I experienced People break the rules.Even on high rank's

Since a while I encountered a few people breaking the rule.Like Teaming with the Killer ect. I report them ingame and to the dbd support.I take Video proof and their name's but I think people give a ######### about the rules and ingame report's bc most of the People I know only report ingame and don't know that dbd has a support website where you can make a ticket and report them there too until I say that to them.
If this behaviour is raising up then I am done with this game.I have expierenced this in F13 the Game too and bc of this I quit the game and refuse to touch it again.
Can you describe what they did in detail? How did they "team" with the killer
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Showing the Killer where I am
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Let me ask you two questions.
1) where you and the other survivor the last two alive?
2) where you hiding by the hatch/or in lockers?
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In my last match the match started and we had a doctor and I was in the terror radius. A Bill came to me and I decided to hide in a locker bc of his shock.Bill JUMPED in the locker nearby me in and out(making loud noises) So the doctor (who wouldn't know where I was bc he hadn't line of sight) knows exactly where I was. No all of us where alive
Other example was a Steve whe was obviously teaming with the Hag.He even wrote it to me.