Decisive strike punishes fairplay more than tunnelling


Not going to write a 2k+ word essay why is it like that, just going to aks one question:

What is better:

Perform 1 chase against healthy survivor and 3 chases against same injured survivor to achieve a kill


Chase a healthy survivor every time you start a chase?

Even if you chase 2 same survivors one after another and again, you still are less efficient than chasing the same survivor and occasionally apply pressure to others when that survivor is hooked and returning to them once they are unhooked.

I'm not even talking about situations where "fairplay" brings you to a situation where a survivors who had DS till endgame just crawls with it in the exit gates without any chance for you to counter that, unless you happen to bring in a mori.


  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,205
    1. Chase healthy survivor1 -> hit -> survivor1 uses exhaustion ->down -> hook
    2. Chase healthy survivor1 -> hit -> survivor1 uses exhaustion . Chase healthy survivor2 -> hit -> survivor2 uses exhaustion. Chase injured survivor1 -> survivor1 uses exhaustion. The chain goes forever.

    1st choice is probably more effective. Obviously.

    1. Hook survivor1 -> unhooked -> down survivor1 -> get DS -> (late game) -> down survivor1 -> hook
    2. Hook survivor1 -> unhooked -> hit survivor2 -> (late game) -> down survivor1 -> get DS

    Look at the order of Get DS and Late game, 1st choice is also more effective.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,424

    It depends on the skill of the player.

    If you are trying to take out the first survivor you hook who happens to be their best runner, simply because they have less hooks to account for, you are throwing the game... and a 1k is most likely in your future.

    Tunneling for the most part isn’t the most effective strat, just because someone is injured.

  • Fog_King
    Fog_King Member Posts: 688

    So, if I understood what you mean, it's easier to go for the same survivor that was just unhooked and is hurt, than chasing a healthy survivor. Well, that is true, since you only need to hit the hurt survivor once and they go down again.

    Now, that is what tunneling is, going after the same surviving that was just unhooked, not giving them a chance to even heal themselves and that is why DS exists. And it makes no sense that it is fairplay for the killer to do that and then complain that the survivor had DS. If there are other targets near and you choose to go for the same survivor that was just unhooked, that is your choice.

    I rarely use DS when playing survivor, but I especially hate when I was just unhooked, there are like two people near healing me and the killer ignores them, goes for me, downs me, hooks me again. I get saved, someone is near, repeat, I'm dead. That is not fair and that is not fun either.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Uh... Huh? You do know that the best play is to down the unhooked survivor and chase the unhooker, yeah? Free map pressure + instant chase, as opposed to wasting your time giving 2 people 4 free gens and 1 person a couple of unhooks and a free gen.

  • Justalittlepeeck
    Justalittlepeeck Member Posts: 1,101

    If I can down the unhooker for free (aka bt trade) then I won't refuse to. Although if I were to choose between chasing healthy unhooker/injured unhooked survivor, the choice is obvious, even if I have to power through BT/DS.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    So... Even if you have to waste more time and have zero map pressure, you think that it's the right play?

  • Justalittlepeeck
    Justalittlepeeck Member Posts: 1,101

    I'm not going to waste more time if I'm choosing between a healthy survivor who hasn't been hooked yet and an injured survivor who has been hooked at least once

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    My favorite is when I'm playing so well that I literally don't even remember hooking the guy and I get DS'd. Really gives me that Gob bluth "hello darkness my old friend" feeling.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    I mea... Yes, yes you are wasting time. If you're chasing someone who has DS and BT, you have no map pressure. It still takes 2 hits to down them, and they still have DS. And you. Still have. No pressure. Even if they don't have DS, everything else I just pointed out still applies. You. Have. No. Pressure. On. The. Team. Seriously, if you see two survivors, one of them an instadown, the wrong play is to hook them. Doesn't matter how many hook states they have. How much time are you going to waste even if they don't have DS? 10 seconds? 20? How much distance is that? How much gen time for the other two?

    I honestly don't get it. If I tunnel someone, I lose. Hands down. The gens just get done and I wasted my own time.

  • Entity_Lich94
    Entity_Lich94 Member Posts: 320

    Well alot of the time its alot less beneficial to go after the same survivor over and over again until they are dead rather than spreading the pressure out to all of them and keeping survivors busy and off of generators.

    Just focusing on one guy isnt very fun to go against or really helps you much as killer and while I agree decisive can be a pain in certain situations ( mainly end game), I think the game would be alot worse without it

  • Awakey
    Awakey Member Posts: 3,145

    I don't understand what's so hard about: Just eat the DS.

  • BOT_Ethan
    BOT_Ethan Member Posts: 29

    I don't know the rules of BotB, but I watched another match KiraraCUP in Japan. Killers pick maps, points deducted for bringing certain perks/add-ons for both killers and survivors to balance the games. And the most important thing is that win/loss was calculated by points, so rushing gens while someone is camped and earn a lot of points is rewarding while escape is the one of the most important things during daily games and affects your rank.