About Corrupt Intervention

Over weeks, maybe several month, I noticed that killers use Corrupt Intervention in average ~50% or more in the matches, I play. Mostly combined with Pop Goes the Weasel.

And I have to say, that it starts to gets annoying.. and boring to play against the same killer perks again and again. I am very happy to know that the devs track the perk ususage of all perks in the game (surv + killer) and that they might notice the overusuage of Corrupt Intervention in the near future.

I don't care about anyones opinion about genspeed. Because depending on which side you stand (surv, killer, both), you mostly will not argue rational, but rather shout out what you think.

I really hope that the devs react faster in the future when it comes to over but also underusuage of perks. We have so many different perks, but the most of them never get picked. That's sad.


  • SoShiny
    SoShiny Member Posts: 30

    I think the increased corrupt intervention play is due to the meta change bringing platforms together. It's resulted in matches going back to the rush the gens just as fast as your little feet can go meta.

    It comes and goes and as people start focusing more on points over escapes you'll see corrupt intervention fade as well.

  • seki23
    seki23 Member Posts: 833

    and why do u think that happens? if u dont use corrupt then the furthest gens will get doen before you can even make it to them if u spowned at the other side and 2 survivors are on it, also 2 gens would pop in your first down without it, gens FLY already and you just want it so killers CANT DO ANYTHING about it, you are literally biased towards survivors probably a survivor main with 0 empathy, what about DS? i get 3 to 4 ds all games still nothing is being done about it, or the combo unbrekable + ds or even easier exhaution perks giving you many second chances... meta perks are meta for a reason, the only difference is that killers have to deal with 16, you only need to deal with 4, also you are 4 and can spread up if u are smart, the killer is just one and cant be anywehere, thats why corrupt exists and why is a good perk.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295
    edited September 2020

    Your bored of facing the same perks over and over again? You must not play killer much other wise you would be making threads about DS, unbreakable, adren, bt.

    Corrupt only really works on setup killers like trapper. Once it wears off you really need to be pressuring survivors. Everyone else they are probably better off running ruin or pop.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,068

    While Killers have it better than Survivors when it comes to Perks (more Perk usage overall for different Killers since they dont play the same as Survivors do), yes, there are some Perks which are used in every Build. This is, because also on Killers Side, a lot of Perks are just garbage. Why would you ever want to give up something like Corrupt Intervention over Cruel Limits? Just as an example.

    Even tho, I kinda see it problematic if every Build (regardless of the Killer in play) starts with Corrupt, PGTW, BBQ and maybe adds Sloppy Butcher to it. 3 Slowdown Perks and massive BPs. Yay, fun and unique, I guess. And 100% a Build which fits the Killers unique Power. /s

    But, I am pretty sure that at least Pop Goes the Weasel will get a Nerf in the future. The Devs are continuing to make the game easier for Killers, and while PGTW is not a completely effortless Slowdown like Ruin was (new Ruin now requires effort), in the end of the day it is a Slowdown for just playing the game. You gain pressure by hooking people and even gain 25% Gen Regression on top.

    So I guess, somewhat after they introduced their Start Phase-Change they talked about in the 4th anniversary, they will also take a look at some Killers or Perks.

    Regarding Corrupt Intervention, I guess it would only get a Nerf if the Start Phase-Change would make it too powerful. But I cannot really see that and IMO Corrupt Intervention is an important Perk since it helps out weaker Killers (and especially Setup Killers) a lot.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Killers use the Perks they have to use to slow down the ever increasing speed of the Gen-Rush. If certain Perks (all for this purpose) seem in greater use, that illustrates a need or problem. If you want to see the usage of those Perks go down, you should be asking the DEV to reset the base level of regression in generators so they are less necessary. In other words, advocate for solutions to the actual problem, not balms for your personal inconvenience.

  • batax90
    batax90 Member Posts: 879

    I dont think the dev can nerf pgtw at least not now and not before they introduce the new early game mecanic they talk about. And even then im not sure this will help survivor will find a new way to abuse this just like the 99% gate they found with the egc

  • Godot
    Godot Member Posts: 806

    The current Ruin is not even bad lol. Back before the Ruin change, I kept getting matches where Bubbas literally camped Ruin, but didn't kill or hurt anyone. And, of course, having to constantly hit great skill checks was the biggest horror of everyone's lives.

