Controversial: If survivors "tunnel gens" is it fair for the killer to tunnel survivors?

Everyone knows about the survivors that get off the hook and run immediately to the gen while protected by DS, wanting to take that generator out of the game as fast as possible without wasting time healing.

I'm getting a lot of survivors recently too that sit on the gen in your face, they take a hit, pop the gen right in your face and they'll take the second hit as a trade just to rush the generator out of the game.

Is the killer really the bad guy for tunneling survivors in games like these?

Food for thought.

Personally when I play survivor I try to be optimal on gens but I also like to try and survivor so my priority after an unhook is to heal in some way. At most I may tap a regressing generator but that's it.



  • TheCrookedMan
    TheCrookedMan Member Posts: 282

    Yes but the risk is FAR greater than the reword. While all the other survivors are doing gens you're chasing just the one.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    I do feel like when you hit a survivor and they’re in that speed burst period, they shouldn’t be able to repair a gen. Maybe that’s just me though . Delay should just be long enough for the killer weapon wipe.

  • MrPeterPFL
    MrPeterPFL Member Posts: 636

    What should a survivor be doing then?

  • hagling
    hagling Member Posts: 279

    imagine facecamping a gen in 2020.. yikes. 👀

  • Falkner09
    Falkner09 Member Posts: 373

    I propose a rework to overcharge. When the killer kicks a gen, he receives a skill check, and if successful, the gen gets "overcharged" for 60 seconds, and the next survivor to touch it during that time gets instantly downed. This can be used 4 times per game, to match the 4 DS strikes possible per game.

    There would be no indication the perk is in game, and Any survivor who doesn't like it has the option of not tunnelling gens.

    I've proposed this quite a lot, always to the rage and fury of survivors in forums. Yet now we have Dragon's grip, which is a weaker version of my suggestion that isn't the direct equivalent of DS I designed. It doesn't last as long, and also requires the killer to have the skill to catch you with a basic attack before the times runs out and stay close enough to that gen to take advantage, with a longer cooldown to boot. Kind of makes you wonder why DS can't get those limitations, huh?

  • UMCorian
    UMCorian Member Posts: 531
    edited September 2020

    I really don't get these threads. If you wanna tunnel survivors, tunnel survivors. If you wanna "tunnel gens" (lol?), tunnel gens. If you want to hook someone put 2 traps down next to them and sit their spamming M1 on them, go for it. Happened to me yesterday. I don't run meta perks, I run Kindred... all he did was show the other 3 survivors where he was for 2 minutes... they just finished the remaining gens and left and 2 of the 3 taunted the killer after the game. Killer rubbed in that he killed me, all I said was "gg wp!"

    I consider it a win.

  • Dwinchester
    Dwinchester Member Posts: 961

    I had the misfortune of playing on a really tough region, so I was playing rank 1 death squads from rank 9, and this was not a blue moon occurrence, it was 7 out of 10.

    Trust me when I tell you I've been gen rushed 6 ways from Sunday, no matter how much pressure I applied.

    When you've got a combined 10k hour team with toolboxes, brand new parts, prove thyself, ds, and dead hard, you will understand the true nature of the gen rush.

    That would be a pretty nice qol change. Maybe that and a 5% regression upon kicking.

  • Avarice10
    Avarice10 Member Posts: 482

    Gen rushing is such a stupid term, survivors are doing their one and only objective to escape the trial. If they don't do gens, and the match takes too long, they're going to die.

    It's like if survivors started saying if it's alright for survivors to be toxic if Killers kill rush?

  • hillbillyclaudmain69
    hillbillyclaudmain69 Member Posts: 1,528

    How are there tools to stop tunneling that killers dont have to stop gens? There's ds, but theres also pop, surge, ruin, and dying light.

  • DrJohn
    DrJohn Member Posts: 223

    It's entirely fair to tunnel survivors regardless of the circumstance. Not really fun for the survivor but it is fair. Though you'll probably lose the other three survivors if the the survivor being tunneled is halfway decent at the game.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077


    When I started a few days ago, I went in expecting to have fun. I'm now loitering between ranks 12 and 14, depending on how many stompcomps I face in a row - who are all, essentially without fail, extremely BM.

    I was never like this when I started - but now, I play to win. The second I see or smell an SWF, I'm going to camp, tunnel and otherwise be obnoxious.

    Well done, all.

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    Post that let you know the OP isn't regularly playing both sides...

  • Dwinchester
    Dwinchester Member Posts: 961

    Ds, dh, unbreakable, bt all extend chases. Pop needs hooks, which are hard to get on a rush, ruin is craptastic because its unreliable, dying light is a joke that requires a ton of hooks. Surge is a decent option, but again, requires a down and has a ridiculous cooldown.

    Literally the only counter to gen rush that killers ever had was old ruin, and we all know how that went. Everything else is about late game snowballing.

