How come no Voice chat in Dead by Daylight?

I was just curious, because Dead by Daylight devs have an official discord.
Which also seems quite popular while playing survivor, you see a group of three hop in their channel and ask to join. It's a pretty neat experience to. However, I was wondering why can't voice just be added to the game?
Yet alot of people seem to be using Dead by Daylight discord, But here are three fine points for you.
1.) I haven't experienced much or any toxic players in the Dead by Daylight Discord.
2.) Tthere is also a "block" feature in dead by daylight,and mute that surely would be added for those kind of players. If voice was added t dead by daylight.
3.) I really doubt killers would quit over this. If anything this would really help the mixed bag of console players that struggle playing the game.
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Because they didn't balance voice coms into the game as it's OP and gives unfair advantage to Survivors.
Yet they allow Survivors to use 3rd party programs to do exactly that which I find hilarious and extremely hipocritical.
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Because devs are too unskilled and lazy to implement it
so you gotta install one of the dozens of free voice comm software instead
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Even if they wanted to stop people from using voip apps it would be either a waste of time or reputation suicide to even try. The method would either be easy to circumvent or unacceptably intrusive to many gamers.
And on consoles they probably wouldn't even be allowed to prevent people from using party chat in the first place.
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If they were thinking even halfway straight, they'd put voice coms in game and just balance the killers up to meet the new every game is an SWF requirements.
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xbox player here I definitely wouldn't wanna hear the 9 year olds that play dbd
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Seeing as behavior cannot stop 3rd party coms cheating (and it is cheating to use 3rd party programs to give unfair advantage with coms not designed for or balanced into the game) rather than just letting it slide they should balance the game as if everyone is using this exploit.
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I mean you could just mute the player who is being toxic. Also yeah they could easily buff the killer roster as a whole if they wanted to implement this
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It is not cheating. Only because you lost, does not mean that they were SWF or even if they were SWF, that you lost against a cheating team.
BHVR have said that using Voice Comms is not cheating, and they even offer the possibility to use Voice Comms on their official Discord. So calling it cheating is as wrong as it can be.
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Yes, let's just mute the toxic player only to get sandbagged by them because that's exactly what happens to me all the time in other co-op PvP games even if I have said nothing at all. And I do mean "all the time."
Comms doesn't just add another level of communication. It brings in low-effort and easily accessible toxicity, especially since the disgustingly rude, or downright racist/sexist/classist/homophobic/or otherwise bigoted, don't like to be ignored.
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I know on MMORPGs that say you can bit but you shouldnt and a bot on mmorpg is pretty useful do it make it fair? Nope Devs sating discord is fair becuz of 💸 purpose if its okay why not add a voice comms already?
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Toxicity like that isn't gonna come every day. So I'm calling you a liar. Also voice chat would bring solo to the level of swf, making it easier to buff killers as a whole or buff survivors as a whole. Just because of a few bad apples shouldn't ruin the entire bunch
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Go play Siege. Nearly every day, unraked or casual, getting shot in the back, sandbagged, spawn killed by a teammate or just plain-old getting followed around and verbally abused by someone that has no intention firing their gun about one in five matches. It is, in fact, the sole reason I stopped playing the game for nearly a year and have only just picked it back up.
Call me a liar all you want, you are entitled to your thoughts. I, however, prefer to draw from my own experiencs of there being far more than just a few bad apples, and the experiences of my friends who also play both Siege and other competitive titles that I do not touch.
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That's basically what I'm saying, yet they host a discord program at the same time. For example, if they were going to host a discord. Why not just put voice in the damn game.
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All of you are wrong lmao
its not because of balance, it’s because they wanted to design the survivors as being on the same team, yet being on their own. It’s the same reason SWF wasn’t in even the game at launch, it was never designed to be a cooperative game, just a multiplayer one
the only reason SWF was added was because people would constantly leave lobbies so they could get paired up with their buddies, drastically increasing que time
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It's not a question of "allow" at least on Xbox. The party chat is entirely separate from any game (we can and do even play different games at the same time) and a few years back I believe Microsoft mandated any game they accept cannot interfere with the party chats in any way. So how could any dev mess with it if they cared to do so?
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All They would really have to do add a mute button...not that hard? And who care if someone curses? Only if someone is cursing at another player. But then again here we go with just simply adding a mute button. If I'm playing swf with 2 other still like to talk to the "random" in chat. And what the point of cross play...and playing with people who are on a different system if we can't even speak to them. There isn't even a text chat?? Like...some needs to do something about it lol
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The same reason why Huntress mains can use their monitor chosshairs, but cant have ingame crosshair.. :^)
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All games have "mute player" option. All communication services btw..
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to behonst i would much rather pref no comms while playing solo survivors make game more fun and challening
when playing with freinds i might hope into comms or not
i reckon if they did had in game comes then they game will lose some of its value
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I actually really like this idea! It would make the game more like f13 which tbh was more fun until you know what...
Overall if you played or have seen f13 gameplay you well know that it just makes the game more funny and toxic if the player chooses is to. I don't like the excuse that people would make the game more toxic because that's way too much of a human nature problem than the game's fault. It would also make more content👁😮👁
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But that's the thing. This game is no where close to as toxic as siege. And mute buttons exist. Like I said the toxicity is in the minority
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Man, I'm old enough to have used roger wilco, way back in 1999, these problems aren't new. Still hasn't stopped them from using it.
The swfs dont want it to happen, because they will lose their unfair advantage.
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The devs cant stop survivors from using 3rd party programs to talk
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This sums it up -- there is a huge reason SWF is a plague on DBD. Access to communication with teammates is a HUGE part of that.
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They are scared to do this because of Death Garden as a part of why that failed is that you needed to communicate to win and solo was a nightmare.
This game is popular because they made the objective so easy to do that swf can choose when to do it and solo players can still win.
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If proximity chat was in the game you could communicate with killer and teaming would be a thing. Not sure if you know how bad teaming is in Friday the 13th game but it is 100% the reason I stopped playing it.
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It would be nice. At that point they'd be able to balance properly around SWF and no solo to the point where solo might not be miserable and SWF amtches wouldn't suck as much for killer. Maybe it would work better if it were proximity but the killer couldn't hear or something.
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Well I dont wanna talk to any of yall while playing in the first place. And I definetly dont wanna feel obligated to voice communications ingame so yeah I'm not for this at all. You guys have ya swf that's good enough. Be happy with that lol.
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It would decimate what atmosphere and immersion there is left, and there would be nothing worse than being chased by Spirit, whilst a grating, 13-year-old's voice irritates you during the chase.
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It creates way too much of an unfair advantage for survivors. It’s always immediately obvious when I’m dealing with a SWF group and that I have little to no chance of taking out more than two of them. They can communicate with each other about where you are on the map, intentionally blow gens that aren’t being worked on to distract from those that are, all sorts of things. It’s good that I don’t take the game very seriously otherwise it would probably piss me off. Working on the rift at least gives me something to work for that most of the time have little to do with an actual “win”.
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People aren't mature enough for a text chat, let alone a voice chat.
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i get enough death threats through messages, i don't need them screamed at me