    I believe Corrupt Intervention is fine, but PGTW should get a rework, like a 120 second cooldown or something. Imagine demolishing a generator that was worked on hard only because you managed to hook 2 survivors under 40/50/60 seconds. Pro survivor tip to those who hate PGTW: use Repressed Alliance. Underrated godlike perk.

  • Rin_is_my_waifu
    Rin_is_my_waifu Member Posts: 963

    I know it's a shame killers run slow down perks, but survivors who use the same crutch perks in every match (DS, DH, SG, UB) is perfectly fine /s

  • Demonl3y
    Demonl3y Member Posts: 1,416

    And whats about the same perks killer have to go against over and over again?

    DS, AD, DH, BT etc.

  • Pawcelot
    Pawcelot Member Posts: 985

    BHVR never did anything to combat the things that the old Ruin fixed. Now Corrupt Intervention and Pop Goes the Weasel are both being targeted for taking its place.

  • Avilgus
    Avilgus Member Posts: 1,261

    Annoying/boring/unfun...here we go again.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,068

    Map Changes?

    Toolbox nerf? (Basically useless for repairs)

    Efficiency change with multiple Survivors?

    Great Skill Check Nerf?

    But yeah. "never did anything". Sorry that you as Killer have to be responsible that Gens are not being done and not some Perk.

  • PleassBuiltInNoed
    PleassBuiltInNoed Member Posts: 618

    games would last 5 minutes even with 4 slowdowns so lol

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,068

    "The right set of Toolboxes can get a gen done in 27 seconds, they can make finishing a generator thats nearly compete so much easier."

    Are you serious? What does one Gen matter? Old Commodious Toolbox was able to speed up the Gen Speed for at least two full Generators. You cannot compare the new Toolboxes and Add Ons with the old ones, they are nowhere near as strong. The nerf was significant.

    "The great skill check nerf. Was a 1 or 2% nerf. Honestly Im not noticing any difference"

    It was the easiest nerf that could be done to Great Skill Checks.

    "And its prove thyself makes the efficency completely obsolete, seriously this perk is so underrated."

    Prove Thyself is a bad Perk. Splitting up and doing multiple Generators is always better. PT is only really used for the extra BPs.

    "The map changes are nice. But concidering suruviors spawn right on top of generators regardless of how the map is. It doesn't solve the poor early game killers have forced upon them"

    Shorter Chases = better Gen Defense.

    But once again, this would mean that the Killer is actually competent to get people. And players who stack 3 or even 4 Slowdown Perks are usually not that competent.

  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,695
    edited September 2020

    Yeah old ruin was changed because the skill checks were too hard for newer players, so I understand why it was changed. I agree however that I would love to not have to run Corrupt or Pop, but gen rushing prevents me from being able to do that.

    So long as SWF exists, those friends will always be able to communicate to each other where the killer is at all times (even after they die), which of course allows them to hop on generators together and knock them out within minutes. Because of that I have no choice but to use the same perks over and over again, which I agree is very boring.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    This is actually another great point I forgot to mention. ^

    Pop is an example of a very well designed and balanced perk. It is only good if you play well, but it's bad if you don't. It also has a cost of wasted kicking time which is not insignificant.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772
    edited September 2020

    Kind of have to if you're a killer that requires any sort of set up. Maps are too big right now with gens often being completed before the killer can even reach the other side of the map if 2 or more survivors spawn together. 2 survivors with one prove thyself can complete a gen in 40 seconds flat without toolboxes or other buffs.

    Killers run slowdown/regression perks because outside of the top tiers they kind of have to. They reworked Ruin without fixing the problem that Ruin was helping with, so obviously it would be replaced.

  • Guenther
    Guenther Member Posts: 8

    Yes, I understand your answer and you are right. There are also survivor perks taht are way too popular. @A_Can_Of_Air

    But counting the number of perks that are "OP" for killer and survivor was not the intention of the post. I understand why many killers play the Corrupt + Pop combination, but balancing is another topic..

