Exhaustion Perks

Necessary or unnecessary?

I used to not run any exhaustion perks and was playing the game just fine, but it seems a lot of people believe that if you don't run one then you're wasting a perk slot.

Nowadays it's a tossup if I run one or not but what are your thoughts on them?


  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited September 2020

    They're all second chances at life every 40 seconds with zero downsides. Why not run one?

  • pwncxkes
    pwncxkes Member Posts: 235

    If you believe in your ability to loop the killer, then you don’t really need a exhaustion perk, and it’s good to play without exhaustion perks to improve you skills as a survivor.

    Nonetheless it’s still a perk and you can use it, those kinds of perks just increase your chances at living.

  • ringwinning
    ringwinning Member Posts: 552

    See that's the thing I picked up dead hard and now I feel like I use it as a crutch! Ugh. I find it hard to unequip now. But I have to admit it does extend my chases.

  • pwncxkes
    pwncxkes Member Posts: 235

    If you practice without Dead Hard then you can make less mistakes because you need to Be smarter on where you go.

    Thats just like me with Iron Will, if I don’t use it I feel naked.

    Its how you play though in the end no one can tell you to not use Dead Hard :)

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    Killers on your back, you jump the window, now you've made it to another tile. You would've normally been stuck there and either given up a hit or a pallet. It's no different than the other Exhaustion perks.

  • pwncxkes
    pwncxkes Member Posts: 235

    I would say that all exhaustion’s perks have their risks, some less risky than others.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    Maps are designed to "artificially" allow killers to catch survivors at specific spots (i.e. gens that are in complete deadzones, drop downs that force you to stagger for free hits, T-L walls that aren't anywhere near another tile etc.). These "map design hits" can be ignored using exhaustion perks.

    Free deadzone hits: Sprint Burst

    Free stagger hits: Balanced Landing

    Free "trash tile" hits: Lithe or Dead Hard

    If you're experienced you will typically recognize bad map spots and avoid dangerous locations.

    As a result you feel like you don't need any exhaustion perks when in reality you're often wasting a lot of time avoiding "dangerous zones" that wouldn't be dangerous if you ran one of the exhaustion perks to make up for map design.

    Long story short: While exhaustion perks aren't exactly necessary (if you're an experienced and decent player) they can make up for map design related hits thus making survivor gameplay more enjoyable.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    What risk?

    Comparing not running the perk, to running the perk, there is no negative or risk they apply to you that you wouldn't have otherwise.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    I use an exhaustion perk every build because I am not great at looping. When I try to cut corners I keep getting stuck on something. Also I have a terrible habit of running to areas where there is nothing or someone else already used what was there. I don't consider exhaustion perks to be 2nd chance perks like ds, unbreakable, adren. I remember the days when you recovered SB while running. Glad those days are over.

  • pwncxkes
    pwncxkes Member Posts: 235
    edited September 2020

    Sprint Burst

    - Teaches bad habits to walk and waste time

    -Can be used earlier on accident

    -99ing can be glitched and not activate

    Balanced Landing

    - You May not find a place to drop from

    -Some Maps have no consistent drop offs

    Dead Hard-

    -You are injured thus making pools of blood

    -You can get dedicated and be exhausted on the ground


    -Can still get hit through Windows and vaulting pallets still giving a speed boost

    -Not always going to find a window

    Head On-

    Are you seriously saying Head On is a second chance perk with no downsides.

    I’m not even going to list the downsides because you should already know them.


    -Not having a 4th perk until endgame

    -May not even need it because you are healthy and the killer isn’t chasing you

    All those are still downsides believe it or not.

  • hillbillyclaudmain69
    hillbillyclaudmain69 Member Posts: 1,528

    Sprint burst with a flashlight. Thats all I'm going to say.

  • Jholla31
    Jholla31 Member Posts: 253

    A well timed used of an exhaustion perk can turn a two minute chase into a five+ minute chase, especially if you can get to a good tile set up. I've had plenty of solo queue survivor games where I ran a killer long enough for three, four, even five gens to pop. Usually chases that long, for me, are attributed to an exhaustion perk.

    I wouldn't say an exhaustion perk is necessary, but they definitely help extend chases (when used correctly), and therefore give your teammates more time to complete objectives, which gives all survivors a better chance to escape.

  • SanityNight
    SanityNight Member Posts: 101

    It's really up to you? I prefer to run Sprint burst, it's a good jump boost, especially if your trying to commit to a gen.

    But you aren't wasting a perk slot if you aren't running an exaustion perk it's ultimately up to you what you want to run for your perks. I mean, you are going to be the one playing as the survivor anyways, not the random person who has told you it'd a waste not to use a exaustion perk

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    They're all fine, except maybe DH. Push "E" (or whatever key/button you have it mapped to) to fix a mistake is a bit... Not okay. Great, I outplayed you, I have a hit lined up... and you DH for distance to a window/pallet.

    Other than that, I think they're all decent but not ridiculously so. SB is good for not getting caught with your pants down. Lithe is okay, if you don't mind being predictable and not vaulting. Head On seems weak til you remember that it's a stun, not a speed burst.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited September 2020

    The player misusing the perk is not a downside, it's literally just the player not knowing what they're doing.

    99'ing the perk and it not activating is not a downside and I have never seen that happen, ever. Even if it did happen, that is a glitch, not a downside.

    The perk not activating but it goes on cooldown is not a downside, that is server latency issues.

