how many of you like that you cant de-rank past 15?

just curious as to how many like this now. i personally dont cause im not the best dbd player as survivor/killer so i have stayed between rank 20 and 18 and not for a lack of trying to rank up but now with this update i get no lobbys at all as killer/survivor my bro is better than i am at this game and he was the one who told me about this not being able to de-rank past 15. am i the only one who wants them to remove this so that i and how many others can acually get lobbies and matches? honestly just curious if people do like it or not. obviously i dont like it


  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823

    Since your brother is better than you i guess his rank will be higher, can't you just swf with him? Guess the game would look for a higher rank killer giving you the chance to find a lobby earlier.
    As for the killer i'm not sure, how long do you wait?

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Alucardrx20 said:
    just curious as to how many like this now. i personally dont cause im not the best dbd player as survivor/killer so i have stayed between rank 20 and 18 and not for a lack of trying to rank up but now with this update i get no lobbys at all as killer/survivor my bro is better than i am at this game and he was the one who told me about this not being able to de-rank past 15. am i the only one who wants them to remove this so that i and how many others can acually get lobbies and matches? honestly just curious if people do like it or not. obviously i dont like it

    Its a horrible design, they removed 5 ranks from the ranking system and at the same time gave beginners and guys from a break a hard time finding games at all.
    It literally has no benefits because even a rank 18 killer can face 3 guys at rank 1 queueing with a rank 20 and bully that rank 18 killer

  • switch
    switch Member Posts: 489

    @Skorpanio said:

    @switch said:
    i like that ppl like noob or ochido or whatever... cant derank to bully new players for their montages.

    My dude, I accept OchiDO but noob wouldn't even escape a rank 40.

    pretty lame that they make viewes of that crap.
    I guess youtube kids seems to think that they are good which is even worse.

  • Skorpanio
    Skorpanio Member Posts: 605

    @switch said:

    pretty lame that they make viewes of that crap.
    I guess youtube kids seems to think that they are good which is even worse.

    I don't really get your logic.
    You call the one's watching them kids?
    And how do you know my age?
    I'm 16 yk.

  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273
    I like it. Less smurfing. They need to do it for Rank 10 as well. 
  • Someissues
    Someissues Member Posts: 1,604
    edited August 2018

    No, it's good for everyone, they need to make it so people can't derank past Rank 10, 15 is nothing

    but there needs to be Ranked Rewards, no point starying at Rank 1 over for 2 years, and Identity V has daily ranked rewards on launch...

  • Baphomett
    Baphomett Member Posts: 394
    I think the intent was solid, but the execution was terrible.  The end result is that new players are stuck in queue for ages, and when they finally do get a match ot almost always includes lower ranks anyway, either because of the SWF matching or because they sat in queue long enough that they were matches with 15s or lower.
  • Baphomett
    Baphomett Member Posts: 394
    If they fixed ranking, and swf matchmaking, then tiering the ranks by color and not allowing deranking would make a lot of sense.  Of course, the rank reset has never made sense to me...
  • switch
    switch Member Posts: 489

    @Skorpanio said:

    @switch said:

    pretty lame that they make viewes of that crap.
    I guess youtube kids seems to think that they are good which is even worse.

    I don't really get your logic.
    You call the one's watching them kids?
    And how do you know my age?
    I'm 16 yk.

    im talking about kids that try to imitate what he does in a video, and they fail very bad, i guess good laugh is always good.
    And yes you are a kid since you are under 18 by law, dont get it personal or as an offense since its not, you're just not over 18.

  • Judgement
    Judgement Member Posts: 955

    The lock-out of Rank 15-20 just turns the rest of the ranks into kiddie pools, especially when the game has a free weekend, is free to own like this month for PS+, or if it's on sale.
    I've had Rank 6-10 Survivors and Killers play like Rank 15s and worse because of this change. Now there's basically only 15 ranks in the game and just five ranks going missing makes a massive difference to all of the others.
    I've had Survivors who don't know how to pallet loop, Survivors who literally don't know how to run, and Survivors who hide behind thin and low obstacles thinking I don't see them.
    I've had Killers who vault windows even when it's faster to go around, Killers who don't know how to break pallets, and Killers who don't even know how to use their own power.
    On both ends? Disconnections galore.

    BHVR wanted to prevent people from deranking to noob zones to stomp? They just made new players storm into the ranks without even knowing the mechanics of the game properly.
    We're going to have newbies reaching the red ranks. We already have them reaching purples.
    BHVR didn't even attempt to prevent players between Rank 10 and 15 from being matched with players between 15 and 20. I was at Killer Rank 15 on PS4 and had a full lobby of Rank 19 and 20 Survivors.
    Killers and Survivors can easily derank down to 15 and still be able to reach the Rank 20 players.
    The devs didn't think this through at all.

