Demogorgon, Freddy, Pyramid Head or GhostFace?

Should i Get the Demo Dlc, the Freddy one, the Pyramid Head one or the ghostface?


  • MrLimonka
    MrLimonka Member Posts: 545

    Ghostface has the best perks out of these, and in my opinion is the most fun to play.

    The other DLCs come with survivors though, so if you play survivor too you could get the other ones.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,771

    IMO Freddy's DLC. It comes with one of the better killers in the game, Freddy, who's also the most fun to play IMO.

    Demo's DLC has some decent perks, with a fun killer, but also I hate Steve so it's a no from me. Plus, it's more expensive.

    Pyramid Head's DLC comes with a decent survivor perk, bad killer perks, but a very fun killer to play.

    I can't suggest Ghostface because I have a personal, burning hatred of the character, although being honest he does have the best perks (I'm All Ears is beautiful and Thrilling Tremours is a decent BBQ replacement.)

  • VolantConch1719
    VolantConch1719 Member Posts: 1,221

    Ghost Face is just him, but he has decent perks and is pretty strong when his reveal decides to work properly (or not properly and Survivors are ten inches from you and can't reveal you).

    Demogorgon's DLC is the most expensive. Nancy has some decent perks, Steve has completely forgettable perks, Demogorgon has Surge, which can be a great perk for M1 killers and it's just fun to play.

    Pyramid Head's DLC gives you Soul Guard, which remains a very situational perk unless you mix it with Unbreakable, in which case you're using two perk slots that could be used for other perks, and Pyramid Head, whose fun but difficult to use. Forget the other perks, they're pretty much useless.

    Freddy's DLC gives you Freddy, widely regarded as one of the most powerful Killer in the game, and that's about it. Quentin's perks aren't that great (I find some use in Wake Up! that others apparently don't, but I'd rather run other perks)

  • Jyn_Mojito
    Jyn_Mojito Member Posts: 515

    Depends on the type of playstyle you prefer. If you're looking for stealth and decent perks, or giving jump-scares, Ghostface for sure.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    I say either Freddy or GhostFace both fun to play both have good perks

  • EnderloganYT
    EnderloganYT Member Posts: 621

    Demo: mediocre in all departments including perks

    Freddy: strong killer, fairly aight perks

    Ghostface: imo 3rd best in the game, if you get good with him you could get the snowball rolling really quickly

    Pyramid head: idk haven't played him

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295
    edited September 2020

    GF is a nice jump scare killer when you can stealth. If you can't expose people you can usually get a good hit in before a chase starts. However without your power your a trapper without traps. Recharge add ons are best with him. His perks are okay. Thrilling Tremors being the best. I'm all ears I only used on PH when I was trying to hit someone vaulting with a wave. Furtive chase is perhaps one of the most useless perks in the game IMO. What's the point of a smaller terror radius "during" a chase? They already know you are there. If this perk was reversed it could be pretty powerful.

    Freddy is a good killer now. His snares are good for chases, pallets mind f#@$ people and his teleport gives him some much needed map pressure. Combined with BBQ to see which gens are being worked and pop, he can slow the game down pretty well. Blood Warden is great when it works but very rare. Most survivors 99% the gates for fear of BW. Remember Me was good but now it's very niche. Fire Up is crap. Quintin's only good perk is Pharmacy. I often run this perk to farm green medkits so I don't have to bring IS or SC to heal myself.

    PH is okay. Has some mix ups but lacks pressure. His strength is his ability to ignore DS. His wave can also be used to mind game survivors going to vaults. If they are committing to the jump, wave. If they turn around, let go and melee.His perks aren't very useful IMO. Cheryl has soul guard which can be pretty cool with unbreakable but it's still very niche. It will only get benefit if the killer is slugging.

    Demo is also a decent killer and his dlc comes with 2 survivors. As mentioned already, Steve's perks aren't much to take home but Nancy gets Inner Strength. Which is my preferred healing perk if I don't have a medkit. Though there are times when I simply can't find a totem. I've been prestiging Demo lately and I didn't realize how strong he can be when he came out. The portals are a great way to get around. You can get the drop on people sometimes because of the undetectable while traveling. However, just like trapper and the hag, you need to spend time setting them up. His shred is a nice way to get that extra distance provided your aim is good. If not you can use it to break pallets faster. I don't think his perks are that good. Some people like surge but id rather bring pop so I can really regress the gen.

    If your looking for a strong killer-Freddy because his power cannot be canceled by the survivors. GF 2nd

    If you want perks-Stranger things because it comes with 1 killer and 2 survivor

    If you want stealth- GF. To a lesser degree, Demo

    If you want mind game potential and the ability to ignore DS-PH

  • Jill10230
    Jill10230 Member Posts: 475

    Freddy is strong (with addons and perks) to stop the progression of the generators.

    Demogorgon is weak, and yes ! The portal is good but it's easily destructible, and it can ruin the game with the SWF team. There are limits, it's not like Freddy or the Hag where you pose the trap to infinity.

    Ghostface.. "spine chill" is going to lead you the very hard game, forget it (lol) !

    Pyramid yes, but it remains that the perks, the power in itself there are so many survivors who can master it now...

    Ps: I have all killers and I regret !😑

  • IIITweedleIII
    IIITweedleIII Member Posts: 969

    Ghostface. For the Return in Kind TBagging 🥴

  • Jill10230
    Jill10230 Member Posts: 475

    With "spine chill" you can't scare the people.. 🤣

    But If you delete this perk Ghostface become probably the first best killer !

