Why playing killer is easier

Because you wont have to rely on teammates,even in sfw playing with premade teams,not having someone to rely on but yourself means if you're skilled,you cant go wrong,as survivor even if you're skilled,you can still lose if your teammates aren't.I sure wish there was a survivor mode where you have to survive on your own without worying about your teammates.
Me when I hear someone say playing killer is easier after I just got 7 straight escapes with my 3 SWF teammates alive in all games at red ranks:
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For me its the other way around,where is that on mic swf at?
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If on console invite your team to your party, start a lobby as survivor, invite others to the game, if on PC, if I'm correct, I think you need discord and then invite others to the aprty there, then to your lobby.
If any PC player can correct me about how to create a PC party to hear each other I'd apreciate it, I only play Xbox and PS4.
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Even as a killer main, when I hear killer is easier I be like:
I mean, sure, if your team tanks the match than you can share the blame around (if you want), but sharing blame for a loss doesn't make the game itself easier. As survivor even if you're getting into a lot of chases you're going to be spending large chunks of the match holding M1 to do OBJ or holding M1 to do altruism.
As killer you need to be playing at 100% for the entirety of the match. Any mistake they make can get them hooked, but they can get hooked up to 3 times. Any major mistake you make can cost you the entire match.
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Requires third party software like Discord or Skype - Steam's built in voice chat doesn't really work
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Not to metion most Survivor Perks like DH or the DS&Unbreakable combo.
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Yes, I'd actually divide difficulty like this:
Ultra Easy: SWF with mics
Very Easy: SWF no mics
Easy: Solo Survivor
Medium: S and A Tier Killers
Hard: B and C tier killers
Very Hard: D and E tier killers
Ultra Hard: D or lower tier killers in huge maps like cornfierlds
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Killer is easier? The Blight, meet @Dzeikor.
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if you play a killer you're experienced with you gonna have no troubles
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U do realize is that all u said is that as a survivor your individual skill matters less. That doesn't imply killer is easier.
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1 on 1 Survivor vs Killer in a separate game.
I love that idea!
That captures the climax of almost all slasher films, where it’s jus the sole survivor facing off against the killer.
Change the rules/ objectives a bit, possibly restructure entirely to fit the 1 on 1.
All new maps specifically for this feature.
Killers are buffed up.
Survivor has an arsenal of implements at their disposal through the realms to take the killer down.
Both sides get to mori
Great potential. Much contemplation to figure out jus how it would all work.
It wouldn’t happen for a few years until Behaviour increases financially and personnel wise, and hopefully expanded playerbase, but it’s a really fun notion to collaborate on.
I’d love to play DBD like that.
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As a killer, I actually find this this completely accurate. Yea swf can be easy but not always. Killer on the other hand. Killers have the upper hand in every match. Mainly because anytime survivors get ANYTHING good, they ######### about it and it gets nerfed while killers keep their BS skills.
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I play survivor and killer and always solo.
I never rely on my team and always make sure I did everything I could for me and the team.
I never care about escaping, it doesn't give anything extra (except from a few bp extra and keeping your item), I care for the chases cause these are the most fun for me than sitting at a gen.
And yet I still escape 90% of the time.
As a survivor you can mess up many time, especially with the right perks, as killer making a mistake it can cost you much.
As killer, try and go against a well organised swf.
Or a 4 man swf with OoO.
I wish you al the best In those matches cause you'll need that.
So imo before making any assumptions like which side is easier, I suggest you play both in red ranks.
If you do, than you might want to check out what you can do better as survivor, because survivor is damn easy mode.
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-looks at DS, BT, Adrenaline, DH, Soul Guard, Unbreakable, Sprint Burst- yeah totally.
Even if you were right, things getting nerfed because they're strong doesnt mean much, killer perks get nerfed even when they're not good to begin with (Gear head), I also don't know what these "BS" skills you're talking about are, killer perk are weaker then survivor perks in most cases, but that might just be because of the above mentioned group which has been around for ages and has not been touched.
Also you must be green rank, inexperienced, or biased if you think killers have the upper hand if they're not playing Spirit, Nurse, or Freddy. I play in a duo and the game is easy most of the time, not to mention any more like a 3 man or something.
Survivors whine much more than killers also, js.
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Killer has to win the games 5 times atleast because of stacking second chance perks.