    What I wanted to do is discuss about the huge number of perks and the fact that very few get picked in reality. I used Corrupt as an example because this is a new trend.

    If you want to complain about the gen speed once again, please open your own thread, otherwise you're welcome and I'm interested in your opinion and / or constructive ideas.

  • Guenther
    Guenther Member Posts: 8
    edited September 2020

    This post is not about balancing. At least not about balancing of killer and survivor side..

    It's about perk usuage. I agree that PGTW is perfectly fine, but the problem is that this is one of very few perks, which are fair and useful.

  • PanicSquid
    PanicSquid Member Posts: 655

    Corrupt is useful because it blocks the far away early gens. This means that at the start of the trial, you can assume that there are probably survivors the spawned near those gens, those survivors now need to make their way to the gens closer to you and that those gens aren't being worked on.

    Using this information it means you have 2 minutes where you need to only patrol 4 gens, and you have survivors out of position to get some early chases. I use either Corrupt or Discordance on all my killers.

  • JewelTK
    JewelTK Member Posts: 12

    "A lot of people use it and I don't like it so it's a problem" like how are you gonna say this about Corrupt Intervention, a relatively weak killer perk, when Decisive, Borrowed, Sprint Burst, Unbreakable, Self-Care, and Adrenaline are just as if not more common than Corrupt while also being more powerful? Like come on, dude, killers can't have ######### without survivors complaining for it to be removed/reworked into the ground.

  • deadbybums
    deadbybums Member Posts: 82

    I agree that its boring seeing it every game. Before cross play I maybe encountered it 2 or 3 times a month. Now its almost every game.

    And all these arguments come back to gen speeds but gen speeds aren't the problem. A solo queue team struggles with gen speeds a lot of the time but a well greased swf doesn't. Thats not a bad design flaw as such, its an overly big skill gap between highly skilled communicating players and solo queue users who likely haven't brought any items to trial and have no idea about each others playstyles.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    I like Whispers better than Corrupt but that's just me. They serve a similar purpose of getting you into a chase quickly at the start of the match. Corrupt does it indirectly by coercing survivors to come to you or, if not, hiding until the effect ends which gives you extra time to find them. Whispers does it by telling where a survivor is right at the start within a few seconds of walking. Corrupt is better for killers that like to do some set-up at the start of the match like Hag, Trapper and maybe Demogorgon (at least the way I play him) while Whispers is better for killer who just want to get into a chase immediately at the start and also want to use it at the end of the game to hunt down the last one or two survivors who might be hiding or trying to open the doors.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458
    edited September 2020

    The problem will only be addressed when SWF and Solo players are separated. That is the long and the short of it. What we need are the following options:

    1. Solo Que: No identifying information about the Players is given, period. This prevents people from quickly setting up communications in the lobby through Discord or some other engine. Basically nobody knows the identity of those they are playing with until the end of the game stats. The Solo Que will not allow people to join as a group, or at most as a group of (2).
    2. League Play: This is the Que for people who want to enter a Lobby as a group. Minimum group size would be (3) and you would play the game as a three. Maximum is as (4). The Killer will have a 5th Perk Slot unlocked and the Survivors will require one additional Generator to power the gates. Thus, a team of three will need (5) and a team of four will need (6). *This is done to equalize the advantage SWF have. Killers will be more than happy to fight them on fair terms.
    3. Custom Game: This is what we have now. You ALREADY have an option to play with your friends. You get however many of your friends to be Survivors, and get one to be the Killer.

    This is the only logistical way of solving the problem. As long as Solos continue to pay the price for trying to balance SWF in the game, there is going to be a growing issue. Perks which slow down the Gen Rush (aimed at the SWF) will hurt Solos twice as much, if not more. Everyone says this will slow dow Ques. We don't really know that. It might speed them up. Killers won't duck SWF Ques if they feel they are on even ground. Solos will be relieved to know they aren't the Red Shirt on the team. Moreover, if the balancing options I suggest for the groups is too strong or too weak, the DEV can adjust it without screwing over everyone else.

