Strangest Thing I've Ever Encountered...

Been a while since I posted here - moved to the Switch since I don't have to deal with frame clips on a low end laptop, and I've been doing alright. But that's not what I'm hear to talk about. I had a friend warn me about this sort of thing, but I didn't think too much of it...until it happened to me.

So I'm playing killer, trying to grind up BP so I can get Nea's teachables unlocked, first two matches I play Clown since he had two Survivor Puddings, and everything was fine. Then I switched to Spirit since she had two Survivor Puddings as well.

I go into the match...there's no user interface. No telling me what the map was (though I knew it was Blood Lodge since I spawned at the main building) No icon telling me how many gens are left, no icons saying what health states the survivors are in, no icons showing the states of my perks (Haunted Grounds, Enduring, Spirit Fury, Iron Grasp), nothing. Oh, and there was two players using Object of Obsession.

So I treated it like the game was challenging me. I had to mentally math out if I had Spirit Fury up or not, remember who was on what hook based on who they were playing and what they were wearing, keep an ear out for the audio cue to tell me when I could phase walk after using it, and just see how well I could do. By my counting, I got 8 hooks, and 1 kill at the end of it, and based on the sound at the end, I didn't displease the Entity.

Rank 9 killer BTW, before anyone asks. Has anyone had this happen to them before? And if so, what did you do? If you played through the match, was it hard?


  • Xyvielia
    Xyvielia Member Posts: 2,415

    I’ve encountered “Stranger Things” 😉

    ...cos Nancy😏

    Have experienced a similar glitch as survivor where everything at the bottom/sides of the screen (perks, statuses & notifications, survivors in trial, skillcheck, gen repair/ heal bar etc.) all disappeared.

    Challenging match. Had to gen tap and heal tap... that was weird.

    I ended up intentionally designating myself as the killer distraction/ looper of the rest of the match... I died tho :P

    Sounds like you did fairly well, considering.

  • ChiSoxFan11
    ChiSoxFan11 Member Posts: 1,093

    I've had the issue before, but as a survivor. No perks showing up, no skill check circles, no survivor icons, nothing. I was playing, literally, in the blind. Repairing generators, healing -- anything that would require a skill check, was pretty much impossible. I could do rescues and break totems, and get chased, but nothing else. No clue as to how many generators were left to do, whether spine chill was going off -- and I somehow managed to escape, lol!

    Match is on my channel here:

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    No, but I've had matches with no sound. Which was pretty challenging.

  • Facture
    Facture Member Posts: 284

    I've only had this happen on survivor side, never seen it on killer before.

    I've had two version, one where the map information was shown but then stayed on screen the entire match, so you couldn't see any information about the survivors, your perks, and skill checks wouldn't display. I had this happen a few games a year or so ago.

    Recently had the version where all info is just missing but it doesn't show the map information