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Killer is easier as doing nothing in a match, dieing first hook and then waiting for your mates that they do the job?
One really should play a few killer matches...
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I exclusively play solo survivor and I disagree with this. Sure, not all games go well and sometimes the Killer wipes the floor with my team, and as Killer you don't have 3 other players to worry about who might, as my most recent game shows, throw themselves at the killer and bum rush the hook while you do a gen. In the end nothing is accomplished and the Killer walks away with a 4k in 3 minutes. But playing Survivor is easier and much more relaxed.
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Um..... every perk you mentioned has been nerfed pretty recently. AND! DS is usable once per match, deadhard has a hefty cooldown, unbreakable is usable once, Adrenaline can only be used AFTER all gens are done, Sprint Burst only gives a slight chance to escape yet killers still manage to get the people running, and soul guard, bubba can counter that pretty easily like with BT. And BT? Wow. Complaining about the ONLY CONSISTENT tunneling counter. Wonderful. Especially since ENDURANCE ISNT AS STRONG AS YOU THINK IT IS! And killers have no strong perks? Um. Ok. Insidious, Corruption, bbq, hex: ruin, iron maiden, overcharge, Dragon's Grip, and then dont get me started on Add-ons. Killers have complete control every time.
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This is a pointless conversation. The two roles are apples and oranges. Don't you have something BETTER to be doing?
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Not really. Us nerds like to argue about ######### things. But it does at least keep me from severely strangling people so yea.
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Me, I'd rather be playing the game. If I wasn't at work, that is what I'd be doing rather than posting. :)
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Cool story, bro. I'm waiting for a match AND posting. So. Yea. Um. Cool.
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My actual post is going to need approval but I realized I missed something..... SURVIVORS COMPLAIN MORE THEN KILLERS?!?!?! DID YOU REALLY SAY THAT?!?!?! I think somebody needs to go sit down and actually count how many posts on this forum are killers complaining and survivors complaining. Every time I came on here it's a killer complaining about the hatch, DS, Sprint burst, gen rushing, yada yada. I see maybe 2 or 3 out of the list as survivors complaining about lack of cosmetics or campers or tunneling. Not perks....
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There's a survivor handbook, there's not a killer handbook, theres a reason why that is thrown around so much, you cant win with survivors. You need to sit down. the amount of matches I play with survivor salt is to the point its expected after every match, killers not so much. You're delusional. But to each their own.There are daily multiple threads complaining about boo hoo tunneling and camping, survivors are now asking for DC penalties to stay gone, I can't. On that note survivors DC much more often than killers do.
So yeah survivors complain much more than killers do, and you cant convince me otherwise because I'm right :)
Well thats a little arrogant and hostile, but you'll have a hard time convincing me.
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I'm delusional? Wow. While yes I agree that survivors quit more and are salty, the amount of killers complaining about EVERY SINGLE SURVIVOR PERK literally outweighs the amount that survivors complain about. There is salt on both sides but I guarantee that killers complain so much more on the forum. I complain to my wife after being camped, but not often in here
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Don't tell me your wife is the killer? 😲
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Lol nah. We play survivors together
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At the time of writing this there are 2 killer sided complaints and 6 survivor ones one the first page of general discussions alone. These are just complaints not the ones asking questions or trying to have a discussion or bugs or anything. Yeah I'd say survivors complain more, about 3 times as much right now lol.
Mind you PH just got announced that he's getting looked at for "balance" if there was a time for killers to be complaining it would be now, yet there's more survivor threads.
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the one person who got it right
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survivor mistakes just matter less in the outcome of a match this will always be in the game so long as it stays 4v1 game
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Lol how about look at more then the first page. Most of those are just ones salty killers are telling them to screw off on. Over the few months I've been on the forums I've seen 30 different posts of DS complaints from killers with over 100 comments, 20 different complaints about the hatch with 100 comments each, 10 different posts about keys, 5 different posts about Morris, 20 posts about camping/tunneling (each), 15 different posts about 99'ing, 20 posts about DCing from both sides. And these are just the ones I remember the most. PH is op, as is and that's why they are changing him up. He is still new. The rest? They need to be worked on but BHVR refuses to except with minor tweaks here and there. So again. Both sides are salty but killers are bitchy more outwardly
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Well take it from someone who has been on the forum for over a year, not just a few months, you are incorrect and those numbers are really low for the survivors side so I think your confirmation bias is kicking in lol. PH is not op, most of the community agrees as indicated here
He might be strong but thats it, and strong is good. Whats next, DS is fine and doesn't need to be changed? or gen times are ok with the map design we have? Honestly.