    Do I think these things will eventually happen? Yes. Eventually what I outline above will happen because there is no other equitable way to fix the issue that doesn't create even more problems. Do I think it will be soon? No. I think the DEV and the Players will get dragged kicking and screaming to this resolution when it becomes clear nothing else is going to work. :) People tend to be reactive rather than proactive. It is human nature. So in the meantime, all of us must continue to adapt to an ever increasing number of Perks designed to slow down the Gen-Rush and force people to do bones. Get used to those Perks. They aren't OP; they are just unavoidable in the current Meta.

  • APopp
    APopp Member Posts: 22

    I personally don't have a problem with Corrupt Intervention, but I have a problem with Pop Goes the Weasel. I'm a solo queue or duo queue Survivor, so I'm never part of a toxic SWF and I don't use the meta perks often because I find it boring and I know that doesn't make it a fun experience for Killers. Anyway, I ran into the problem where every Killer I faced had PGTW and supplimented it in place of playing skillfully and crutched on it. It became so incredibly boring and aggravating because it was like each Killer was the same despite their power. Not every Survivor can loop for a long time (including me) so the Killers would get a quick down while I'd almost get a gen done, come directly over to kick my gen, leave, quickly down somebody else, and come kick it again, chase me, down me and then kick it again. At that point, I just kinda am over the game and want to move on. But what is even worse is when Killers go out of their way just to pop a gen, even if there are two Survivors actively wanting to chase and it would be in the Killer's best interest to chase them, but they instead go and kick the same gen for the third time when it's at 15% progress. I absolutely despise it when Killers play like that.

  • ihagyou
    ihagyou Member Posts: 1

    Lolz. He thinks that ruin got nerfed. He is so wrong. Always amuses me to find people this ignorant.

  • TitanByDaylight
    TitanByDaylight Member Posts: 169

    Aight bro I'm not gonna just say something like, "it just because ur a survivor main" because u actually seem like ur trying not to b biased but those changes really did not help that much, toolbox Nerf was definitely helpful but is still not enough of a balance, I'm no godlike survivor but even I notice that several gens can go off while a killer is in thier first chase, even when they r doing pretty much all they can, it's like others have said if killers r using the same perks it shows that there's a problem that still needs to be fixed

  • hillbillyclaudmain69
    hillbillyclaudmain69 Member Posts: 1,528

    Dr is only op with unbreakable or a locker, dh has an easy counter unless you're nurse, bt has an easy counter as well, Sprint burst is fine as is, unbreakable is only op with ds. They also probably don't track it by usage either. Most likely they nerfed ruin bc they couldn't hit greats;)

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505
    edited September 2020

    "Oh no! Survivor is annoyed that they have to find a different generator!"

    You know what's really annoying? Decisive Strike and Adrenaline being in every game. Except killers have been dealing with that for years.

    Think of it this way - killer perks are SUPPOSED to inconvenience survivors. That is the ENTIRE point, to make your objective harder to do. Imagine thinking killer perks should be less annoying because you're triggered at their existence. Give me a break.

    Post edited by SloppyKnockout on
  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559

    good old devs, nerfing perks, slapping down DLC with new perks to replace the old ones, all without fixing the underlying issue, even indirectly.

    No changes to chase resource mechanics since the beginning of the game, only one change to gen mechanics

    I'm not expecting anything to change any time soon.

  • batax90
    batax90 Member Posts: 879

    The dev cant nerf pgtw if they do you can expect the survivor queue to sky rocket.

  • Primalux135
    Primalux135 Member Posts: 1,045

    I would like to play ultra fast breaking pallet Wraith but is useless as hell.

  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,833

    I'd like to not have to run PGTW or Corrupt Intervention, but CI is the only way to slow down the early game and PGTW is the only way to get anything decent out of kicking gens.

    Ruin would be a solid choice if not for the RNG that is totem spawns. In what world is a lit totem spawning out in the open good outside of haunted grounds? It's simply not.

    I'd like to not have to use BBQ but BP gain is so minimal without it that it makes it a must-have perk for those who haven't got every perk in the game. That leaves me with exactly one perk slot to mess around with if I take PGTW. More often than not, I won't need PGTW, but it would be nice if kicking gens did something other than starting a very, very slow regression.