  • AmorePrincess
    AmorePrincess Member Posts: 220
    I am rank 1, and notice a big quality change in the fellow players, both sides. But for me, it is no big deal.

    But as someone who has a group of friends that I recruited, they have a really hard time. At first, it was finding a lobby, but later that they ranked too fast. Now they get lobbies in higher ranks than their skill level is at. We all know there is a huge difference between players who have spent time on this game, and the new ones. They play with killers that has skills that they are yet to learn. And the killers dont think its funny either. It is just sad that they didnt get to have that learning curve that the rest had, and that they feel like its not a game the can enjoy. 

    Me, I love it too much, and will keep playing for as long as the game is alive, but I can understand new players, because I remember when I started, heard a heartbeat and just kept running and dropping palets even when the killer chased someone else, haha.
  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    Like it? I proposed it for months!
    People used to depip to bully new players. Mission accomplished.

    Now they need to adjust the matchmaking. So a SWF group isn't matched for the lowest rank.
    They could also introduce a checkbox where new players are free to choose if they want to be matched with higher ranks, when the game doesn't find other players of their rank.
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Skorpanio said:

    @switch said:

    pretty lame that they make viewes of that crap.
    I guess youtube kids seems to think that they are good which is even worse.

    I don't really get your logic.
    You call the one's watching them kids?
    And how do you know my age?
    I'm 16 yk.

    That makes you a kid indeed. Btw, isnt DBD rated for 18+.....? :wink:

  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061
    Ochido is by far the biggest bad influence this game has to fellow players. The fact that he brags about it and says some disgusting things too just highlights the problem that he is/was when he has his army of duds behind him. You are duds, fake, not real players of the game. Learn some basic respect towards fellow players or face the upcoming ban hammer.🔨
  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    If you are rank 11 or lower you will still be reset to 15 and 2 pips minimum on the 13th. But I think the old rank resets were better. Since you'll have mixed lobbys new players might pick up a thing or two and adds a bit of variety to the game. Plus if were a high rank it will not take you long to rank back up again. And then there's a thrill of grind too

  • Alucardrx20
    Alucardrx20 Member Posts: 42

    @AshleyWB said:
    Ochido is by far the biggest bad influence this game has to fellow players. The fact that he brags about it and says some disgusting things too just highlights the problem that he is/was when he has his army of duds behind him. You are duds, fake, not real players of the game. Learn some basic respect towards fellow players or face the upcoming ban hammer.🔨

    from what i have heard not shure if its true but supposedly he was banned off this game on pc and xbox so he is playing it on ps4 now. again not shure if this is true its what i heard

  • Nightmare247
    Nightmare247 Member Posts: 187

    I am more than okay with the DeRank system now. Newer and less skilled players need a buffer zone to learn the game. Level 20 have a hard time finding matches so maybe 20 need to scan for 20-18 level players. That should increase the wait time.

    There is also no reason someone who made it to rank 1 should ever be 20-15 again even with the ease it takes to get there because they are better players than 20-18...some arguably better than 15.

  • billynair
    billynair Member Posts: 78

    @switch said:
    i like that ppl like noob or ochido or whatever... cant derank to bully new players for their montages.

    And this is also for those who think he is banned on certain platforms. He makes money playing DBD (more specifically Streaming/Editing his games) so, he is not going to just give that up. He just plays the H#CK out of one account, gets banned, uses $20 from the $thousands he made with that account to buy another version of DBD and signs up for another account. Bans dont phase him, adds another 10 minutes of work for him and does nothing to help further the game. Once him and his minions murder this game, they will move to others. They only care about views dungivafuh about anyone or any game, just views

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    Yea, I like it but think it should be stricter.

    The sheer amount of people on this forum I've seen admit they derank to play in the "fun" ranks. Killers & Survivors alike.

    The thing is it's "fun" because they're bullying either side and it's stupid af.

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142
    edited October 2018

    @SenzuDuck said:
    Yea, I like it but think it should be stricter.

    The sheer amount of people on this forum I've seen admit they derank to play in the "fun" ranks. Killers & Survivors alike.

    The thing is it's "fun" because they're bullying either side and it's stupid af.

    But this happens in any PvP game. If you couldn't derank here as easily, they would just wait for a sale and buy a new copy of the game. The skilled players won't need the Perk slots to bully new players.

    Hell, I'm surprised Behavior didn't make buying a second or third account more needed. Plus the extra DLC purchases for the associated characters. And those who like to bully the low ranks, even Streamers, would spend the money, too. They always do.

    The way Overwatch is set-up, people buy smurf accounts left and right on the 50% sales (or the recent $12 Humble Bundle subscription that included Overwatch) and use smurf accounts to bully lower ranked players enough that it's bitched about constantly on the forums.

