Killer perk that disables all survivor perks = Balance
I truly believe this would help the longevity of the game and make survivors play to their full potential. DS, DH, BT and UB are no longer necessary to win matches once you play perkless for a while.
I wouldn't disagree with your statement but the issue is if killers know that there is no BT and DS, then there is nothing stopping them from playing scummy and tunnel people out. Even if you don't do that, when you're in a position that is almost impossible to win, you will resort to such tactics to have a chance.
You might have played survivor games without BT and DS to prove that it is possible but the thing is the killer doesn't know you are playing that way. He expects BT and DS and so he plays the optimal way and not tunnel. Killers expect it because its meta.
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Yeah, but not the right kind of balance. There's a difference between scraping shite from each side of the scales and piling on so much more that the whole town stinks.
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Sure, if we can get a survivor perk to disable killer perks too /s
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Imagine getting good
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Rule 1 of DS: immediately rechallenge the survivor. Most of the time they're caught off guard from what I learnt, as in they expect "I DSed him, he'll try to pressure gens to recover" and then usually arent prepared to loop, go down, and get rehooked.
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The problem is that BHVR adds "anti camping" mechanics in form of perks but rank 15-20 survivor (most of the camping is there cuz survivor are very slow with doing gens) do not have access to such perks. While rank 1-5 survivor have access to multiple version of second chance while also being better at looping and very fast in doing gens.
They should nerf DS/BT and instead fix the basegame (i.e Pyramid Head cages relocating when killer stays close for too long something similar could be added for hooks + a minimum duration a survivor has to hang on a hook depending on number of repaired gens to prevent insta unhooks).
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Oh you mean having 16 v 4 perks. They should totally add that
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I wouldn't 100% agree with you. This special perk would be almost a must have on a lot of killers to stop survivor's second chance perks. That's the problem. Since it would be a must have/ almost a must have on every killer, most killers would run it, so there would be no point in running perks. You would pray the killer didn't run it.
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Just dont run perks and you wouldn't have to worry. He would just be wasting a perk slot
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Which killers do you believe you would not have to run it on and why?
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Only if it's a hex and is token based.
If a killer has the ability to take away all the survivors perks, survivors should have a way to prevent that otherwise there isn't really a reason to run perks, lol.
I was thinking: for every different survivor you hook, you gain a token. Each token disactivates a random perk of each survivor. Upon cleansing this hex, all perks (that werén't already disabled before the survivors were cursed) will be restored.
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That's the issue. Then the killer has 3 perks to work with while the survivors have none. That's not balance. Both sides should have perks. To be fair, most of the survivor's perks are second chance perks that are a pain to deal with. But not allowing them to use perks is unbalanced. Both sides should be allowed to have perks.
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Having coms is like 10 perks
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Spirit and Nurse wouldn't need the perk because how incredibly the strong those killers are. They wouldn't waste another perk slot on canceling survivor's perks if the killer is already incredibly strong, even stronger with good perks (bbq, pop, ruin, etc).
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The point is for the survivors to communicate, do gens, and escape. Communication isn't a perk, it's what you need to escape.
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I don't like swf so I'M GONNA NERF THE ######### OUT OF SOLO! BALANCE!
This change would completely and utterly neuter what little, little fun could be had playing solo survivor. It'd finally push me into becoming a full-time killer main, not just someone who plays mostly killer. This isn't balance, it's obviously biased bullshit.
Also ds/bt aren't even that much of an issue except in the endgame. It's not that hard chief.
I hate this phrase, but get good.
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The devs have said that coms are not supposed to be part of the game. That's why there's no game chat
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But just think how much more viable spirit and nurse would be with that perk along with bbq, pop and ruin!
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So that's why there's voice channels in their official discord server?
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If so why in online tournaments comms are allowed? They weren't implemented in the game yes but the devs over time acknowledged this and players still use them.
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The devs bend over for survivors and you know it
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That's a good point and I can't disagree with that. People who've mastered spirit or nurse won't need the perk anyway because the stomp on survivors very easily due to the killer they chose. They wouldn't need the perk due to their unmatched skill. That perk would just deny them a 4th perk slot.
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Yes that is what it seems like. They still do care for killer players too.