  • BloodyNights
    BloodyNights Member Posts: 526

    I'd choose Ghostface. Two of his perks are pretty good. He is fun to sneak up on people with as well. He is also a solid killer.

    Freddy is the strongest, using the Forever Freddy build a lot of people will dc because it isn't fun to go against. I also think Freddy is probably the most boring to play out of the 4 mentioned. But this is just my opinion personally. Quintin comes with Pharmacy which is a salvageable perk for survivor. Great for item hunting while also guaranteeing that you get at least one medkit. Pairing it with Plunderers makes searching for chests quick and easy. While upping your chances of getting a decent item after the Medkit.

    Demogorgon - A really fun killer to play as imo. He is kind of mid tierish. He gives a ton of information to survivors. So gens will probably be done fairly fast if you are not quick enough. Probably the weakest killer out of the 4. But not bad. I don't really care for any of his perks. Steve has no good perks for survivors. Nancy has Inner Strength and Fixated both are half way decent.

    Pyramid Head - Great in chases, and can bypass the Decisive, and unbreakable builds if they walk over his trails. He's a good killer as well, just lacks map mobility. His perks aren't really worth mentioning. Cheryl/Heather has Soul Guard which isn't bad. It can come in clutch on occasion.

  • Spooky13
    Spooky13 Member Posts: 1,471

    Demo is the weakest out of this bunch but it still fairly fun to play. However all perks in this chapter except Inner Strength are bad.

    Freddy is the strongest killer here and has decent perks. Quentin's perks are very meh though.

    Pyramid Head is probably the second strongest here but the only perk of note here is Soul Guard.

    Ghostface is the third strongest and has the best perks out of all these chapters, but he doesn't come with a survivor.

  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,695

    Freddy is the strongest killer, Ghostface has the best perks, and Pyramid Head is the most fun. Demo sadly falls behind in every category.

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416

    Rule out Demo, his perks are okay but hes not a very good killer, theres no amazing perks on the survivor side of things either, plus its expensive. Ghost Face is cheaper and has the best perks but its just him. Freddy is an amazing killer with niche but usable perks, survivor side is still nothing special. And lastly the Silent Hill chapter, Pyramid Head is a strong and unique killer, but his perks kinda stink. The survivor side of things isn't awful this time around, soul guard is a decent perk.

    Honestly I'd say pick the one that interests you most from a power or preference perspective.

  • Jyn_Mojito
    Jyn_Mojito Member Posts: 515

    @Jill10230 Lol, not true! I was working a gen with another survivor and noticed SC staying on. No TR, so I started to look around suspiciously.

    Found a GF feet away from us, stalking us from behind a garbage can, in the crouch/lean out position. Freaked me out and booked it, ASAP, while the poor bloke on gen was oblivious 👀

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666

    Demo is love, demo is life. Literally any other answer is objectively incorrect

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632
    edited September 2020




    Pyramid Head


    Strength (4K Potential):


    Pyramid Head




    Pyramid Head






    Pyramid Head



    Outplay and Mindgame Potential:


    Pyramid Head





    Pyramid Head




    Final Verdict:

    Demo if you're looking to have fun.

    Ghostface if you want to win many of your matches and have the satisfaction of real outplay.

    Or you can just pick Freddy if you're boring.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    Demos fun but not too effective. Freddys very dull to play but very strong. Pyramid head is fun too. Ghostface is decent but inconsistent due to his buggy shroud.

  • Dweeteater
    Dweeteater Member Posts: 37

    All 4 if money ain't a thang.

    Demo is the coolest imo and a survivor favorite.

    GF with classic robes (extra dlc) is sick.

    Freddy is iconic.

    Never played Silent Hill so PH didn't really excite me enough to buy yet.

  • shyguyy
    shyguyy Member Posts: 298

    This depends, do you actually want to have to think/play well to win games or do you want to have easier games that you can just 4Head your way through?

    If the former then pick up Demo or Ghostface - Demo is my favorite killer both to play and play against.

    If the latter choose PH or Freddy and get ready for some hilariously easy games.

  • Jyn_Mojito
    Jyn_Mojito Member Posts: 515
    edited September 2020

    I won't disagree with your assessment. Although I'm not a potato, I'm also not as smooth as mashed taters. Maybe hashbrowns or tator tots? 🤔

    Can I be a tator tot?

  • Xyvielia
    Xyvielia Member Posts: 2,415

    Most ppl probs’ll say to not get him an list a bunch of reasons, so I am sticking up for my Demofriend❣️

    Try Demogorgon... you also get sexy Steve Harrington an Nancy Wheeler!!!

    Also her decent perk set; can’t go wrong w her Inner Strength!

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    For the easy killer: Freddy

    For the potentially insanely strong killer: PH

    For the high-skill killer: Ghostface

    For the kinda meh killer: Demogorgon

    However, if you're talking about getting the full DLC, survivors included, then:

    Nothing to see here: Ghostface

    Pretty bad: Freddy

    Good perks: PH

    6 whole perks, half of them very good: Demogorgon.

  • Jill10230
    Jill10230 Member Posts: 475
    edited September 2020
  • Cutiaddu
    Cutiaddu Member Posts: 402
    edited September 2020

    Ghostface absolutely, if you like myers you will love Ghostface to the point of marrying him, he's so fun

  • Miraak
    Miraak Member Posts: 240

    Hm... this is a good question. I would recommend Freddy and GhostFace, because I really like to play with them. I can't say anything about Demogorgon, because I'm not good with him. 😅