    You make pools of blood regardless of if you have the perk or not, that isn't a downside.

    Getting hit through windows happens regardless of using the perk or not, and once again, is based on server latency anyway. Has nothing to do with a perk downside.

    Can't find a window? That's a player mistake and you would have the issue regardless of running the perk or not anyway.

    Adrenaline and Head On are actually perks I am fine with as they DO actually have risk or downside attached to them that would not occur otherwise. BL also has some situational requirement, so I am also fine with it, as that is a downside. You may get a map with no good drop offs and waste a perk slot, that is an additional risk.

    All the rest of these "downsides" you are mentioning are not downsides at all.

    Player error, bugs, glitches, or things that are negatives regardless of if you are running the perk or not, are not downsides of the perks.

    Post edited by Blueberry on
  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    I'll run Better Together, Prove Thyself, Leader, and Streetwise to rush gens. No exhaustion perks, but I still do great in chases.

  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    I've never liked exhaustion perks honestly. I feel like once I've used them I become reliant on them, rather than my own skill during a chase. I feel like doing that has helped me really learn the maps better, rather than using, for example, Lithe or Dead Hard to try get somewhere faster in hopes of a loop. When I play killer, I do see people use them well of course, but I notice more misusing them, Dead Harding from fear of a hit, but runs into a wall anyway, or trying to Sprint Burst at the last second, only to be hit anyway.

  • RizeAki
    RizeAki Member Posts: 1,209

    Imo they are over used at this point so much people do like you said feel like they need them to win but I went running without them to get good at tiles then added in SB to make things a lot better but not to a point the perk is carrying me

  • pwncxkes
    pwncxkes Member Posts: 235
    edited September 2020

    Downsides are negatives when you use a certain perk.

    Yes when you use Dead Hard you have to be injured that IS a downside to using DH, you have to be injured, but like I said it as not risky to some people.

    Dead Hard not working IS a downside because you know that it may not work but regardless you still use it. Server/Latency issues that mess up perks DO make the perk have issues thus creating downsides because of the perk directly messing with a perk.

    Not finding a window IS a downside just like Balanced Landing because you NEED to interact with something and if you can’t find it, then that is a risky knowing you might not have a window to vault Map knowledge is connected to you player skill but skilled or not you may or may not find a window ALL of the time. The killer can also mindgame the window which can result to getting a hit maybe.

    The term ‘second chance’ could be applied to any perk( but it is so widely thrown out)

    The killer is behind you and you vault a window and you have the perk Dance with Me, then the killer loses you because of no scratch marks.

    Another Example:

    The Killer is chasing you and you have the perk Q&Q then the killer loses you. Second chance?

    Server issues, requirements to use the perk, player skill( sometimes) ARE downsides/risks. No exhaustion perk has ZERO downsides, if they didn’t people would call them Broken, but they aren’t broken. Maybe Dead Hard to some people will call DH broken.

    The timing of using a exhaustion perk is important because it can still make a mistake, if timed horribly it can cost you.

  • I only really consistently ever use Sprint Burst or Lithe since I think those are the better of the bunch. Sometimes Adrenaline to get a free health state at the end and save myself if I am in a bad spot but it's quite rare honestly. Balanced Landing mostly depends on the maps and there are literally maps that have 0 places to drop off. Dead Hard can be used effectively but with latency issues and random lag spikes it's not worth using, Plus once killer know you have DH and has a functioning brain it hilariously easy to bait out. Head On is garbage and just a meme perk at this point.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    "Downsides are negatives when you use a certain perk."

    It isn't considered a downside to a perk if you have that same downside when you aren't using a perk. That is misusing the word.

    "Yes when you use Dead Hard you have to be injured that IS a downside to using DH, you have to be injured, but like I said it as not risky to some people."

    You almost always get injured, that isn't you doing anything different than you would without the perk. Not a downside.

    "Dead Hard not working IS a downside because you know that it may not work but regardless you still use it. Server/Latency issues that mess up perks DO make the perk have issues thus creating downsides because of the perk directly messing with a perk."

    Not when you know how to compensate for latency. IE you misusing the perk.

    "Not finding a window IS a downside just like Balanced Landing because you NEED to interact with something and if you can’t find it, then that is a risky knowing you might not have a window to vault Map knowledge is connected to you player skill but skilled or not you may or may not find a window ALL of the time."

    No, because you would be using the window REGARDLESS of if you were using the perk or not. Windows are also way too numerous to call that a downside or limitation, unlike BL where drop offs are actually limited.

    "The term ‘second chance’ could be applied to any perk( but it is so widely thrown out)"

    It could be applied to any perk if you don't actually understand the definition and misuse it.

    "The Killer is behind you and you have the perk Q&Q then the killer loses you. Second chance?"

    Except that required skill to do and didn't deny him a hit he would have landed otherwise. He got outplayed, you didn't just hit a button and get a free hit deny.

    "Server issues, requirements to use the perk, player skill( sometimes) ARE downsides/risks."

    Server issues and player skill are not downsides or risk. Requirements to use the perk are, IF it's not a readily available requirement that you wouldn't still be having otherwise, of which most those are.

    "No exhaustion perk has ZERO downsides, if they didn’t people would call them Broken, but they aren’t broken. Maybe Dead Hard to some people will call DH broken. P"

    That's simply incorrect. Many people do also call them broken or unbalanced.

  • onemind
    onemind Member Posts: 3,089

    Their fair and good but not necessary dead hard is hit or miss. But all have some counter play