    And Blizzard just keeps bringing in the money and touting the "copies sold" like it means something. But the main point is: They weren't stupid with that set-up, and keep raking in the money and marketing the copies sold. When people hear "45 million copies sold," they usually think it's the popular thing and want to jump in, too. Never mind that it isn't actually "45 million unique players."

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104
    edited October 2018
    Yea play with people on your level. What your doing is a scum move. Your deranking so you can play against brand new players don't talk about match making I myself am a rank 1 killer and it usually takes me about 2 minutes for a lobby to form. My brother plays in rank 13 and its even faster for him. This is for both killer and survivor. You just want ez games. As for not getting lobbies because of the derank cap blame yourself for wanting ez games. All I can say is enjoy waiting for lobbies.
  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,858

    It's a good thing. 15 is the new 20. Rank 20-16 is like preschool and kindergarten. 15 is elementary school. 14-10 is middle school. 9-5 is high school and 4-1 is college.

  • Grimbergoth
    Grimbergoth Member Posts: 293

    @Dreamnomad said:
    It's a good thing. 15 is the new 20. Rank 20-16 is like preschool and kindergarten. 15 is elementary school. 14-10 is middle school. 9-5 is high school and 4-1 is college.

    only problem with that is watch most of the streamers playing in the 10-15 ranks with p3 survivors or killers and a account level of 80+ . they de rank so they can show their "skill" . And the playerbase isn't any different , personally I would say lock it every 5 levels until rank reset . this would stop people from trolling the lower ranks . also they need to make ranking harder to gain so it actually means something .

  • Eninya
    Eninya Member Posts: 1,256
    edited October 2018

    This was a bad idea.

    New players to the game experience long queues because the amount of other players still "trapped" below rank 15 is tiny. Anyone that breaks it will forever be outside of it. After a 3-4 month break, it took me a ton of 15-30 minute queues from ~rank 18 or 17 to get to 15 and back to instant queues, since the system change happened during the time I wasn't playing.

    This is also bad for better players, since you're now forced to grind with people that should've decayed and gotten rusty, or never should've even left the lowest ranks while learning the game.

    A third notion of why this is bad is that the metric for ranks are useless, and rank itself is arbitrary and only a sign of mild attrition on behalf of the player. I've gotten idiots in rank 1 a ton, and Emblem ensures that they never down rank.

    Even worse so is that there's still no incentive to even rank up. What is there at rank 1? SWF hit squads for survivors, where the RNG on your Ruin location and the map loop RNG are the most important factors, and way more important than your skill; and then survivors it's facing like 2 killers in the roster over and over, so if you're a random player it's worse than any experience F13 could've offered.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    I feel a bit sad for those who are stuck there cause everyone else nearby got past rank 15.
    They might have the skill to get to a higher rank, but once they've lost too much on low ranks, everyone else nearby will have moved on.
    Only emptiness or high-ping players remain for them.
    And even if they don't have the skill, they can't exactly train to gain more skill either, cause you know: No one's there.

    There's probably no one who currently has this issue though.
    Still, it'll possible to occur at some point, and i find it quite unfair for them and find it unfair that it's a thing the devs made just cause it will only happen to a very small amount of people.

    I'm hoping to see discussions here at some point about complaining that no one's there to play at their low ranks.
    There's gotta be a better way to get rank 1 players and 100+ hours players out of low ranks.

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    Don't care really

  • VolantConch1719
    VolantConch1719 Member Posts: 1,213

    On Paper: This is ideal. The more skilled players can't bully new players, and as such, they will be able to keep those new players.

    Execution: Horrible. I have run into MORE toxic, Prestige 3, t-bagging, flashlight-clicking, DSing, Pallet camping Claudettes than I ever have in those ranks, because I didn't play much and was stuck behind when the update happened. I have been stuck in queues for almost half an hour for games that last barely five minutes.

    So... I'm not impressed. At all.

  • Rosenregen
    Rosenregen Member Posts: 3

    I wouldn't really mind about being unable to de-rank past 15 if I didn't wanna try out other killers every once in a while. Really, I'm pretty good when playing the Hag or the Spirit but I totally suck at... pretty much all other killers :D I wish I could try them out on higher ranks because with those killers I'm just as much of a noob as a rank 20 killer... So that's pretty sad for me, personally, especially since I was trying to get the Platinum trophy.

  • DeadByFlashlight
    DeadByFlashlight Member Posts: 1,642

    @switch said:
    i like that ppl like noob or ochido or whatever... cant derank to bully new players for their montages.

    They still can, simply pick a random rank 20 survivor from stream and voila. There are plenty of sheeps willing to do that, you can bet on that.