Survivor Stereotypes and Reputations

ZCerebrate Member Posts: 641
edited September 2020 in General Discussions

So off the top of my head I had a couple of those meme-linked stereotypes floating about that have come up with survivors over the years and wanted to help bring them together. If you guys have any to add please feel free to - though it being a known meme or something would be nice.


Dwight Fairfield - Likes to Gen Jockey by design. Old Stereotype that they're bad at chases and hide in lockers often.

Meg Thomas - Likes to early drop Pallets and has coined the term "Meg-head" due to often vaulting into killers or making obviously bad decisions.

Claudette Morel - Blendettes like to hide in bushes and crouch in corners against brick walls. Stereotyped to watching her friends die on hook while massaging her thigh.

Nea Karlsson - Actually the Entity and hidden Killer mastermind in this game. Streotyped to sandbag teammates and creeps around the map in urban evasion.

Jake Park - The mute that refuses to scream or groan in pain. He leaves plenty of scratch marks and blood because he forgot about those but he's like the average guy trying to stealth but makes wet hamburger noises to communicate with the killer.

David King - (Credits to pwncxkes for reminding me) Mr. Super Altruism. What my teammate is in trouble? He will run one thousand miles to get to them. What the killer is face camping? No problem - will rescue without borrowed time because he can totally Dead Hard immediately, right? Exhausted, miles from the nearest loop and still in the red stain of the killer... David will question his life decisions but regret nothing.

Laurie Strode - Buff girl on campus. She has a big stick and is stereotyped to chase the killer on occasion like an annoying Karen telling him to live better.

Ace Visconti - Quietiest Looping "Genius". Stereotyped to be allergic to Generators and would rather spam vaults or flashlight click to incite chases rather than be "bored" ever.

William "Bill" Overbeck - Was pretty cool in Left 4 Dead... now he's surrounded by even bigger pansys that he usually has to end up dying for.

Feng Min - "Gamer" girl - she wears bunny hoodies and takes the game extra seriously. Similar to Ace but a little less allergic to generators.

Jane Romero - Thicc girl who obscures the camera and somehow squeezes into lockers a lot. Unlike Dwight - she gets a pass because her booty doesn't quit.

Adam Francis - Hides in Bushes and against rocks aka a male Blendette. He might be a cool guy once you got to know him but institutionalized to be a loner throwing rocks (*maybe I should go here...*)

Jeff Johansen - An out of shape Jesus-wannabe oaf gasping for air from the shortest of jogs. May be a smoker.

Quentin Smith - The red-headed stepchild that no one plays... (credits to Oxygen for the following) Someone on the spectrum of being an absolute Savant or a low functioning autistic man.

Steve Harrington - White Knighting Simp who cries in pain and fright at every little thing but will die in 1 for 1 trades as long as it's a female friend.

Kate Denson - (Credits to PigMainClaudette) Cosmetics prom queen and Belle, more worried about looking good rather than blending in or even surviving. Exceedingly average at everything else.

Detective David Tapp - (Credits to Toybasher) - Immersed in all black he'll hide and do generators but more importantly if you try to slug and leave him on the ground he will be crawling away at a tenacious mach 2 holding an unbreakable soul guard in wait. Pick up the cop and don't be the monologuing villain of the movie.

Ash Williams - (Credits to TheWarNung The class clown. Full of pithy quips but plays kinda goofy, like you're not sure whether he's just bad at the game or more focused on memeing than survival. You loved him in those movies, but here you kind of wish he would stop sputtering raspberries at the killer because it's sort of giving your position away.

Nancy Wheeler - (Credits to TheWarNung) The more terrified version of Claudette. Likes to play stealthy and immersed, but finds it a lot harder to pull off then Claudette because you usually find her wearing a bright white shirt. Has a bad habit of hiding in lockers and hyperventilating whenever the killer gets close.

Yui Kimura - Ms. Protection Hit farmer. What a survivor got downed a mere 4m from the closest hook? Time for Breakout to shine, as long as I take a single hit that guy is sure to struggle ou... damn SO CLOSE.

Zarina Kassir - Tough cookie on the outside, crumbles easily. Don't let her aloof and hardened demeanor fool you as she whines and wanes and begins to panic and abandon her friends to escape as the match gets harder. Door opens? She's gone.

Ceryl Mason

... Felix Richter

Have any more for you guys to add that aren't just "This one Yui that I saw was breaking totems so she just wants to bone" etc etc. ?

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