The mori change id want as killer/survivor

While everyone can agree moris are quite often really strong and this is due to the fact you can be downed after being hooked and be mori`d which there isnt always much you can do about that as a survivor so its not fair or fun. i know lots of people say make it last hook instead but then its not worth while for killer as they can miss out on info such as BBQ, Tremors, POP etc. and wouldnt be worth running and so i propose these changes.

Yellow mori - For each living survivor reduce action speeds by 0.5% , Grants the ability to kill one survivor by your own hand if they're on death hook. Once the survivor is killed reveal auras of other survivors within 40metres for 3seconds

Ivory mori - For each living survivor reduce action speeds by 0.75% , Grants the ability to kill two survivor by your own hand if they're on death hook. Once the survivor is killed reveal auras of other survivors within 40metres for 3seconds

Ebony Mori - For each living survivor reduce action speeds by 1% , Grants the ability to kill all survivor by your own hand if they're on death hook. Once the survivor is killed reveal auras of other survivors within 40metres for 3seconds

So these changes are made so survivors cant be killed early on by being mori`d straight off the hook allowing everyone to have more of a fun and fair game. the action speed reduction is so killers gain something for running these offerings, instead of killing players early often in unfun ways it passively slows the game down. finally the aura reading is there to encourage the killer to use the mori (allows us to see the animations the devs put alot of work into) without making the killer completely miss out on possible information they would normally get via picking up and hooking.


  • I would not say the speed reduction is that noticeable (4% percent as the best case), other than that, it MIGHT be a good idea.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    numbers can be looked into, but a passive slowdown i feel would be very welcomed over the instant mori after first hook lol. but i do get what youre saying, maybe 2,4,6 so 6% as ebony. i dont want to over do it for balance reasons but id like the memento moris to have a use and for moris to be seen without the hatred that comes with them

  • HollowsGrief
    HollowsGrief Member Posts: 1,497

    People can argue if moris are to strong or not all day long, but making them only usable on death hook makes them cosmetic only and removes any utility they had, I disagree with this change.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Clearly you missed the action speed reduction part. thats Passive slowdown on gens and healing which is pretty strong, and moris are strong due to them removing the need to hook everyone 3 times and also can be done straight of hook, its a cheap and boring play and does need a change, im assume you didnt really read it and just seen it as a mori nerf. but fact is keys and moris ruin the game completely

  • HollowsGrief
    HollowsGrief Member Posts: 1,497
    edited September 2020

    So replace the ability to remove someone from the game early with a 1% slow down? I ignored that part because of how irrelevant it was. Your idea of a mori might as well just be made Killer base kit with how pointless it would be after this "change"

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Lowest was 2% actually if you can read, and the point isnt to make something over powered. im sure youre one of those people that feel the need to mori straight off hook but its a cheap and boring play and shouldnt be in the game, offerings are only meant as a slight advantage not a 100% win chance because you can mori after first hook. afterall number can change and be looked into its about the idea.

  • HollowsGrief
    HollowsGrief Member Posts: 1,497

    None of what you said changes the fact that your "change" to moris is to make them cosmetic only and have no utility. You want a better idea? Keep moris the same as is but require an ebony to have you hook all survivors in the trial at least once before you can kill.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    still easy, the point is its not meant to be an easy win just because youre using a mori. getting 4 hooks and 8 downs really isnt hard within a single match, and its not just for cosmetic value if youre gaining a passive slow down that requires nothing at all. you run the offering and you could have anywhere between 2-9% or whatever which is insane on its own, sloppy is only 20% and that only affects healing. imagine having thana (up to 16%) freddy rope add-ons (6%) then a mori (up to 9%) thats 30% odd slowdown on healing and gens... thats insanely strong? only difference is you have to put the work in to get 12 hooks and not 4 and mori.

  • HollowsGrief
    HollowsGrief Member Posts: 1,497
    edited September 2020

    A mori IS meant to make it easier to win though, that's what you don't seem to understand about them. It is absolutely meant to give the killer an extra advantage over the survivors. Is it currently to easy? I'm not here to debate that but it absolutely is meant to make it easier for the killer. Besides, no one runs a mori for the cosmetic function of them, otherwise you would see at least a yellow mori all the time.

  • Kumnut768
    Kumnut768 Member Posts: 789

    just make moris on death hook then you can start releasing more mori animations in the store and stuff that'd be cool

  • PanicSquid
    PanicSquid Member Posts: 655

    I think reworking Moris is a good idea, but I don't believe that adding restrictions, like hooking everyone in a trial or death hook only, is a good change.

    Moris are supposed to be powerful, I would propose increasing their rarity or add some condition that gives the killer a mori to be used in a later trial.

