So... Console FPS Was Fixed, But They Broke PC FPS.

From the information I've gathered, PC is at a ~40fps loss while Consoles have no fps problems. While this might depend on your PC specs, simply put, they've tried to optimize the game for console but busted FPS on PC in the process.
Does this hold up? Because if it does I'm just gonna stop playing; I only get a stable (Note that 'stable' is more important than the actual fps) 144 on medium settings (Because my Refresh is 144 and I use GSYNC) with a Geforce RTX 2060 and a Ryzen 5 3600x, and I don't wanna deal with stuttering if I'm playing Nurse and I get a huge drop every time I blink. It's unplayable at that point.
As far as I see, some Consoles have been a lot smoother while others are still having issues. I can't tell, since I don't have a Console, but that sucks.
get rekt, we peasants win this time
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I've seen a few posts with console players complaining about the fps so I'm not sure where you're getting that it's fixed? But yes lower end pcs have taken a big hit with this update and I look for alot of people to have to make some sort of upgrade in order to have a smooth performance again
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Good, at least we can have equal stuff pc/console instead of PC having everything good little things whilst console get ######### on
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Every update something breaks. Which is why I don't play till after a week it released.
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My game crashed in the residence after 20s freeze, and yes I'm a pc player and I rarely have problems about fps
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As much as I feel sorry for PC right now who's suffering, I'm kinda glad for those that always ignore our issues. Now you can see just how bad we have it somedays! But honestly, I do hope it's fixed for PC soon!
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This is how they’re balancing crossplay, obv! Make PC players suffer to reduce the performance disparity.
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Im a console player and i havent tested for myself but if this is true then all you pc players can finally experience what we've been going through.
Experience the frustration like we did.
All the pc players talking about its not that bad ect ect well now yall can really get the full dbd experience like us console players have been.
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Well, it doesn't matter if you have a high or low-end PC: You're still getting the FPS hit. I'm gonna have to turn my settings to low to get the FPS I want, which medium on a PC like mine is ridiculous in the first place.
For the Console part, I don't have a console so I really don't know for sure. I'm just basing it off of what I can gather.
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The American way of solving problems: If everything is worse, then everything is better!
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Lmao i rofl when i read this.
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had the problem as killer on haddonfield, it's been a bit of a stuttering mess. new badham as survivor was fine.
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I'm only losing a very small amount mine still runs at around 115 fps right now , so I can't relate to what you're saying but not saying I don't believe you I've learned anything is possible with this game
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Has anyone saying PS4 FPS was fixed played graphic-heavy Killers like Doctor?
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Darn... I was one of the people advocating for the FPS to be fixed on console though :(
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On PS4 I've played 2 matches as survivor so far. Still getting the same crap fps I was getting before - drop when gens completed, when totems cleansed, and when exposed status hits. Only new one I've noticed is fps drops in chases against Blight when he uses his special.
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Everything is reversed?
Haha, stupid PC gamers always dc'ing. Is it because they don't use superior controllers?
Console Nurse > PC Nurse
Console master race.
Alright, enough of that. Man being snarky all day is tiring. How do you PC players do it?
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"Console have no FPS problems"
LMFAO I'll believe it when I see it.
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Wow. I'm seeing a lot of console players here that are far too pleased that PC performance took a hit. You know most of us were rooting for you guys, right?
I haven't downloaded the new chapter yet, so I'll have to see what it looks like later. I was already seeing some FPS drops after crossplay was introduced, to the point where I had to drop my graphics settings from High to Low. Hopefully things are still running smoothly for me.
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Yeah, that's honestly really mean-spirited. Only a very small percentage of PC DBD Players are the "PC Mustard Rake" people with NASA supercomputers. Most of us wanted optimization updates as well and this update is pretty bad on lower-end PCs from what I've seen. To the point where if I hadn't upgraded my PC recently the game would be unplayable.
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Even with console improvements and PC low FPS. PC STILL has more FPS than console at its best.
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Just mod your PS4 to have a half-decent GPU lmaO
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I think it's the thought that if PC is having issues then they'll actually fix fps issues that console has been hurting from for so long.
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I've just got out of a few games on PC as killer, and my FPS seems moderately smoother than before. The actual FPS doesn't seem any higher, but I seem to get less random stutters, which have plagued this game for years.
Also, breaking pallets seem to play at 15 FPS or something, and look absolutely terrible. The rest of the game still runs at a normal framerate, so it just looks like bad stop motion animation.
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Oh so it's a dbd bug. I played nurse on Nvidia GeForce Now and got stuttering after blinking. I thought it's my internet acting up.
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my ps4 sound odd when play it hum noise.
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The devs don't fix anything instantly, but I've seen them consistently improve upon this game over the past 4 years. Those of you who picked up this game at launch will know exactly what I mean.
If anything, the reason they take so long to fix any individual issue (and console FPS seems like an especially thorny one) is that they're TOO ambitious with their rollouts. Just over the past month we've seen MMR, crossplay, a major graphics overhaul, AND a new chapter.
I'd actually like to see them take a few months off of making new content and hammering away at the myriad bugs atill in this game.
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I thought we are all sitting in the same boat? Oh well!
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PC had it bad too. Low to mid end was always suffering with problems. Dont get fooled by watching PC streamers with their High end 2000+ $ NASA PCs having no issue with DbD and assuming DbD is flawless on PC. Hell no. Everyone who cant afford a NASA PC (and this is the majority) was dealing with FPS just like consoles
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It’s just a joke, man.
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I shouldn't chuckle at this, as a number of PCrs have come foreward in support of improving the lot of us consolers, and i appreciate it I really do.
But I'm a horrible terrible human being, and i chuckled...
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Im going to try lowering settings but until today I haven't had trouble with it. A gen pops and if im moving I have several seconds of problems and a small warp to not where I'd expect.
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Since you are running it higher than 60 I assume you have it bsmoothframe off and forced full screen on to have G-sync work?
I did notice a small drop of performance on the new maps, 120 highest and maybe 90 lowest inside shack with the gen light turned on.
Haddonfield was smooth 120 + there is barely any drop when a generator pop now compared to PTB (it's still a like 10 fps drop at most around a lot up gen inside a building tho).
I know that the game do reset you to ultra setting and probably also reset your INI file.
I'm on Ultra with 2 high setting at 1440P btw.
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Yes, and yes. As well as that, I cap my games at 141 when using GSYNC through the NVIDIA Control Panel as it makes GSYNC run a lot smoother.
The game is just very poorly optimized, so even with my rig I can only run a constant 141 on medium (and even then, sometimes it slows). It seems now that this problem will become even worse, forcing me to go down to low to play a game that I should be able to run at Ultra and get well above 141.
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I know it's badly optimized that's not the point how many FPS are you losing with the new update? Did you recheck the INI file?
I'm barely losing 10-15 FPS and that's on the new map so how many FPS are you losing ?also with g sync you shouldn't really need 144, I also have g sync.