If all you have are anecdotes, made up numbers, and nothing to show for it please stop. I've given you 2 measurements that you can view yourself, which considering the topic is more than enough when you've given me none.
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I guess if your SWF is all 500 hours and have the map landmarks memorized survivor is easier.
Otherwise, playing killer and knowing the survivor spawn algorithm is pretty easy...
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I mean solo survivor can be Incredible easy because you can be hard carried by your teammates 🤷♂️
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Weird thing then, I usually play solo sometimes a 2 man and we rarely lose.
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Hahaha I'm rank 1 as killer and survivor. Played as a killer is very stressful Vs swf, 1 vs 4, big maps, every 10 meters there are pallets... As a survivor I can do my homework and do a gen with 1 hand ...
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I knew totem spawns, gen locations all well before I even got 100 hrs in the game.
Same as the maps, they are not that difficult to memorise at all.
When you play survivor and you sit comfy at a gen and looking around.
You can allready lay out a plan.
Like i got a pallet there leading into a tl, overthere I got a jungle gym and overthere I got something else.
That is exactly how I play survivor, I lay out a plan to escape and loop the killer as long as possible.
As killer you have to do that on the fly 99% of the time.
You also have to keep pressure on 4 people, trying to get into their mind,etc.
So basically find a survivor, down a survivor, pick the survivor up, bring him to the hook and hook him and then do that another 11 more times.
As survivor it's a matter of doing 5 gens and waste time off the killer and not getting downed is a lot of time wasted on him.
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Exactly, survivor is easier, that's my point :)
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It's not hard in general as survivor tho.
Like just now I finished a game vs ghostface and went down just once after a long time.
He came straight back to me after unhook and we had a massive chase again.
All that time I wasted of him costs him 3 gens.
After that it was gg even though he got 1 because that guy got greedy.
I played solo and the rest of my team I can't say if they were swf
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Solo survivor is harder than killer. SWF is easy mode, you can rely on them not to DC or Suicide and get the right perks.
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Nah I would say that tbh.
As long as the rest of the team just do their tasks and aren't scared, I will manage my own.
A lot of time I see 2 survivors or more working on 1 gen.
The killer comes to them and all just disappear and only come back after a while.
If I'm working on a gen and i see the killer go after the other survivor, I'm back on the gen.
Even if the killer is like 10m away.
It's just a matter of learning the tiles and how to optimise them.
If possible even chain 2 or more loops into 1, especially if the killer doesn't break a pallet you can create an infinite loop.
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Killer is only easy if the survivors are potatoes.
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Please elaborate.
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Survivor is easier to play. You have teammates to rely on, and even when they suck they're at least wasting the killer's time.
Killer is much harder to play, more frustrating too. The game is simply designed to make you play scummy if you want to win/do well against survivors who just sit on gens.
The only positive to playing killer is that you cannot be taken out of the game prematurely.
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Well you are partially right. Playing with survivors at your skill level is way easier than killer, but bad matchmaking makes survivor about as frustrating as killer. Survivor is the easy role.
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God you arent very bright. That's how many different posts there were. They each had many comments and were the talk till either they were closed, forgotten, or came to a stalemate. But even in the survivor complaints, it was filled to the brim with entitled killers complaining about survivors and in the killers complaints the survivor are drowned, scoffed at, argued against, and just downright hated on. I spent many days on each of them countering both sides. So no. Those numbers are perfect in a rounded number for the last few months
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I had a dedicated group of red players and we talked on mic all the time. We communicated and we always did good. Till the killer would turn around and either tunnel, camp, morri or just play bubba and do all 3. So no. Playing survivors is only easy against potatoes killers. But that's highly unlikely as they have every capability to be cheap. Survivors are much harder to do that especially with the hit radius. To quote Ohmwrecker, "Ah! What's with those spaghetti arms?!"
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Calm down there butthole, I know that's what you were trying to say but as far as I'm concerned you pulled those numbers out your butt crack. I'm still not seeing anything I can go and check right now, which is what I told you to do if you can. Guess comprehending something so simple is beyond you and you don't have anything substantial. Just stories anyone can make up and a lot of bias. God your not very bright :)