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When will nurse finally get resolved?

I mean there are so many countless bugs that can be listed, but I will list only the two that really are frustrating -

Realm - there are way to many blind spots in corridors. How can I keep up with survivors when blinks don't even work?

Second blink - attack is either delayed or unavailable at least once per match for me


  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,206

    I am definitely with you in wishing for long overdue bug fixes.

    As for line of sight issues, sometimes you have to use process of elimination. You can see a lot more than you think. Sometimes the absence of information is actually a huge indicator of where someone is. Like at a jungle gym, if you don't see scratch marks beyond the LOS break, you last saw them at the LOS break, and you don't see scratch marks leading away, they can really only be in one spot. Nurse players have to process a ton of information quickly. It's part of what makes her fun for me.

    The chain blink bug or attack bug sucks. You can usually hold the blink charge for 15 seconds to wait it out.

  • popoles
    popoles Member Posts: 831

    I don't know if I am alone, but the temple is still bugged to me. It won't let me blink upstairs.

    Also they could fix the animation when breaking pallets.

  • lostboy
    lostboy Member Posts: 89

    yes! literally just played against survivors who apparently main her calling it ggez when they kept running to the temple so I would shoot below not up!

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    She'll get fixed when covid goes away. Which will probably be never.

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246

    On some stream they said when they do have the time. So I guess never, the game could be so much better but it seems that bug fixing is just not a high priority. No answer to operation health or anything in that regard. Maybe somebody will again post a list of fixed bugs but what does it matter that a bug of x got fixed? I mean nurse players want to play nurse and it has been a very long time since the "rework" but it is probably partly because not enough people care. go be a pinball instead

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295
    edited September 2020

    The way I view this game. It's like a patient(the game) in a hospital who lost a leg. The patient is losing a lot of blood(players). Rather than close the wound(balance) the doctors(devs) keep pumping in more blood(chapters) to keep the patient alive. It would be wiser to stop the blood flow(balance) rather than constantly pumping in more blood(dlc).

    The devs get a lot of licensed killers to get new people to the game and to get old players to come back but once they see how it works, most play something else.