  • Thasard
    Thasard Member Posts: 268

    We have very little to do in this game outside of generators. If you're not applying pressure, the gen rush is going to happen. Like it's as simple as that. Take off your NoEd and actually give you a perk that benefits you throughout the game, not just on the last 5 minutes to save a truly shite game.

    I had a game last night where the killer dedicated himself to one survivor who just completely outplayed him. We got 2 gens done. But the chase continued. Somehow we all got on a gen and between the time he downed that 1 survivor and hooked him, gens 3, 4, and 5 popped.

    The biggest thing a killer has to learn is when to give up on a chase.

  • DariusB92
    DariusB92 Member Posts: 122

    Hated doing it and hate it done to me but all these sfws got me doing the same.

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    What are survivors supposed to do when the killer isnt on them and totems are cleansed or being cleansed by another.

    Food for thought.

  • hillbillyclaudmain69
    hillbillyclaudmain69 Member Posts: 1,528

    Old ruin needs to be brought back. But pop, dying light, and surge, you should have to work for them. If youre a good killer then those are good perks.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Not talking about survivors doing gens. That’s not an issue, that’s their objective.

    See the examples in my post. Survivors taking a hit then finishing the gen in the killers face while they wipe their weapon etc seems pretty hardcore just to get rid of the gen no? Could have run and had a chase.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    I seen this too I do feel killers should get some kind of ds for gens I seen survivors on gen all run but one I hit them they still on gen like I didn't hit them and gen pops then down them.

    gen anyway go to fast after one chase 2 or 3 gens are done.

  • IIITweedleIII
    IIITweedleIII Member Posts: 969

    Imagine if a survivor that has DS protection and if they rush to a gen or even something of the effect. It negated by reversing another Gen's progress. Or made a working Gen all a sudden burst to 75% at half the rate of progress to get it working again which has to make a survivor have to REfix it all again. This penalizes DS GenRushing 🤔

    An idea that'll never happen but worth a thought 🥴

  • Kikki
    Kikki Member Posts: 536

    Simply no.

    You as a Killer want to do your objectives too and of the Survivor Gen rush then why not tunneling? I mean there are thing lile DS to counter it.

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    I mean why would they take an unnecessary chase instead of finishing a gen.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    Tunneling is fair, it's a made up "violation". There's nothing unsportsmanlike about chasing injured survivors over healthy ones or chasing someone who's already been hooked over someone who hasn't to get a kill more quickly. The killer is not the bad guy when they "tunnel".

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    if they rush down their objective, so will i.

    "off the hook and on the gen, you are ready for the hook again" - i like that phrase. and i play accordingly.

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    Because taking a hit and completing a gen isnt the same as being deleted in 2 minutes. You are are different clicky rip

  • IIITweedleIII
    IIITweedleIII Member Posts: 969

    Too true.

    All apex predatorial animals focus on the injured/weaken state prey. That prey doesn't get to complain that it was targeted and ended.

    The only difference is emotionally humans are driven to do whatever it takes to get to their goal. And the flaw is if it is not going their way, an emotional outburst happens. Whatever emotion controls the situation.

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    Dont let me find a post about you complaining about survivors gen rushing with that mindset.

  • skarsguts
    skarsguts Member Posts: 179

    Gen rushing doesn't exist. Am I supposed to just walk around and let you hit me me, avoiding my one objective besides totems?

    Generators = survivor's objective.

    Tunneling = you're just scummy.

  • TheWarNung
    TheWarNung Member Posts: 794

    In my experience, if a survivor fresh off the hook jumps right back on a gen they want you to grab them so they can DS you. Go for a lunge instead and slug em. If the have UnbreakaBill then they have it. At least you'll make them use it early rather than later on when it might have more value.

  • siren_sorceress
    siren_sorceress Member Posts: 321

    Yeah killers totally dont have slow down perks for gens, and perks, add ons and powers for kill rushing survivors. Ffs it's like killer mains dont even actually play the game.

  • siren_sorceress
    siren_sorceress Member Posts: 321

    Unbreakable doesnt extend chase unless you're dumb enough to slug or tunnel. Dont like bt? Grab them off the hook or hit them down before and after they unhook. It's actually that simple.

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    Slugging is a near requirement against most good teams, and telling me to "don't slug" against unbreakable is telling me to lose the game. I don't think unbreakable is OP, just badly designed. Borrowed time is a fair perk though.

  • SoylentPixie
    SoylentPixie Member Posts: 1,192

    If you want to tunnel, then tunnel. I find it weird that the majority of killers (and to some extent i agree with this) say that you should play how you want to play regardless of complaints, and then make threads like these to try and justify it. You don't need a silly excuse to tunnel, it is part of the game. Is it fun? Heck no, but we've already established why that is a moot point if you are the type to tunnel.

    These silly definitions baffle me. Stop telling each other how to play, your rule book does not contain actual rules.

    Survivors, you may not like getting tunneled, but it's here to stay regardless of whether you like it or not.

