Do you think this is bad?

If you’re in a game where you feel you aren’t going to enjoy, is one hooking yourself really that bad? Because why waste your time playing a match you don’t find enjoyable instead of disconnecting and getting a ban I just one hook myself and move on to the next hoping I can get a better lobby or killer I really want to play against
I mean you're kinda ######### over the other 4 people in that game, do whatever ya want but dont be surprised if people think you're a #########.
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Completely agree
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I mean hey if I don’t get saved which usually happens then idc what they think, no point in playing if you get tunneled right away, and survivors like to just screw ya over
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If I see 3 blendettes evading around the map instead of doing gens, I leave. Or if I have kindred and they see each other running to farm the unhook, and they're just racing to me.
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I don't think it's that bad, recently my matches have been 3 or 4 hooks with no gens done, so i don't judge people who do it.
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How is it being tunneled if it's your first hook, also I thought what you were implying was killing yourself on hook? If that is the case the fellow survivors didnt really have a chance to save you, and if that's not what you mean then what do you mean?
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Oh no sometimes I get unhooked cause I try to give the killer a chance but if you can just tell the killers gonna tunnel you’ll want to die quick as possible bc what’s the point
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Also just now I died on my first hook due to a Jane who wanted me to die so she could get hatch and I wasted time so Spirit could kill her bc she could’ve saved me but didnt
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Its really disheartening to the rest of the team. If someone suicides on first hook before we have a single gen or two it'll often be an impossible game so I just DC.
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Eh if the rest of the team doesn’t care bout ya I just say screw it what’s the point, I’ve been singled out by killers for ever since I swapped to survivor, they could walk right past someone else and target me, at that point Ik they’re gonna come right back as soon as I get unhooked so I don’t bother
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If you let me hit second stage on my first hook, well I am just letting go. I obviously wasn't a major concern for my team anyway.
Unless there are two of us left and you are finishing the genny.
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I kill myself on hook all the time. I don't really even need a reason.
The game even has an achievement for rage quitting. Not today killer, not today.
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Lmfaooo niceee
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MorfUK does this against Deathslingers live on stream. He refuses to play against him lol
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I just died first hook during end game because i went to save a rando and then everybody left me to die.
Pc players dont give a ######### about console survivors and ima start playing the same way.
Screw saving the trashcans who keep getting caught only to be left behind once i make the save.
Boosted red ranks playing like green ranks as usual.
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If i'm with awful teammates not doing anything or i go in to struggle with kindred, i move on to the next game. I don't care about losing the pip. The killer got their kill and my teammates were useless they can deal with it.
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Do yo mean Honestly? or Honestly!
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Thank you!
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Did you said "Horsestly"?
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I have 2 specific conditons where I'll one hook myself.
- I get hooked, and some super Einstein level survivor decides it's a good idea to loop the killer around me, while I'm on the hook. I just dip. Because that survivor is a colossal idiot.
- I get hooked, and see 2 or more of my team mates not on a generator/self caring or urban evading in a corner. Or if they are walking to me, across the map, just to save their sprint burst.
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I'd rather my teammate suicide on hook than DC. DC is instant and killer immediately moves on, suicide on hook they atleast wasted the killer's time and took out a hook (if not in basement).
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if i get left on first hook to struggle i just let go. Too many times has it happened and then i die to a leatherface that was guarding hooks or a spirit that came back or just got found right after anyway so i will just die and go to the next game. You can leave me on hook till struggle you can play a game with one less player
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Yes, I feel it is bad. You are doing a disservice to the other Survivors (primarily), and to the Killer too (although indirectly). If you start a game, play it to your best and try to win. Disconnects are worse than suicide on the hook, but they amount to the same thing, you are leaving the other Survivors a person down and denying them the potential points they would have earned saving you.
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Honestly y’all I just made some of these discussions when I used to care about the game, I’ve kinda just lost all reason to care for it so now it’s just a game I play when I have nothing to do and I don’t really expect anything like “amazing” from it anymore
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Depends who your teammates are
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I suicide on hook because I dislike my team.
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I believe is situational. I won't blame you for letting go because your teammates don't even try to get you, if you got a potato squad, or if you see its a Spirit or Freddy. But suiciding just because you got downed first or something is not something I would encourage.
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Killing yourself on hook is less anti-social than disconnecting, but it still leaves your team one player down. FWIW, I've had some games that seemed like total garbage, where I got hooked twice right away, or went into struggle on my first hook because everyone took too long to save me, but then they turned around and I was able to play and have fun before the match was over. It doesn't always happen, but it's possible.
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Because at least when you DC, your fellow survivors get some BP.
When you troll by killing yourself, for whatever reason, all you are doing is messing them over.