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Adding another killer into each match might be a viable alternative to help with gen slowdown. In nurse and spirits' case they would possibly just be allowed a 5th perk slot but without the option of a 2nd killer
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Adding another killer wouldn't be balanced. One killer is all you need. It's all dependent on your killer and your ability to pressure survivors off gens.
A 5th perk slot would be nice but would have to be implemented on both sides.
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All you are writing is correct, but there's more to it. With DS, BT and UB, survivors can play very aggressively and do so, which often creates exactly the situations the perks are to be used for. You could see it as a feedback loop. Survivors get these perks, use them aggressively, which forces to killer to not camp/tunnel (even though he wouldn'T ahve in the first place, but now he cannot even punish stupid plays), which makes them meta, and fuels the concerns that taking them away would let all killer camp / tunnel. I'm not so sure if this would really happen, when the survs would have to unhook / play more cautiously. There are other perks which help you get a survivor from the hook safely and avoid tunneling, but they are not meta (breakdown, baby sitter, off the record), and you would have to play stealthy to be successful. You cannot yolo someone from the hook with it, like you can with BT.
Edit: On the other hand, dealing with this perks played aggressivly can hardly backfire for the survivors, which feels very engaging and satisfying as a killer. Without this perks and with more stealth play, killer games might be al little more boring, but also more chill ...
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I can't tell if this thread falls under bait or satire.
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We fell for the bait.
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Yeah his posts are getting increasingly bait-y. Like 'AND ADD A SECOND KILLER!'
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Yeah the second killer post is incredibly bait-y. This discussion is just one giant bait.
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Suddenly I think of a Red offering for Killer that removing a random perk to each Survivor. And a Red offering for Survivor that removing a random perk of Killer.
(Im scare of a SWF that bring 4 perk removal to make Killer perkless, just by thinking about it)
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Its neither honestly. Think these could be interesting mechanics to add to the game
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Since the DS nerf/bug Killers are tunneling even more than before eating the 2 second stun to get someone out of the game.
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I'll tell you what I've never ran ds in my life and I also mainly solo que the off times I don't I play with my gf, resilience iron will sprint burst and spine chill, only use items I get in match and yet somehow all these killer babies still justify face camping and utter toxic behaviors, I don't care about face camping but unless you solo que and don't take deliverance I don't think you understand how important those skills are to survivors. I've never been more tempted than with how the directions going to actually start taking those perks, the term "balance" goes for both parties and most pepole don't get that
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Do bones.
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What exactly does that have to do with what they said?
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Made me chuckle because it's true!
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Ok so based on some of the comments here I wanted to offer up a way this idea might not end up god awful and completely deter survivors from playing the game:
Hex: Enfeeblement
You become obsessed with one surivior
Whenever you hook a survivor who isn't the obsession gain a token up to 4 tokens.
For each token seal one of the obsessions perks.
When the obsession dies a new survivor becomes the obsession and receives the effect of the hex.
Its a hex perk, so its not just blanket removing all perks from the survivor side.
It effects the obsession, greatly increasing the chance you stop at least one person with DS from getting to use it.
Since you have to hook someone it slowly builds in power overtime, and once you have 4 tokens you can kill off the obsession and transfer the effect to one of the remaining survivors allowing mid to late game snowballing.
Also I guess you could raise the max tokens to 5, and at 5 tokens the survivor also loses the ability to use items and now you don't have to worry about the last survivor escaping via hatch unless they find and destroy the totem, which during end game adds a lot of pressure due to the ticking clock.
Also since it only effects the current obsession the other survivors may not realize the perk is in effect until it transfers to them, meaning they're far less likely to work as a team to find and destroy right away.
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Sounds good if theres a survivor perk that blocks all hooks for the duration of the trial
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Toxic killer main, much? How about a survivor perk that disables killer perks? What all you privileged killers seem to not understand is that KILLERS ALWAYS HAVE THE UPPERHAND! LEAVE THE SURVIVORS ALONE!!! Jesus. I'm a 50/50 player. I play killer when I'm alone but when my wife is here, I play survivor. I win all my matches with at least 3k- 4k. I play 4 different killers mainly as well. I use legion, doctor, plague, and trapper. And every killer I do the same stuff. Killers need to calm down as you do not, in any way, deserve the kills.
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What is wrong with borrowed time? It is an amazing anti-tunnel or anti-camp perk.