    You have to properly please the entity to get the mori.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    like i said the slowdown does make it easier, i just showed you the possible math so im not sure what more convincing you need that its a strong change and honestly 9% as an ebony would be too OP as the example i gave would be an extra 30seconds on each gen when stacked with other slowdowns (8seconds on its own).

    be pointless, people wont buy an ebony mori for 7k if it doesnt benefit them hence why i added the passive slowdown idea and made it third hook

  • EnderloganYT
    EnderloganYT Member Posts: 621

    I'd prefer it to be once everyones been hooked once you can mori them all, but that's just ebony.

    personally I think green is fine but I'm sure if needed we can change it to once two survivors have been hooked

  • Golden_spider
    Golden_spider Member Posts: 587

    So it pretty much encourages me to not Mori them because picking them up and third hooking them is in most situations faster, rewards more Bloodpoints, and delays their death for situations like hatch.

    And that extra 0.5/0.75/1% slowdown (1.6/2.4/3.2 seconds) does nothing especially when it suffers from Thanatophobia Syndrome and gets weaker on top of an already weak debuff.

    Aura Reveal is the only good part of this... except I could just run something like BBQ/Thrilling/Whispers instead if I wanted to track Survivors and get the previous benefits of third hooking instead.

    Needs a nerf but not this.

  • NightmareReborn
    NightmareReborn Member Posts: 810

    I honestly can't see the argument about the second part. Why does absolutely everything in this game have to fit into some sort of competitive meta? I can see the argument for perks, maps, powers, etc, but can't moris be just for aesthetic purposes? It seems like that's their intent anyway, as with the addition of every new killer comes a flashier mori to go alongside them.

    They could also push moris back to death hook, and then make moris give you more points than sacrifices do. That way, the killer can still get rewarded without it being blatantly unfair for survivors. That's just my two cents on the matter; feel free to disagree.

  • PanicSquid
    PanicSquid Member Posts: 655

    Some Moris take forever, like Hag's. Using the mori would give the rest of the team more time to do things than just hooking the survivor. It would be actually disadvantageous. This is pretty much why Dying Light isn't a meta perk, because its downside is worse than its benefit.

    I pose to you that this game is inherently competitive by its nature, since it is pitting one group against an individual. Where the objectives of either side are in direct opposition to each other.

    This idea is flawed, since that would mean a survivor could counter a mori by just hiding in bushes and lockers all game. So if that survivor never gets hooked, the mori can never be used. Crows can be avoided if you just move around from hiding spot to hiding spot. I'm not sure we want to encourage that.

  • NightmareReborn
    NightmareReborn Member Posts: 810
    edited September 2020

    It still doesn't change my perspective of moris. Yes, sometimes using a mori can cost you a few extra seconds. What I don't see is why that's necessarily an issue. Why does a mori HAVE to be "competitively viable"? Can't they just look cool? As I said, it seems like (especially recently) they're for aesthetic purposes above anything else. When people suggest overly complicated reworks for moris, I'd almost rather keep them as they are, or better yet just make them applicable on death hook. I agree with the Dying Light thing though.

    If pitting two sides against each other is what makes a game competitive, then by that logic, games like Mario Party, and Mario Kart's Battle Mode become competitive, even though everything else about them goes against competitive gameplay (such as, in Mario Party's case, the game being almost completely RNG, and in case of Mario Kart's Battle Mode, spawn location and item RNG). To some extent, these games can be played competitively, but they fall under the "party game" category more than anything else.

    Many of these same attributes can be applied to DbD, particularly with map RNG, which can almost entirely determine the outcome of a game from the beginning. You can have a game on Coal Tower with 8 pallets, or 16 pallets. Totems spots are still an issue, some maps putting them in wide open areas, and others putting them in spots only detectives would find. Gen and window placements also have their issues as well.

    This game doesn't suffer nearly to the extent that Mario Kart or Mario Party does, but nevertheless, it doesn't seem like this game was build with a 100% competitive design in mind. I dont see why they should force a competitive design onto moris with complicated reworks that don't really make a whole lot of sense.

  • PanicSquid
    PanicSquid Member Posts: 655

    I think the yellow mori should be base-kit for people who want to do it for the aesthetic. The point of these threads is discussing what could be done to the Moris to make them less impactful in the match, but still have them so they are useful to the killer.

    Aesthetically Monstrous Shrine is a glorious perk because I support my arachnid-esque eldritch horror, but mechanically its not useful. Form and Function, Aesthetic and Utility.

  • NightmareReborn
    NightmareReborn Member Posts: 810
    edited September 2020

    I'm not against making yellow mori basekit. As for monstrous shrine, yeah it needs a rework.