so many killer DCs???

So yesterday i was playing solo queue, and there were TONS of killer DCs
The killers that DCed werent even baby blights either. they were like, ghostface, myres, and a wraiths/etc.
They got gen rushed then DCed. Killers have gotten gen rushed b4 and didnt even bother DCing on me. But yesterday, they just kept DCing.
Red ranks btw.
No DC Penalty is active is the most likely reason
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oh, they took it down again?
guess killers decided to channel their inner survivor main and DC
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Yep, it's been down for a few days after hackers repeated the same thing again.
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I haven't seen any killer dc myself within the past few days, and only one survivor one. Regions may vary said results...?
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Yeah, I've definitely seen an increase in killer DC's lately. Seems like a waste of BPs. Even a bad game as a killer usually earns you a decent amount of BPs.
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No dc penalty and it’s because they updated graphics on some of the worst maps for every killer but didn’t do anything else but bandaid fix some issues and left the sizes of the maps too large so nobody wants to play a map they physically can’t reach the gens on and those are the maps with the highest rotation
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There's a hook bug running rampent
Where killer's can't hook survivors...
Killers would be standing in front of the hook but can't hook... allowing survivors to get freed and denying a hook
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The bug can be resolved by dropping them then picking them back up.
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The game is buggy as hell. I DCed yesterday because I would down someone and they would literally disappear/teleport to somewhere else on the map and get healed up before I could even find them. No one should put up with crap like that.
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I've found I have to re-adjust around the hook to get it to work. The bug's like an inverted version of the hill, whereby instead of trapping you it blocks it off.
The odd thing is that this bug, alongside a couple of others, took a while to materialise. As if something happened afterwards. It was rather strange.
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That sounds more like a hacker than the typical DBD bug.
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The more they add the worse it gets... Agree?
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Hasn't happened to me yet, but depending on how far you had to walk to get to the hook, this can be disastrous, as dropping someone and picking them back up not only wastes an enormous amount of time (and sets you up for a tremendously easy flashlight save) but also fills a huge amount of the wiggle meter.
I've never seen basic interactions in a game get so [BAD WORD] up after every single patch in my life. I'm just trying to imagine a world where [BAD WORD] turbo boosts stopped working every third patch in Rocket League or guns not firing in CS:GO. These are foundational game elements and should never be suffering from issues like this. Just a few days ago instead of being unable to hook, we had people able to crawl under a hooker teammate to be immune to pick-ups.
The [BAD WORD] never [BAD WORD] stops.
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Why you go then not afk in some edge and write after the match about this bug in the bhvr forums? On this way you would not need to dc.
I would feel "dirty" if that makes any sense, if I would dc, without a very good reason.
Had done it 1 time, where I was loaded into a match with a second killer (a Pig) and before bhvr bans me because they maybe could think that I have done it on purpose, I had dc. Better anything else as a ban^^^.
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Ormond offerings, go brrrr
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Idc about "genrush" but I dc when I get a really laggy lobby. In these games I can't play normally because survivors just teleport around I can't use my power normally. It's not even ping issue too
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Had 4 consecutive killer DCs on 4 consecutive Hawkins maps yesterday...
Bubba, PH, Blight & Leigon
each about 3-5min into the match, so I kno Hawkins wasn’t the reason
srsly, idekwhy
Be nice to get our map offerings back if the killer DCs
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I loosed the third but I think that's enough... When you meet this kind of team (it almost always happens for me).. what is your choice ?
For crossplay ; I present my misadventure (the same thing, more or less).. the instant heal (not adrenaline, sure).
What we can do ?🤗
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I can only assume, but even while Hawkins is one of the better maps for killers - it is a pallet nightmare.
My first time on this map I had try to destroy every pallet, thanks to a for me away running claudette, only to discover that there are endless pallets.
Now I know to ignore most of the pallets, still this map is the official king of the pallet-map-award.
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Cuz im not a moron that is into wasting my time.
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Yeah, Hawkins is palletlicious!
Could’ve had sth to do w it
I was surviving solo, pretty sure there weren’t any 3 person SWFs.
Maybs DCs were jus coincidence, 4 consec is a bit extreme, tho.