain my stance that these old world perks like NOED and Decisive Strike need to be reworked ASAP and in their current state have no place in the modern game in 2020.
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It doesnt give you information like what the killer is doing, where your team is, what they are doing. Jt tells you where gens and totems are.
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oH but wE mUsT clicK M1 and GeN rUsh becaUse we neEd to filL our egO
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Back when I did my 100 games stats as red rank solo survivor, I only got hit by NOED like twice. Ran small game. Did totems every game. Survived like 70% of my games.
NOED is literally not a problem even for solo survivor if you're not playing stupid.
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My solo build is DH, Inner Strength, Detectives hunch and DS, barring teammates who can't do chases to save their lives (literally), I escape fairly often.
Detectives gives a buttload of info that can help your game go very well, such as spotting potential 3-gens to deal with them before it's too late.
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You're slightly misleading what Detectives actually does, it reveals generators, chests, and totems, so not only does it help you find that hidden Devour or the ruin eating away at your gen times, it also lets you spot disasterous scenarios such as 3gens no matter the map. Spotting the chests is quite nice too as a small bonus, though easily the weakest part of the 3.
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Yes that's good info but I solo you cant communicate to your teammates to not 3 gen.
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I'm solo too, it's not too difficult to spot three gens early, as well as just knowing normal gen placements and what gens are best to do.
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It's easy to do it yourself. Most maps have easy totem spawns. Survivors just complain, because pressing m1 is allready a hard challenge for them.
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Cleansing 5 totems takes 70 seconds without accounting for travel time, so it's the equivalent of a full generator. For a killer who is not very good and can't pressure gens (=the average NOED user), by spending all that time not doing gens you're doing them a big favour. In fact, from my experience that is enough to put in difficulty the whole team.
So no, Detective's Hunch and doing all totems is not a good way to deal with the perk. It's way better to cleanse 1-2 totems if you stumble upon them, and before/when the last gen pops be ready to look for the lit totem. This way most of the times NOED gives a killer just one easy down before being cleansed.
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It's not required. You can learn totem spots fairly easily and do them most games. If every survivor does 1-2 totems per match, noed is just gone. It's completely down to laziness that noed is strong and somewhat reliable.
Detective's Hunch only gives you security and peace of mind when the other 3 survivors are lazy.
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Actually doing bones can royally ######### you over. The best thing you can do is remember where they are, so in case of noed, you know where it could be instead of searching for a totem.
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It's not equal to a doing generator, since you spend much less time completing the "pieces" of that generator and killer can't do much about it.
Also, just like I said, I didn't just stick to totems, I did both gens and totems.
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Sure you can remember, but what's better: cleanse them before something happens or search through totem spots in panic while killer deletes your team? You can also get "royally" (sounds amazing, I admit it) ######### over if the noed coincidentally gets spawned in a spot which killer can control well.
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I preffer not to allow noed to spawn in the first place. Of course, if the killer applies insane pressure I would rather rush gens&remember totem spots, but since I can usually afford myself to dedicate some time to cleansing bones, I would better do that, so there would be not a mere possibility for the noed to ######### me over.
Also, remembering totems&cleansing noed can put you in a serious disadvantage if the noed spawns in the totem which killer can successfully protect. I once had a game where noed spawned between exit gates and there was no way I could cleanse it in time as killer had a good view on it (It spawned on the notorious killing hill).
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That is true, but its worse if you can't even find it at all.
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I am entirely aware of what Detective's Hunch does, however, the way OP framed his thread implies "I played at high ranks (because of a friend in SWF who boosted me), with Detective's Hunch on, and because of this I was able to deal with NOED 90% of the time". I didn't write that, he did, and therefore the implication of the claim still stands. "Because I was running DH, I was able to deal with NOED" how the hell else am I supposed to interpret "I played with Detective's Hunch on rank 1. I dealt with NOED in 19/20 games." There is a very clear and blatant cause and effect being described here or at the very, very, very least a correlation that is being hinted at.
I already pointed out my wording and spelled out that I didn't actually mean it was required, thank you for ignoring me.
That being said I would argue no, it's not down to laziness at all. Maybe in casual games at mid-ranks or in low ranks where people don't know what they're doing it is, but in Red Ranks where people are constantly going sweaty and hard in many of their matches this is simply not true. When the killer is actually doing a decent job at applying pressure, winning and ending chases, slowing or even stopping gen progression completely, telling any survivor to stop what they're doing and go look around the map for dull totems based on the off-chance that NOED exists is extremely debilitating.
And that's the part you're purposefully leaving out, when either the killer has the upper hand, or even when both the killer and survivors are equally contesting the match, going on a crusade to destroy each and every totem on the map can and will simply eat away at too much of the survivors time and potentially is a decision that could cost survivors the match. That is precious time you're not spending repairing generators, saving teammates off hooks, or healing teammates to full health states. Not to mention, on certain maps more than others Totem spots are well hidden and can be incredibly difficult to find: maps like the Red Forest which are huge, maps like Swamp which are cluttered with all manner of reeds and other assets, indoor maps like lery's where the rooms are basically a maze also creates difficulty. Meaning more time just looking for these dull totems, again with no clear indicator of whether or not you're actually achieving anything- perhaps the killer isn't even running NOED at all and you just placed your teammates into a dangerous situation and costing everyone the match because one or two players mismanaged their time looking for dull totems.
To which I would expect someone will reply to me: "oh! But you can just use Detective's Hunch or Small Game on those maps to make finding totems easier and more quickly" to which I will immediately repeat my earlier statement: the fact that a perk would need to be required and thus a perk slot wasted just to deal with another badly designed perk is extremely dumb. So you pick and choose what you're trying to say because you can't tell me both without a contradiction: either perks like Detective's Hunch aren't required and all totems can still be cleansed easily on all maps without the perk, or Detective's Hunch is required and thus survivors are forced to waste a perk slot every match.
On that note even if you were able to prove to me that dealing with NOED is not difficult, that still doesn't detract from my point that NOED is a poorly designed perk in the first place. Regardless of whether or not you can deal with it, it doesn't change the fact that it's a perk that provides a powerful effect rewarding players who have done nothing. The distinction being made here is that it provides a powerful effect, and the player running it did absolutely nothing to earn it. As opposed to other Hex: Perks like Devour Hope, Ruin, Huntress Lullaby, all of these require that some effort be put into the match in order to reap their benefits not to mention that these actually carry the risk of being cleansed at any moment during the match. Whereas there is very little risk to running NOED as the first time you're made aware of it is by the time it's already in play applying pressure. So already NOED is fundamentally flawed at a very basic level, even without the problems created by "do we cleanse and lose the match or not cleanse and hope for the best".