How to derank to 20?
I can't get adept on nurse... whenever I'm close the last one gets a hatch...
Don't play killer. Wait several months. Login once per month to get rank reset. Profit.
I know this from experience since I've taken a break from DbD lasting six months or so.
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Just slug. Also, if you hooked everyone 3 times and the survivor who escapes through hatch 2 times, you still can get merciless killer
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Yes, that's how I've got it on Billy on 1st attemt, but on nurse... the best result was hatch escape... but he's only got 1 hook.
And no, I'm not gonna slug.
I mean I'm trying it at rank 16 and it looks like I can't get down to 17 (I managed once but not sure how). And then I still face purple ranks.
"Wait several months" - impossible at this point.
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It's not overly difficult to get merciless at yellow ranks. Also slugging is probably your best bet as nurse is really good for doing that.
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all of the killer adepts are just wars of attrition.. a whole lot of bullshit to wade through until you finally get the right lobby of altruistic survivors that don't just sit on gens like bots
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Follow the survivor rule book.
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Rank 20 through 16 cannot depip.
The ONLY way to get to Rank 20 after breaking out of Brown ranks is to wait for the monthly reset at Rank 16-13 to be reset to Rank 17 (the highest Brown Rank) then wait for another monthly reset at rank 17 to be reset to Rank 20.
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Hook everyone once while using BBQ and other BP perks then let everyone go.
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I'm not gonna avoid playing killer for 6 weeks. And let me mention it again that I've deranked to 17 once (for one trial) but I have no idea how.
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Well then suck it up and hope you get newer players at Rank 16 if you don't want to wait.
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I've just been watching Zubat struggle for the last hour or so trying to get Clown's. When I left his stream he still had not gotten it.
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What rank killer is he? if he's in red ranks he needs an almost flawless game (3 iri and 1 gold minimum i think) to double pip as killer there.
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If I could get adept on Billy on first try, and by only using M1 (M2 for moving only) then clown would be even easier for me I suppose.
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He's rank 1, one of best killer streamer
There are 3 options for you:
- Derank to rank 13 at 12th of this month, then play after 13th of next month (basically you wait for ~31 days)
- Wait for MMR system reactive
- You dont want to wait, derank to 16, check profiles in lobby to make sure you got new players
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I'm not sure if you get adept nurse on rank 20. Weaker players more often going to give up so you don't get your 11 hooks. Just play normally and get your expirience with blinks. You will get normal opponents eventually. I think purple survivors is just fine to get any adept.
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He's rank 1. He's one of the best killer players. He's been playing the game since 2016. He knows he needs the double pip. He just had been having a tough time getting it on Clown.
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The point is I don't really wanna get experience with blinks. Just wanna get an adept and avoid playing this killer for some time.
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Play corner AFK wraith.
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This doesn't derank to 17.
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You sure? If you do literally nothing during the whole game, It should derank.
Never tested it, but it makes sense since the emblem system works that way.
You derank if you get a black pip/entity displeased.
How do you get that? With a poor performance.
And the worst performance in the game you could have is doing nothing, afk in a corner with wraith, because even if they get close to you, you can't get chase points AFK in invisible mode.
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Rank 16 with 0 pips has black pip for 0 points, and you can flashlight a wraith.
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As killer, probably, only afk will work. Devs are babysitting killers so much that it is near impossible to derank. xD
If you would be survivor- I would say use Sabo build: Sabotage + Iron Will + Break Out + WGLF, you can get 4 stacks easily and 20-30k bp which for depip is not bad. Just completely ignore generators. Take medkit for self-care bp that doesnt impact ranking up. Heal when you are injured to increase your bp. Aim only for protection points, chase points and self-care points.
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Ok, I get it. But 16 rank players are weak as 20's. So just play casually, don't be affraid even to rank up to green and purple ranks. You may find team equal to your skills on any ranks eventually.
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The point is that I've got an adept on several killers after 1st - 2nd try, while I've tried for over 10 times on nurse. I've been doing decent with the addon that disables blinks for a minute after blink hit (and increases ms), but I ran out of them and I can't get even 1 kill most of the time...
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Hey I get you, My adepts for every killer besides Nurse were 1 or 2, games. I recommend you make a fresh account and practice.
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Looks like you missing something important when playing Nurse. Try to find some Nurse tutorials. You don't get survivors weaker than rank 16 and weak survivors don't guarantee double pip because they could die on first hook. So you better become stronger Nurse to solve this problem. Or drop this adept until you ready to get better Nurse.
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No one have said this:
Buy a new copy of the game
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Just tried again... 2 survivors didn't spam space and both died on 2nd hook, and the last one got a hatch...
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Play ghostface on Autohaven wreckers against half decent survivors. It's horrible.
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Just chase and M1, should be easy.
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Okay guys, thanks for advices I guess, but after like 16 tries I finally achieved it... one surv was afk and died on 2nd hook, and one got hatch in the shack, but it still counted as merciless. Finally freed from the nurse (until they put her in archives)! /phew
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Why would you refuse to slug with the nurse? You're basically hindering yourself by not applying as much pressure as possible
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Because that's neither cool or fair.
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Play Myers without stalking ever. Don't use Scratched Mirror. Another option is just using double ultra rare Michael add-ons without ever hitting anyone and derank that way. Once you hit rank 10 or so, just stop playing the game for a while. Then, either never come back because that would be best for your health and life, or come back and make the game unfun for rank 20s for many games.
But I do not condone purposeful deranking, so cease and desist!
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Best is to just play survivor for months, or start the game from scratch.
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Best thing to do is just get good, because purposely deranking to get easier games is lame as hell.
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Yes, but who wants to spend hundreds of trials just to get an adept and drop that killer?
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You can get to 16 but to get to 17 you need to wait for rank reset. And thereafter the next rank reset will get you to 20. But once you hit 16, there's no path back to 17 outside of rank reset.
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I've gotten 4ks with the nurse after like 5 trials with her and I play against mostly purple/red ranks.
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It's too open. Survivors can see you coming across the map and break you out of NS unless you crouch which is slow and prevents long range stalks. I get bullied on that map frequently against good loopers, unless haunted G or Retribution starts a snowball.