    Killers, sometimes survivors get as much out of getting that last two seconds of a gen done in your face as they will in a chase. It's that "F**k it, i'm commiting moment"

    Stop telling your own sides to play how they want while making up silly rules or declaring "If they use this, i can use that"

    Use what you damn well like as long as its part of the game. And if the other side don't like it, just turn off the chat and keep doing you. It's got to be easier than this eternal and often hypocritical debate that comes up for every part of the game.

  • Neamy
    Neamy Member Posts: 359

    I had a lorrie last night that jumped into a locker immediately after being unhooked. I Was huntress, stared at the locker for a sec turned around to leave, as I crossed the doorframe I turned around and landed a hatchet right as she came out of it. Then left her for a bit, I chuckled to myself

  • Dwinchester
    Dwinchester Member Posts: 961

    And what work are survivors putting in on the meta and the gen rush? That's the problem with this game and why killer is so stressful, killer is expected to work for absolutely everything, and survivors are given everything for free.

    I want dead hard to have a condition like "after successfully evading a killer, recieve one token", and ds should be "after safely unhooking a survivor, ds activates on your next unhook."

  • Dwinchester
    Dwinchester Member Posts: 961

    Against a quality survivor team, you'll never get a chance to use them, and they're so ineffective that they barely make the game playable. You shouldn't need two perks just to make the game work right.

    Ah the mindset of a green rank killer. Yeah, good luck with that in red ranks.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430
    edited September 2020

    Tunnel by definition means what it means “You focus on one player ignoring the other 3”. Just because the game allows you to do it, doesn’t take away the meaning of it.

    I don’t know about tunneling a gen, since you can’t technically chase it.

    You have free will as to how YOU want to play. Just don’t be one of those DS crybabies that want tools like DS, nerfed but want to have this free will of tunneling whenever the opportunity arises. I say opportunity because I realize some people don’t tunnel, but the fact that the game allows you to do it means DS is fair game.

    Because just as sometimes it is necessary to tunnel, it is sometimes necessary to prioritize a heal over a gen. Any smart survivor knows this.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    A killer tunneling or slugging is way more effective than survivors genrushing. Now, if the killer is not good at mindgaming and he is ran for a long enough chase then the gens can be rushed. But if a couple are a slugged, then it is downhill fast as the others switch into altruism mode. Most sluggers spot the 3rd one, because it is so easy to see survivors on maps, and with an abundance of perks such as Infectious Freight, all four will soon be down. If they do not all go down, the team is demoralized enough that usually it is not long until it is over. I see a repetition and most experienced killers exploit it without end.

    Tunneling is a stronger strategy than genrushing because it guarantees a couple are dead, but most of time more are dead.

    So...whether it is fair or not is not even the question. It is up to the devs to balance their game so everyone has a fair shot at winning no matter what the other side does. And I believe this is in the form of re-buffing survivors. Re-buffing survivor perks, reworking maps so there is no dead zones, adding back some missing pallets, and making maps more difficult to see so it feels more horror-themed instead of battle royal.

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,951
    edited September 2020

    What are these wonderful tools that stop The Killer from tunneling? There is nothing that stops The Killer from tunneling. You can use Decisive Strike, Borrowed Time, Unbreakable, Soul Guard, Head-on, flashlight save, pallet stun and The Killer will still tunnel you relentlessly.

    As far as tunneling generators is concerned, that doesn't make sense. The Killer can regress a survivor's investment in a generator. There is no mechanic or perk that can undo hook States. So it's not like if you ignore a Survivor for so long, that previous Hook is invalidated. On the other hand, a generator at 99% can regress all the way to zero. So it makes sense that a Survivor would want to protect their investment.

    With that said, tunnel to your heart's content. It's not against the rules, you're free to tunnel and slug anyone but just remember that sometimes people may be prepared for those moments.

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246


    Killers are players same as survivors are, when people rush gens you do rush kills and the dirtier it gets. It basicly depends on how the survivors pressure the objective, if they do not hammer gens there is no need to tunnel or to deny unhooks.

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    So if I chase anyone, I'm tunneling, even if it isn't the unhooked survivor, because I am focusing on one player and not the other 3?

  • Hi, I play both survivor and killer unlike some. It's not fair to tunnel someone on purpose though, for example, if someone is saved off-hook and you see the survivor that saved them go after them it's not that hard but if you only see the dude you hooked already well too bad they should've run or hidden better. And to those who can't handle a gen rush get better perks, be ready for end game then, use No end and slug everyone 4k right there, its not that hard to play fair.

  • Dwinchester
    Dwinchester Member Posts: 961

    If you tunnel through all of those, you lose. Survivors have this idea that they are one, but they are in fact 25% of one. If one dies and three get out, that's a win.

    Every one of those perks denies a hook state. If a killer has you, and you dead hard to a pallet, you just regressed his investment in that chase. So no, you cant undo a hook state any more than killer can undo a finished gen.

    Kind of pathetic for survivors to have comms, at least my pathetic thing is actually part of the game and not a 3rd party app.